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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-4 18:15:38 | 只看该作者
Inter 1-3 Roma: Cassano's strike not enough
Sunday, 02 September 2012 23:11

MILAN - Inter's first 2012/13 Serie A match at the Meazza ended in disappointment as Roma beat the Nerazzurri 3-1.

The first meeting between Andrea Stramaccioni and Zdenek Zeman saw the youngest and the oldest coaches in Serie A sharing the honours at the interval: Florenzi opened the scoring but Cassano pegged the visitors back on the stroke of half time. After the break Totti claimed his second assist of the game by supplying Osvaldo to restore Roma's lead, before Marquinho added a third late on.

FIRST HALF – Stramaccioni gave a full debut to Alvaro Pereira and the Uruguayan started in midfield alongside Guarin and Gargano. Milito led the line with Sneijder and Cassano in support. Meanwhile, Destro was making his debut for Roma in a three-man attack alongside Totti and Osvaldo.

A minute's silence was held in memory of the late Cardinal Martini before kick-off.

The game began at a high tempo as Nagatomo ran an early duel with Destro. The Japanese full-back came out on top both on the wing (4 minutes) and on the edge of the box (6), earning a roar of approval from the Meazza crowd. Roma began aggressively and Osvaldo almost muscled his way past Silvestre in the 13th minute, but the defender did enough to hold off the striker and allow Castellazzi to collect.

The visitors took the lead after a quarter of an hour: Totti's cross found Florenzi free in the box and the youngster nodded past Castellazzi into the far corner.

Inter tried to hit back immediately and it looked good when Milito was put clean through on goal, only for Stekelenburg to stick out a hand as the Argentine tried to skip past him.

Sneijder found the Prince with a 29th-minute corner but Balzaretti blocked the striker's path – illegitimately according to Milito. However, the ref saw nothing wrong with it.

A foot injury forced De Rossi to come off early, with Marquinho replacing him.

In the 35th minute Burdisso seemed to handball Cassano's cross in the box but replays showed it hit his chest.

Then, on 38 minutes, Nagatomo tried to go it alone and he did well to work his way into the box but could only lift his attempt over the bar.

We were already into first-half injury time when Cassano decided to open his Nerazzurri account: picking up Sneijder's cross, he turned away from Castan inside the box and unleashed a right-footer which took a deflection off Burdisso and spun onto the far corner of the goal.

SECOND HALF – The sides emerged from the dressing-rooms unchanged. Roma had a couple of chances to regain the lead as first Tachtsidis then Destro provided decent service for Osvaldo, but the Italo-Argentine failed to make the most of either.

On 55 minutes Palacio, having taken over from Cassano, shook off the challenge of Piris and fed Guarin, who charged forward and fired over the bar under pressure from Castan. Minutes later Guaro was on the prowl again and went one better, this time forcing a save out of Stekelenburg.

Totti then served up the killer pass for Roma's second, his perfectly weighted ball providing Osvaldo with the opportunity to chip the onrushing Castellazzi from the edge of the box. 1-2 to Roma.

Florenzi could have made it three in the 74th minute but instead it was Marquinho who did so 7 minutes later: Osvaldo scooped a pass into the box for the Brazilian to bring down and drill past Castellazzi at the near post from a tight angle.

Inter were unable to find a route back into the game and, after three minutes of added time, Bergonzi called a halt to proceedings.

INTER 1-3 ROMA (HT: 1-1)
Scorers: Florenzi 15, Cassano 45+1, Osvaldo 67, Marquinho 81.

Inter: 12 Castellazzi; 4 Zanetti, 6 Silvestre, 23 Ranocchia, 55 Nagatomo; 14 Guarin, 21 Gargano (Coutinho 76), 31 Pereira (Cambiasso 66); 10 Sneijder; 99 Cassano (Palacio 51), 22 Milito.
Unused subs: 27 Belec, 32 Cincilla, 25 Samuel, 40 Juan Jesus, 41 Duncan, 42 Jonathan, 88 Livaja.
Coach: Andrea Stramaccioni.

