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发表于 2007-7-19 11:03:00 | 只看该作者


Inter takes full ownership of Pedrelli
Wednesday, 18 July 2007 20:10:58
MILAN - The day after his first-team debut in the friendly match against the Chinese Olympic team, Simone Pedrelli has another reason to celebrate. Inter have now taken full ownership of the young left-sided midfielder (born in 1988) who joined the Nerazzurri's academy on loan from Spezia in January. Pedrelli's performances in the second half of Inter Primavera's title-winning season have earned him a four-year contract until 30 June 2011.

Luca Ceccarelli, born in 1983, joins Serie B outfit Spezia on loan after his season-long loan at Serie C side Lucchese. The co-ownership of the player between Inter and AC Milan has been renewed.



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-19 11:03:57编辑过]
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发表于 2007-7-19 10:55:00 | 只看该作者


Store.inter.it: 1080 shirts sold in 36 hours
Wednesday, 18 July 2007 17:27:54
MILAN - Numbers, not words, to describe the resounding success of F.C. Internazionale's new look online shop - store.inter.it.

Accessible through the Inter's official site, store.inter.it was officially opened at 20:00 on Friday 13 July. During the countdown to the launch there were 92,234 visits to the site, with a traffic count of 30,509 during the first three days of business.

Managed in collaboration with leading online merchandising firm Epi srl, store.inter.it offers a complete range of official Inter products, provides real time secure payment processing, and delivers goods fast. Add the crisp new design and high usability, it is easy to explain the new store's success.

store.inter.it stats for first three days of business:

- over 400,000 page impressions

- an average of 600 new registered users every 24 hours

- 601 orders for total sales of over 54,000 euros (average of 90 euros spent per registered user)

- 1080 Nike centenary shirts sold in 36 hours

- most orders from Italy, followed by United States, Sweden and Switzerland


  Store.inter.it可以从国际米兰官方网站直接到达,它是在当地时间7月13日(周五)20:00正式开通的。在开通倒计时的一段时间内,共有92,234人光顾了该网站,而在前3天内,共有30,509人访问。Store.inter.it与名列前茅的在线购物公司Epi srl合作,这里提供了所有的国际米兰官方商品,以及实时安全支付过程,并快速邮寄商品。最新的设计和高度可用性很容易解释新商店的成功。







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发表于 2007-7-19 10:33:00 | 只看该作者


Jimenez, Rivas complete Inter moves
Wednesday, 18 July 2007 12:51:56
MILAN - F.C. Internazionale registered the contracts of new players Luis Antonio Jimenez and Nelson Enrique Lopez Rivas at the Italian Football League's offices on Wednesday morning.

Chilean midfielder Jimenez joins Inter on a loan deal from Ternana. Inter have an option for full ownership of the player, who has signed a one-year contract with an option for three more seasons (until 30 June 2011).

Colombian defender Rivas, who played for River Plate in Argentina last season, has put pen to paper on a four-year contract until 30 June 2011.

Both players, already at work with Roberto Mancini's squad, were unveiled to the press in Brunico this morning after the first of today's two training sessions.



哥伦比亚后卫里瓦斯上赛季效力于阿根廷河床队,他与俱乐部签订了4年的合同,合同期到2011年6月30日。这名后卫1982年3月25日出生于哥伦比亚普拉德拉(Pradera),在国际米兰亮相时,他表现出了决心和谦恭,他相信自己的决定,做好了回报俱乐部对他的信心的准备。里瓦斯曾经效力于其祖国的卡利竞技(Deportivo Cali)、帕斯托(Pasto)和多利马队(Dolima),随后加盟了河床。他与国际米兰签订了4年的合同。


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-19 10:50:43编辑过]
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发表于 2007-7-18 11:24:00 | 只看该作者








“是的, 我在6月带他去过诺坎普。他3场比赛进了8个球,大家都很喜欢他,但国籍问题阻碍,巴塞罗那没能签下他。这一段时间,还有切尔西,利物浦,热刺曾经打听过他,但是去英格兰的麻烦更多。在意大利,佛罗伦萨很希望得到他。”









我们也有super mario

“super,super,super……mario,goal goal……”从国际米兰青年队的赛场上传来这样的声音,注意,这不是德国某赛场,或者卡塔尔赛场,而是意大利的赛场上,进球的不是德国的那个super mario,而是我们青年队的super mario,就是那个Mario Barwuah Balotelli

有人要问了,Mario Balotelli Barwuah,这是什么鸟?我不认识,看官你别急,让偶先给说几个数据来看看。1990年8月12日出生在意大利palermo,在意大利bresia的一家庭收养了二年。5岁在意大利bresia接受足球训练。15岁零7个月登陆上了职业足球的舞台,创造了意大利职业联赛的历史记录。17岁身高1.88米,06年11月12日-07年1月28日,连续八场进球,合计十三球,本赛季国际米兰青年队24场联赛中进18球。如果这些数据还不够的话,你可以去http://www.mariobalotelli.it/查一下,一个16岁的球员竟然有自己的官方网站,东西还挺丰富。如果你仔细看新闻的话,会发现我们的小神塔,瑞典的司机,很难打上主力,基本在替补席把板凳搞热了,自豪所以会发生这样的情况主要就是由于这位17岁的天才的横空出世,将他硬生生的打到了替补席上去鸟。



1990年8月12日,意大利palermo,祖籍非洲加纳的Mario出生了,并没有什么活佛祥云护法陪送之类的新闻,现在这位被意大利媒体称呼为“phenom(美国俚语,优秀的人)”和“whiz kid(神童)”的他安安静静的来到了人世。

由于是父母都是非洲的侨民,小mario虽然出生在意大利,但是无法获得意大利的国籍,每隔二年就必须去意大利当地的警察部门作为外来人口进行登记。mario的养母Silvia Balotelli回忆起当年的情况时,说了这样一句话,每次我从警察局出来以后就感觉mario好象昨天才到意大利一样,但是这些事情都是发生在1992年2月5日之后。

因为之前他都被收养在Bresia省的一个意大利家庭中,Silvia Balotelli和丈夫以及三个孩子住在距离Bresia不远的一个地方,mario之所以会被意大利家庭收养了二年,主要是为了他的将来进行考虑,因为被意大利家庭所收养一段时间以后他就会获得意大利国籍,完全享受意大利孩子的待遇,完全享受欧盟内部的各种便利条件,出于此,mario的父母把他送到我们家庭寄养。



五岁那年,mario第一次接触到足球就深深的被那黑白相间的图案所吸引,进入了società dell’oratorio parrocchiale di Mompiano学院学习足球,在那里他的足球天赋被充分的挖掘了出来,非洲人独特的身体素质,特有的柔韧性,出色的爆发力,做为射手那明锐的门前感觉,明显的比同年龄段的孩子高出一截的水平的他,被丙一联赛俱乐部A.C LUMEZZANE(卢梅扎内俱乐部)的球探发掘,在mario12岁的时候就与他签定了一份合同。

足球生涯上的一帆风顺,并不代表着生活上的顺利,就好比中国的一句话,情场得意,那赌场多数会失意的道理一样,一得必有一失,因为自小被亲生父母送给了意大利家庭寄养,他一直被称呼为Mario Balotelli,而忽略了他家族的姓,因此他决定在他的名字后面添加本姓Barwuah,一个典型的非洲名。



Corrado在接受意大利媒体Tutto Mercato Web的采访的时候说道:“就在国际米兰将他引进的之前,欧洲另外一家豪门俱乐部barca也打听到意大利有这一位神童的存在,因为mario曾经在Nou Camp参加过一些比赛,他在三场比赛里打入了八球,barca的球探对他非常关注,西班牙人对挖掘神童的工作是百折不饶的,现在阿根廷的神童messi,还是另外一个墨西哥神童santos都效力于barca,但由于他的国籍问题而放弃了引进工作,虽然,并且还有英国的球队例如Chelsea, Liverpool还有Tottenham都是因为他的国籍问题同样放弃。”


未来:to be continued


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-18 10:55:00 | 只看该作者

18 July 1942: Giacinto forever

18 July 1942

Giacinto forever


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发表于 2007-7-18 10:23:00 | 只看该作者


Join the Inter community on Second Life
Tuesday, 17 July 2007 16:59:14
MILAN - F.C. Internazionale is the first football club to have an official island on Second Life, the virtual community of over eight million users that is believed to be one of the most advanced models of communication on the internet.