Roma: 24 Stekelenburg; 23 Piris, 29 Burdisso, 5 Castan, 42 Balzaretti (Taddei 66); 77 Tachtsidis, 16 De Rossi (Marquinho 77), 48 Florenzi; 22 Destro (Lamela 71), 9 Osvaldo, 10 Totti.
Unused subs: 1 Lobont, 55 Svedkauskas, 3 Marquinhos, 15 Pjanic, 17 Lopez, 26 Tallo, 46 Romagnoli.
Coach: Zdenek Zeman.

Referee: Mauro Bergonzi (Genoa).
Booked: Destro 16, Guarin 33, Ranocchia 47, Osvaldo 65, 90+1, Stekelenburg 77.
Sent off: Osvaldo 90+1.
Attendance: 43,385.

Press Office



意甲历史上,国际米兰与罗马共有过160次交锋,蓝黑军团70胜45平45负拥有一定优势,而在主场,国际米兰的成绩更是达到压倒性的43胜25平12 负。尽管最近5次联赛交锋罗马赢了3场,最近一次红狼军团更是在罗马奥林匹克4-0横扫国际米兰,但罗马最近5次出征梅阿查却均未尝胜绩。本战双方都有减员,国米方面汉达诺维奇、齐沃、斯坦科维奇、阿尔瓦雷斯、奥比、穆丁加伊缺席,罗马的布拉德利、佩罗塔因伤缺席。本战也是斯特拉马乔尼挑战母队罗马。国米调整首发,坎比亚索出任替补,新援阿尔瓦罗-佩雷拉首发出战,斯内德、卡萨诺、米利托出任攻击线三叉戟。罗马队方面,布尔迪索、德斯特罗出战旧主。     



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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 21:18:30 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 17:09:19 | 只看该作者

9月1日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 -  安德烈·斯特拉马乔尼公布了迎战罗马的21人大名单。这场比赛将在北京时间周一凌晨2:45进行。




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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 15:50:19 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-2 15:01:54 | 只看该作者
8月31日阿皮亚诺詹蒂莱消息 - 在昨晚对阵瓦斯鲁伊的欧联杯比赛后,国际米兰于今天上午重新开始了训练,备战周日意甲第二轮对阵罗马的比赛,该场比赛将于周日晚20:45(北京时间周一2:45)在梅阿查球场进行。  

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-1 20:09:22 | 只看该作者
【2012/13意甲联赛|第1轮】佩斯卡拉0:3国际米兰 赛后米体评分(待补):
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-1 20:08:01 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-1 20:06:26 | 只看该作者
【2012/13意甲联赛|第1轮】佩斯卡拉0:3国际米兰 赛后球迷评分:

What a game. What a game. It started a little shaky from Inter but after that first goal, we went onto play a marvelous game! The first 10 minutes saw Inter sitting back for long periods of time and most of the football was played in our side of the field. Then, as the players warmed up to the game, we started going and that first goal by Sneijder was great. 801 appearances in and Zanetti DOES NOT TIRE. Carving through the defense from the right side, he played in Milito to drive the ball across goal for Sneijder to tap in. Then, before we could take our breath, we scored again! Winning the ball back in Pescara’s half, Sneijder pounced to send Cassano through to set up El Principe for another easy tap in. Welcome Antonio! Throughout the remainder of the half, Inter held up position well and even though there was the odd Pescara attack, we managed to deal with it. After the break, Cassano began to tire and on came Coutinho and within minutes, he had his goal! Guarin did well to play wide to Milito who rolled the ball across goal again for Couti to send a well placed shot past the keeper. All in all, a great game! Forza Inter!

The player ratings are below:
Castellazzi 6.5: Had a decent game and dealt with what came his well calmly while making a couple vital stops.
Zanetti 7.5: El Tractor was as reliable as ever. This man does not age. Oozed experience in defense and surged forward when he could.
Silvestre 5.5: Looked shaky at times and almost gifted a pass to the oppositions attack.
Ranocchia 7.0: A promising display from Rano as he was calm and collected and dealt with what came his way.
Nagatomo 6.5: A confident showing from the full-back who is improving in confidence and did very well in attack.
Guarin 6.5: A good and strong game from Guaro who always looked to get the ball to the best possible man while winning countless balls.
Cambiasso 6.0: A tidy display from the Argentine who did nothing wrong but wasn’t spectacular either.
Gargano 6.5: A tidy showing from the new signing and looked capable of replacing Motta as he won many tackles and helped at the back well.
Sneijder 7.5: A great showing from our star Dutchman. He picked out some lovely balls and scored a well composed goal.
Cassano 7.0: A great debut for the Italian as he set up a great goal and was a thorn in Pescara’s side the whole time.
Milito 8.5: Easily the Man of the Match as he set up two goals and scored another while having great positional awareness.

Coutinho 6.5: Showed why he deserves to start games with a great finish after Milito’s pin-point cross and looked to come forward at all times.
Livaja 6.0: A decent debut for the Croatian youngster as he hit a scorching shot that was saved by Pescara’s keeper.
Duncan 5.0: A cameo debut for the youngster and looked strong.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-1 19:53:53 | 只看该作者
【2012/13意甲联赛|第1轮】佩斯卡拉0:3国际米兰 赛后FcInterNews.it评分:

CASTELLAZZI 7 – Si impegna due volte su Caprari, prima chiudendogli lo specchio della porta e poi deviando una sua punizione. Compie il miracolo su Cascione lasciato colpevolmente solo dalla difesa. Nella ripresa si sporca le mani dopo mezz’ora per un rasoterra di Weiss. Ma anche a gara chiusa resta lucido, come dimostra la parata di pugno sul tiro di Abbruscato.

ZANETTI 6 – Deve assaggiare la fame di Weiss che nelle prime battute impegna severamente tutta la retroguardia nerazzurra (e sul quale rischia il penalty, convertito in giallo per simulazione). Ma poi gli dà la prima lezione di affondo dando il via all’azione del vantaggio nerazzurro. Sui contrasti è sempre la solita grande sicurezza.

RANOCCHIA 7 – Errorino veniale in azione di corner del Pescara, ma poi il ragazzo sfodera una prestazione nel complesso positiva con grande padronanza dei propri mezzi, tanto carattere e buoni disimpegni. Peccato solo per un eccesso di sicurezza che rischia di pagare caro. Ma non fa nulla, perché comunque la sensazione offerta è quella di un giocatore che ha ritrovato fiducia in se stesso.

SILVESTRE 6 – Prova a giocare di mestiere anche se sul piano tecnico paga qualcosa. Un bel po’ di sportellate con Jonathas col quale rischia in un paio di circostanze. Nel provare a coprire sul brasiliano si fa sfuggire Cascione che colpisce solo soletto trovando super-Castellazzi a dirgli no. Qualcosa di meglio combina nel secondo tempo, anche se è l’unico che cerca, forse troppo cocciutamente, il lancio lungo: quando decide di giocarla a terra, innesca un contropiede pericoloso.

NAGATOMO 6,5 – A due marce nel primo tempo: dà una mano anche importante in fase offensiva con la sua corsa micidiale con la quale manda in crisi Zanon, ma in copertura talvolta latita, tenendo in un caso in gioco Caprari che da posizione angolata regala un brivido a Castellazzi. Nella ripresa corregge il tiro anche dietro, senza andarci mai troppo per il sottile.

CAMBIASSO 6 – Si trova a suo agio nel ruolo di difensore aggiunto, quando è chiamato a coprire la falla lasciata libera in difesa da Nagatomo. Gestisce bene la situazione, recupera lui il pallone che vale il raddoppio. E nella ripresa sfiora il 3-0 su assist ancora di Sneijder.