How to join Second Life?

It's simple. Register to create your character and download the free software. Once inside Second Life, you can visit a virtual reconstruction of Inter's via Durini headquarters and admire the building's sixteenth-century frescoes, 'touch' Inter's trophies in the trophy room, wear the specially designed shirt for our centenary season, and visit a brand new stadium.

In continuous evolution, the Nerazzurri's Second Life island will soon be enriched with motorcycles, cars, gifts and furniture - all rigorously Inter-style.





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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-18 10:15:00 | 只看该作者


Bindi from Serie C2 to Serie C1
Tuesday, 17 July 2007 16:31:40
MILAN - Inter's youth area director Piero Ausilio has struck deals for two promising young players who will continue their experience in Italy's Serie C divisions next season.

Goalkeeper Giacomo Bindi, born in 1987, joins Serie C1 outfit S.S. Sambenedettese Calcio on loan after returning to Inter following his loan spell at Serie C2 team A.S. Varese 1910.

Defender Nicolas Giani, born in 1986, will remain on loan at Serie C1 club Pro Patria for another season.




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-18 10:02:00 | 只看该作者


Academy: one player in, three out
Monday, 16 July 2007 16:42:36
MILAN - Inter have bought a promising young player for the club's academy, while three others join new teams ahead of the upcoming season.

Left-sided midfielder Ivan Reali, born in 1991, joins Inter on a permanent transfer from Roman club A.S. Savio. He will be part of Daniele Bernazzani's Allievi Nazionali (Under-17) team next season.

On his return from a six-month loan spell at Dutch club PSV Eindhoven, Tunisia international Tijani Belaid, born in 1987 in Paris, has been loaned out to Czech side Slavia Prague with an option to full ownership. The midfielder (pictured) has made one first-team appearance for the Nerazzurri: Inter 0-0 Reggina on 29 May 2005.

Wide midfielder Abdoulaye Diarra, born in Divi, Ivory Coast on 10 October 1986, joins Cagliari on a permanent deal after returning from a loan stint at Serbian outfit NK Maribor. In five years with Inter's academy (from 2002-2007) Diarra played for the Allievi and Primavera category teams.

Daniele Marino, born in 1988, joins Serie C2 side Gubbio on loan. The defender/midfielder spent last season on loan at local team Pro Sesto.

Midfielder Ronny Toma, norn in 1983, will remain on loan at Serie C2 team Pergocrema next season.







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发表于 2007-7-17 18:15:00 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2007-7-13 14:15:00 | 只看该作者


Libri: l'Inter, un nonno, un nipote...
Mercoledì, 11 Luglio 2007 12:01:59
ROMA - (ANSA) Cento anni di Inter raccontati da un nonno al proprio nipotino. Un romanzo di formazione a strisce nero-azzurre, scritto da Luigi Garlando, giornalista de "La Gazzetta dello Sport", con tono tenero e confidenziale, in una ricostruzione vivace, ma storicamente avvertita. "Ora sei una stella", edito da Mondadori, prende vita da un lutto, quando nonno Amilcare ed il piccolo Ambrogio vengono a conoscenza della morte di Giacinto Facchetti, il 7 settembre 2006. Piange il nonno; piange per la prima volta di fronte al bambino, ed in quelle lacrime comincia a tramandarsi la memoria di una storia gloriosa e sofferta di sport. Il libro ripercorre attraverso la dialettica vecchio-giovane incarnata dai due protagonisti, le trasformazioni del calcio, da Meazza a Ronaldo, e affresca le personalità più amate della storia interista, da Peppino Prisco fino a Massimo Moratti. Per il presidente dell'Inter di oggi, la memoria del nonno sembra incontrare la sensibilità del nipote: "Il Massimo ha regalato al suo popolo la gioia del gioco di Baggio e Ronaldo, ha dato un cuore nuovo a Kanu, ha curato come un figlio quel farabutto del Fenomeno, ha fatto giocare bambini in mezzo mondo con l'Intercampus della Milly, non ci ha mai portati in B, non ci ha mai fatti vergognare per un arbitro chiuso in uno stanzino, per dei lampioni spenti o per guardalinee prezzolati. Ti sembra poco essere tifoso di un presidente così? Non è solo dalla bacheca che si giudica un presidente, Ambrogio. E non è da un lancio fallito che si giudica il costruttore di razzi. Conta la passione con cui si punta alla luna". Il bambino alza gli occhi e sorride. (ANSA) 