GUARIN 6 – Dopo due minuti gli viene fischiato contro un fallo inesistente con Weiss che simula. Grintoso come sempre, ma manca di precisione in disimpegno, innervosito forse dallo slovacco col quale ingaggia un duello spesso condito da trash talking. E’ lui nella ripresa a guadagnarsi il primo corner dell’Inter al minuto 57! Prova a far vedere qualcosa di diverso nei secondi 45 minuti, per poco non arriva sull’assist di Milito dove viene anticipato da Perin. Sua la palla che poi Milito servirà a Coutinho per il game over. Sul finire si rende pericoloso anche lui.

GARGANO 6 – Subito titolare per necessità, si piazza davanti alla difesa dando anche una mano notevole inizialmente; cammin facendo diventa un po’ impreciso pur mettendoci sempre fiato. Giallo per un fallo sul razzente Weiss. Prende un duro colpo, ma stringe i denti fino a quasi il 90esimo.
DALL’86 DUNCAN SV – La gioia dell’esordio, il peccato del cartellino giallo.

CASSANO 7 – Se quello di Gargano era un debutto preventivabile, il suo impiego dal primo minuto è invece una vera e propria sorpresa. La forma è ancora lontana dal 100%, però si impegna svariando sul fronte offensivo e trovando l’assist al centimetro per Milito. Usa fisico, forza, grinta: da lodare per il sacrificio, anche quando rientra in difesa. Da segnalare una perla: scivolata in fase difensiva a fermare Weiss. Stramaccioni lo lascia in campo e si inventa un paio di lampi davvero interessanti (splendido l’uno-due con Cambiasso). Dà tutto, davvero: esce applaudito dai compagni.
DAL 67’ COUTINHO 6,5 – Gli altri controllano la partita, a lui il compito di dare brio alla manovra. Lui decide di prendersi la responsabilità di chiudere il match sbucando alle spalle di tutti e trafiggendo Perin per la terza volta. Pregevole l’assist per la conclusione di Livaja respinta da Perin.

SNEIJDER 7 – Sua la prima conclusione, non proprio ortodossa, a coinvolgere Perin. Suo il primo gol in campionato quando apre la scatola correggendo in rete il tiro sporco di Milito con tanti saluti al distratto Zanon. Il gol del Principe a stretto giro di posta nasce da una triangolazione da lui innescata e da Fantantonio completata. Con un nuovo lancio a momenti non serviva lo 0-3 a Cambiasso. Vede il calcio prima degli altri, si concede lo sfizio di provare a colpire Perin da quasi settanta metri.

MILITO 7,5 – Il Pescara nelle prime battute si chiude a riccio, raddoppia sistematicamente, non lascia spazi. E allora, lui riesce a procurarne uno mettendo in mezzo all’area la palla messa da Sneijder in porta, forse un tiro sbagliato che diventa un assist d’oro. Nemmeno due giri di lancetta e Cassano gli serve un biscottino che inzuppa nella rete di Perin. Poi esce un po’ di scena, ma quando ha tra i piedi la palla del game over, la manda colpevolmente alle stelle. Si consola con l’assist per Coutinho.
DALL’84 LIVAJA SV – Per poco non centra il poker su assist di Coutinho.

ALLENATORE: STRAMACCIONI 7 – Anche a risultato acquisito mantiene sempre altissima la tensione per evitare di prendere un gol. Dopo un inizio un po’ così, la sua Inter si prende due minuti per sterilizzare le velleità del Pescara ipotecando un successo importantissimo. Dopo qualche rischio, nel secondo tempo controlla con autorità e alla fine chiude il contro con l’incursione di Coutinho.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-1 19:39:56 | 只看该作者
Milito: "Inter were excellent"
Monday, 27 August 2012 01:25

PESCARA - A goal and two assists, not bad for an evening's work. Diego Milito gave his thoughts to Inter Channel after helping the Nerazzurri get their Serie A campaign up and running by beating Pescara: "First and foremost I'm pleased with the way we played as a team. Inter were excellent tonight. Cassano? A fantastic player. We have an abundance of riches in the final third. And today we were without Palacio and Alvarez too. It's a privilege to be able to play alongside them. Do I get on with Cassano? We had a very good relationship even as rivals. Now we're both here and aiming to do well together for the Inter cause."

Press Office


8月26日佩斯卡拉消息 -  本场比赛一球一助攻的迭戈·米利托在赛后谈到了这场比赛,“我更为球队的表现感到感谢,这是最好的国际米兰。卡萨诺?他是一个非常出色的球员。我同卡萨诺的关系?我们非常友好,即使是以前作为对手的时候,现在我们两个人都要为国际米兰而努力。”
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-1 15:59:44 | 只看该作者
Zanetti: "A tough ground but we controlled things"
Monday, 27 August 2012 00:40

PESCARA - His 801st game, his 18th season at Inter. Javier Zanetti is still going strong. "We've got off to a good start and we knew we were coming to play at a tough ground," the captain told Inter Channel after the Pescara match. "Weiss was nippy and he tried to take people on, but with Guarin and Silvestre at the back we didn't run too many risks. It was important for us to take control of the game after going two-nil up and we kept hold of the ball. With all the quality we have in this team that's something we can do. If we all move about intelligently, we can limit the opposition and give them very few goalscoring opportunities."

Press Office


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-1 15:52:29 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-8-30 11:00:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2012-9-1 15:47 编辑

Pescara 0-3 Inter: a three-goal debut
Sunday, 26 August 2012 23:25

PESCARA - A sold-out Stadio Adriatico witnessed the opener of the 2012/13 Serie A season between Pescara and Inter, with Andrea Stramaccioni guiding the Nerazzurri to a winning start: a 0-3 victory. It was a match of many interesting firsts, among which the Inter coach’s meeting against the side from Abruzzo - a recently promoted club that played with big-team personality.

In the first half Inter found the net twice in two minutes through Sneijder and Milito. The Nerazzurri had to deal with an opponent capable of rapid counterattacking. And among some exciting interchanges and manoeuvring that brought applause from the fans, Inter hit their third thanks to Coutinho, assisted by Milito.

FIRST HALF – We’re only at the beginning, but it’s a fantastic start. Stramaccioni handed starting places to two of the three new Nerazzurri signings, Cassano and Gargano (today the Uruguayan celebrated his 200th match in Italy). With Palacio suspended, Milito took the role of the lone striker, and on the bench – as of today with 12 players available – Coutinho waited his turn. A foul from Guarin awarded a free kick to Pescara after three minutes; Cascione fired his shot off the wall before Jonathas sent the rebound out for a goal kick. Then when Caprari surged forward Castellazzi saved for a corner. On 12 minutes the Biancazzurri countered through Weiss, who beat his man to enter the box before going down as Zanetti approached, resulting in the midfielder receiving a booking for simulation. Two minutes later Gargano saw his name go down in the referee’s book for a challenge; Castellazzi tipped the ensuing free kick, taken by Caprari, over the bar for a corner.

Wesley Sneijder then had the honour of being the first Inter player to find the net this season; a forward pass from Zanetti picked out Milito, allowing the Argentine to send a perfect cross for the Dutchman to side-foot into the Pescara goal. The celebrations had barely died down before the Nerazzurri had their second goal. It was another perfect triangulation play; from Sneijder’s through ball to Cassano, then Milito, allowing El Principe to shoot past Perin from just inside the 6-yard box. Pescara’s first real chance came on 31 minutes when Caprari beat the offside trap before firing his diagonal shot inches wide of Castellazzi’s far post. The home side conceded a free kick in the 36th minute when Zanon hauled back Nagatomo two paces outside the box. Perin then dived low to block Inter’s free kick after the foul. Whether it’s in Pietra Neamt or Pescara, Castellazzi is always capable of turning heads with his saves; after the pearl last Thursday that denied Sburlea, the Nerazzurri’s number 12 conjured up another today on 43 minutes from Cascione’s header, allowing Inter to finish the first half with a clean sheet.