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发表于 2007-7-11 10:20:00 | 只看该作者


Foto: successo per l'Inter Store Shanghai
Martedì, 10 Luglio 2007 11:03:16

SHANGHAI (Cina) - Prosegue il grande successo in Cina nei primi giorni di apertura del primo negozio ufficiale dell'Inter inaugurato da pochi giorni, nel centro commerciale "21st Century Sports City", situato nella sempre frequentatissima Sichuan Road North di Shanghai. Inter.it vi propone tutte le immagini del nuovo Inter Store:

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发表于 2007-7-11 10:07:00 | 只看该作者

Former Inter player Livio Fongaro dies
Tuesday, 10 July 2007 18:04:52
MILAN - Former Nerazzurri defender Livio Fongaro died at the age of 76. Born in Valdagno on 2 Jenuary 1931, Fongaro collected 174 appearances with Nerazzurri from 1955 to 1961. Fongaro's funeral will be held in Valdagno tomorrow.

FC Internazionale expresses its condolences to the Fongaro family.




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发表于 2007-7-10 10:36:00 | 只看该作者


Materazzi: "Nella mia biografia... "
Lunedì, 09 Luglio 2007 17:50:36
MILANO - (da www.gazzetta.it) "Ho iniziato a vincere tardi e forse, per questo motivo, non mi passa mai la fame di vittorie. Ho 34 anni e non posso perdere tempo, ogni anno devo vincere qualcosa". Marco Materazzi non è sazio a 12 mesi di distanza dal trionfo mondiale di Berlino. Proprio in occasione della ricorrenza del trionfo azzurro, alla festa de "La Gazzetta dello Sport", il difensore dell'Inter, fresco di scudetto, rilancia.

INTER - "Sono contento del mercato nerazzurro, il presidente sta cercando di prendere un giocatore fortissimo (ndr.: Cristian Chivu) e quindi non possiamo chiedere di più. L'anno prossimo mi aspetto di rivincere ancora, perchè sono stato abituato bene. Ora mi piacerebbe conquistare la Champions League, in teoria posso anche lasciare gli altri trofei alle avversarie, ma una squadra come la nostra parte per vincere tutto. Le avversarie? Tra quelle da battere in campionato c'è anche la Juventus, che sta costruendo una buona squadra".

ADRIANO - Materazzi affronta anche il capitolo Adriano e commenta il suo gradimento per il Milan. "Ad Adriano piace il Milan? Non lo so, a me piace l'Inter".

ZIDANE - Infine, su Zidane: "Il 27 agosto esce la mia biografia ed in quell'occasione dirò a tutti la verità. Inviterò i giornalisti italiani e quelli francesi - ha aggiunto Materazzi -. Parlerò quel giorno e poi non parlerò più fino al giorno della partita. Cioè Italia-Francia, gara valida per la qualificazioni agli Europei, che si giocherà l'8 settembre". (da www.gazzetta.it)





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发表于 2007-7-10 10:22:00 | 只看该作者


Berlino un anno dopo: Matrix ancora Mondiale
Lunedì, 09 Luglio 2007 14:03:00
MILANO - Un anno dopo Marco Materazzi alza ancora la Coppa del Mondo. Il 9 luglio 2006 nella notte azzurra di Berlino, oggi in tarda mattinata nellla sala Indro Montanelli in via Solferino a Milano. Insieme con il presidente federale Giancarlo Abete, al direttore Carlo Verdelli e l'editorialista Candido Cannavò, il difensore nerazzurro ha partecipato alle celebrazioni organizzate da "La Gazzetta dello Sport" per il primo anniversario dell'Italia campione del mondo. Presenti anche altri due nerazzurri, Alessandro Altobelli e Beppe Bergomi, in rappresentanza della nazionale che vinse in Spagna nel 1982.
Materazzi ha ricordato la tensione che ha accompagnato la vigilia della finale di un anno fa, l'emozione di ritrovare "qualcosa che si ama e chi si rivede sempre molto volentieri", ha scherzato sulla sua vorace voglia di successi: "Ho iniziato a vincere tardi e forse, per questo motivo, non mi passa mai la fame di vittorie. Ho 34 anni e non posso perdere tempo, ogni anno devo vincere qualcosa. Gli ultimi dodici mesi sono stati straordinari sia con lItalia che con l'Inter, ma non solo a titolo personale sono contento di quanto è successo, perchè malgrado tutto il calcio italiano ha saputo confermarsi dopo il trionfo di Berlino. Ora con l'Inter mi piacerebbe conquistare la Champions League, in teoria posso anche lasciare gli altri trofei per gli altri, ma una squadra come la nostra parte per vincere tutto".



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发表于 2007-7-10 10:11:00 | 只看该作者


Inter store opens in Shanghai
Sunday, 08 July 2007 07:56:01
SHANGHAI - One hundred square metres of black and blue at the heart of Shanghai in China, where Inter are consistently voted the most loved European football team. Inter fans and football enthusiasts can now buy club merchandise and share their passion for the Nerazzurri at the brand new Inter Store in China's economic hub, which opened today.

The eye-catching store, with its two huge display windows facing directly onto the street and Inter's 'Biscione' logo on a large poster, is located within the 21st Century Sports City commercial centre in Shanghai's busy Sichuan Road North shopping area.

Open seven days a week, from ten in the morning until ten in the evening, Inter Store Shanghai offers a full range of official Inter products. But the new shop is more than just a merchandising outlet. With changing rooms and benches similar to those at San Siro, a "free" internet cafè, and a permanent exhibition of 60 photos depicting Inter's long history, the aim has been to recreate an authentic atmosphere and a meeting place for Inter fans in what is fast becoming one of the world's most cosmopolitan cities.

Inter's future plans include the introduction of a range of products tailored for the local market, and the opening of more merchandising outlets around China.

  2007年7月8日,上海 - 做为一直以来在中国支持率最高的欧洲足球俱乐部,国际米兰现在在中国上海的中心拥有了一个一百平方米的蓝黑世界。国际米兰官方专卖店今天在中国上海开张了。国际米兰球迷和足球爱好者现在可以在这里买到俱乐部授权的官方纪念品,并互相分享他们对蓝黑军团的爱与激情。




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发表于 2007-7-10 09:58:00 | 只看该作者


F.C. Internazionale ricorda Renato Miglioli
Sabato, 07 Luglio 2007 10:32:47
MILANO - Si è spento nel pomeriggio di ieri, dopo una lunga malattia, l'ex nerazzurro Renato Miglioli. Il difensore, nato a Caronno Varesino nel 1921, ha vestito la maglia dell'Inter nelle stagioni 1949-50, 1950-51 e 1951-52, collezionando 84 presenze e siglando 8 reti.

F.C. Internazionale rivolge alla famiglia di Renato Miglioli le più sentite condoglianze.