SECOND HALF - The second half kicked off with no changes, and after 11 minutes of play Inter caused a scare in the Pescara box when Sneijder crossed for Cambiasso to head the ball high. There was practically a replay on 59 minutes when Guarin found Milito, who returned the ball to the Colombian before a sortie from Perin to the edge of his box thwarted Inter’s chance for a third. It was only the first match of the season, but there was an evident sense of understanding between the Nerazzurri players. This was made clear in the bewitching combination of passes between Milito and Cassano in the Pescara box on 60 minutes, even if the exchange failed to end in a goal.

Stramaccioni took Cassano off in the 68th minute and sent on Coutinho in his place, and it didn’t take long at all for the Brazilian to create a golden chance for Milito. On 76 minutes, with Perin’s goal at his mercy, El Principe shot high when trying to place the ball in the top corner. However, the Argentine striker quickly made up for it when he collected Guarin’s pass wide on the right and sent a perfect cross for Coutinho to one-time into the Biancazzurri’s net.

In the 86th minute Stramaccioni gave Duncan his Serie A debut, and after three minutes of added time Guida whistled to end the match. Inter won their season opener, breaking their streak of beginning the season with a draw. They lead the group of 7 teams with three points in the standings and soon plunge back into Europa League play: Vaslui are to visit the Meazza before next Sunday's clash with Roma.

Pescara 0-3 Inter

Scorers: Sneijder 17, Milito 19, Coutinho 81.

Pescara: 77 Perin; 2 Zanon, 4 Cascione, 5 Capuano, 6 Romagnoli, 14 Balzano, 17 Weiss, 18 Colucci 20 Nielsen (Quintero 61), 80 Jonathas (Abbruscato 75), 99 Caprari (Celik 65).
Unused subs: 22 Anania, 8 Bjarnason, 15 Bocchetti, 16 Brugman, 19 Chiaretti, 23 Cosic, 26 Blasi, 88 Terlizzi, 90 Ragusa.
Coach: Giovanni Stroppa.

Inter: 12 Castellazzi; 4 Zanetti, 6 Silvestre, 23 Ranocchia, 55 Nagatomo; 14 Guarin, 21 Gargano (Duncan 86), 19 Cambiasso; 10 Sneijder, 99 Cassano (Coutinho 68); 22 Milito (Livaja 84).
Unused subs: 27 Belec, 32 Cincilla, 24 Benassi, 25 Samuel, 40 Juan Jesus, 42 Jonathan 33 Mbaye, 44 Bianchetti, 81 Longo.
Coach: Andrea Stramaccioni.

Referee: Marco Guida (Torre Annunziata).
Booked: Weiss 12, Gargano 14, Colucci 33, Zanon 36.
Added time: 0 + 3 minutes.

Press Office





国米首次射门就取得领先!第17分钟,萨内蒂右路内切直塞禁区右侧,米利托转身横扫到远门柱,斯内德反越位距门3米处左脚推射从门将佩林身下入网,1比0仅过2分钟,斯内德直传,卡萨诺禁区左侧反越位传中,米利托在门前5米处推进球门顶端,2比0。  第32分钟,科卢奇后场长传,卡普拉里反越位突入禁区右侧距门11米处小角度低射滑出远门柱。科卢奇铲翻斯内德,被黄牌警告。第36分钟,长友佑都左路内切将入禁区,扎农背后将其拉倒吃到黄牌。第43分钟,扎农右路斜传,卡肖内在门前8米处顶出弹地球,卡斯特拉齐向右飞身托出左门柱!







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发表于 2012-8-29 13:00:11 | 只看该作者
欧洲杯 ,奥运会。。。感觉这个假期好像过的很长,都忘了开赛的时间了。。。
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发表于 2012-8-28 22:23:43 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-8-28 22:23:24 | 只看该作者
红蝶 发表于 2012-8-28 19:14


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-28 19:14:38 | 只看该作者
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