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 19:56:00 | 只看该作者











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发表于 2007-7-6 19:52:00 | 只看该作者


Lega Calcio: Nike provides the official ball
Wednesday, 04 July 2007 16:31:21
MILAN - Nike is the provider of the first official football for the Italian 'Lega Nazionale Professionisti'. The Football League president, Antonio Matarrese, and Matthew Cook, general manager of Nike Italy, presented it yesterday morning. Thanks to this agreement, Nike will provide 13 thousand footballs for Serie A Tim, Serie B and Tim Cup matches for the next five years. The ball will be used for the first time in the Supercoppa Tim Final between Inter and Roma, taking place next August 19th, at the 'Giuseppe Meazza' stadium in San Siro (Milan). The ball is a special version of Total 90 Aerow II, already used by F.C. Internazionale Milano, the English Premier League and the Spanish Liga.


  意大利联赛指定用球是Total 90 Aerow II中的特别一款,它已经用于英格兰超级联赛、西班牙联赛和国际米兰足球俱乐部。该专用系统由6层皮面制成,确保异常的反应并使用了最新的技术。符合空气动力学的Geo Balanced技术和新的外部覆盖物确保了皮球在远距离飞行时运行轨道的极端精确性。

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 19:35:00 | 只看该作者


Happy birthday Hernan Crespo
Thursday, 05 July 2007 11:55:40
MILAN - Happy 32nd birthday to our Argentine Forward Hernan Hernan Crespo, born in Florida, Argentina, on 5 July 1975. 

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 19:31:00 | 只看该作者


Italian Super Cup at Stadio Meazza on 19/08
Thursday, 28 June 2007 20:27:32
MILAN - The 2007 Italian Super Cup between Serie A champions Inter and Tim Cup winners Roma will take place at the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza in Milan's San Siro district on Sunday 19 August (kick-off time to be announced).

The Nerazzurri will be looking to make it a hat-trick of Super Cup triumphs after their victory over Juventus in Turin two years ago, and last season's dramatic 4-3 comeback win against Roma.



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 19:28:00 | 只看该作者


Serie A, Coppa Italia dates for 2007/08
Thursday, 28 June 2007 20:20:04
MILAN - The Italian Football League committee has approved the schedule for the 2007/08 Serie A championship and the Coppa Italia.

2007/08 Serie A championship

- Begins Sunday 26 August 2007, ends Sunday 18 May 2008.

- Four midweek rounds: 26 September 2007, 31 October 2007, 27 February 2008, 19 March 2008.

- International breaks for Euro 2008 qualifiers: no Serie A fixtures on 9 September 2007, 14 October 2007, 18 November 2007.

- Winter break: last Serie A matchday of 2007 on 23 December. No matches on Sunday 30 December, 6 January. League to resume on 13 January 2008.

2007/08 Coppa Italia Tim

- 42 teams from Serie A and Serie B will take part in 2007/08 edition of Italy's cup competition. First, second and third round matches to be played over one leg, while last sixteen, quarter-final and semi-final matches will be decided over two legs. Final, to take place on Saturday 24 May 2008, will be played over one leg.









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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 19:25:00 | 只看该作者


2007/08 Tim Cup final over one leg
Thursday, 28 June 2007 20:03:38
MILAN - Next season's Coppa Italia final, to take place on 24 May 2008, a week after the conclusion of the Serie A championship, will be decided over one leg instead of two. The decision was made in today's Italian Football League meeting.

No decision regarding a venue for the final was taken, but Football League president Antonio Matarrese has communicated his wish for Italian president Giorgio Napolitano to present the trophy on the pitch.

The Italian Football League's committee authorised Matarrese to forward to the Italian FA his request for the Serie A championship to commence on 26 August, and for the Serie B to begin the following day.

Serie B officials have decided to keep the playoff and playout formula to determine promotions and relegations.

As regards the Italian Footballers' Association's desire to do away with midweek rounds and evening kick-offs during the winter months, the Italian Football League has decided that there will be no midweek rounds in the months of November, December, January and February, but that there will be Saturday and Sunday evening kick-offs in Serie A.




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 19:22:00 | 只看该作者


Moratti attends IC Parlamento inauguration
Thursday, 28 June 2007 19:30:19
ROME - Massimo Moratti took part in Thursday's inauguration of Inter Club Parlamento, named after Giacinto Facchetti. The new official supporters' club counts members of parliament, senators and government workers among its 120 founding members.

Accompanied to Italy's capital by vice general manager Stefano Filucchi late this morning, Moratti toasted the inauguration of the new Inter Club that will serve to strengthen Inter's ties with Italian political and institutional life.

Inter Club Parlamento is behind a new editorial initiative - the InterNazionale publication that contains articles about government figures' passion for the black and blue colours.




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 19:15:00 | 只看该作者


David Suazo joins Inter
Tuesday, 26 June 2007 14:39:04
MILAN - David Suazo has signed for Inter. He will be unveiled to the press at the Centro Sportivo Angelo Moratti in Appiano Gentile at 11:30 on Wednesday 27 June.

The striker, born in San Pedro, Honduras on 5 November 1979, joins Inter on a permanent deal from Cagliari. He has signed a four-year contract until 30 June 2011.

The documents relating to the transfer have been registered at the Italian Football League's offices.

The news of David Suazo's transfer to Inter has been met with a terrific response. Inter fans from all over the world have sent in their welcome messages for the Honduran striker, who will be unveiled to the media in Appiano Gentile on Wednesday. One message in particular deserves a mention. Josh Carcamo, a Honduran native who lives in New Orleans, writes: 'Thanks Suazo... Now the whole world knows about Honduras because of you. Let me tell you Inter fans from around the world, now this great team has 6 million new fans from Honduras... We are so happy for Suazo... Forza Inter'.





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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 19:12:00 | 只看该作者


Inter's summer schedule
Tuesday, 26 June 2007 12:31:59
MILAN - For the fourth year running, Italian champions Inter will be in the mountain location of Brunico for pre-season training. This summer's two-week training camp will run from 14-25 July, after a mini training camp in Sardinia from 9-14 July.

The first Brunico training session will take place at the local sports centre on the afternoon of Saturday 14 July. As part of their preparations for the 2007/08 season, the Nerazzurri will play three friendlies during their fortnight stay in the mountains. Mancini's players face the Chinese Olympic team on Tuesday 17 July, with two other games scheduled for Saturday 21 July and Tuesday 24 July (opponents to be announced).

After the Brunico training camp, Inter will fly to England for a further week's training from Friday 27 July to Saturday 4 August. The following friendly matches have been arranged:

Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 July: Emirates Cup four-team tournament - Arsenal, Inter, Paris Saint Germain and Valencia. Inter v Valencia (Sat 28 July at 14:00GMT); Arsenal v Inter (Sun 29 July at 16:15GMT)
Wednesday 1 August: Manchester United v Inter (20:00 GMT)
Saturday 4 August: Aston Villa v Inter (15:00 GMT)

The squad will fly back to Italy directly after the Villa friendly in Birmingham.

Preparations for the 2007/08 season continue on Wednesday 8 August at the Stadio San Paolo in Naples, where the Nerazzurri will face off with newly promoted teams Napoli and Juventus in the 11th Birra Moretti Trophy.

Inter return to the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on Tuesday 14 August for the 7th Tim Trophy tournament against AC Milan and Juventus. Five days later on Sunday 19 August, Inter play their first competitive fixture of the new campaign. Mancini's Serie A champions face Tim Cup winners Roma in the Italian Super Cup for the second consecutive season.

The 2007/08 Serie A championship kicks off on Sunday 26 August, with several fixtures to be brought forward to Saturday due to TV scheduling. Inter then face Barcelona at the Nou Camp in the Joan Gamper Trophy on Wednesday 29 August.




  7月28-29日(周六、日):酋长杯4队邀请赛 参赛球队:阿森纳、国际米兰、巴黎圣日耳曼和瓦伦西亚。具体赛程如下:7月28日(周六):国际米兰vs瓦伦西亚(格林尼治标准时14:00);7月29日(周日):阿森纳vs国际米兰(格林尼治标准时16:15)






  2007-2008赛季意甲联赛将于8月26日(周日)开踢,由于电视转播的关系,某些比赛将前移到周六进行。随后,国际米兰将于8月29日(周三)在诺坎普球场进行的“甘伯杯(Joan Gamper Trophy)”中对阵巴塞罗那队。

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