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发表于 2011-7-14 15:56:58 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-14 10:43:19 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-7-14 10:49 编辑

Pallister chiama Sneijder: "Che colpo per lo United!"
"Ha grande grinta, qualità e tanta esperienza: avrebbe un grande impatto anche a Manchester"

In Inghilterra tiene banco l'interesse del Manchester United di Sir Alex Ferguson per Wesley Sneijder. Anche Gary Pallister, vecchia gloria dei Red Devils, intervistato da Phil McNulty di BBC Sport, ha ammesso che l'acquisto dell'olandese sarebbe "un grande colpo". "Forse - commenta l'ex difensore -è quel tipo di giocatore che manca allo United da quando è partito Roy Keane. Non ho dubbi sul fatto che, con il suo temperamento e la sua qualità, Sneijder non avrebbe problemi ad imporsi all'Old Trafford. Ha giocato a San Siro ed ha avuto successo. Inoltre per pedigree fa parte dei migliori. Ha grande grinta, qualità e tanta esperienza che gli consentirebbero di avere un grande impatto anche a Manchester. È vero che lo United ha preso tanti buoni giovani, però ha anche perso Scholes e c'è bisogno di trovare un sostituto".
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-13 19:36:51 | 只看该作者

Pinzolo: Jonathan raggiunge l'Inter
Mercoledì, 13 Luglio 2011 12:07:00

PINZOLO - Jonathan Cicero Moreira è arrivato nell'hotel sede del ritiro nerazzurro a Pinzolo. In questi giorni si allenerà con l'Inter con un permesso del Santos, in attesa della chiusura burocratica dell'operazione.

Ufficio Stampa

Pinzolo: Jonathan joins up with Inter
Wednesday, 13 July 2011 12:15:42
PINZOLO - Jonathan Cicero Moreira has arrived at the Nerazzurri's hotel in Pinzolo. He will train with Inter - after being granted permission by Santos - while the final bureaucratic details of the deal are completed.

Press Office
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-13 12:56:55 | 只看该作者
Branca: "We know what we have to do"
Tuesday, 12 July 2011 19:25:42

PINZOLO – After the media conference in which Inter's latest signings Ricardo Alvarez and Luc Castaignos were presented to the press, Nerazzurri technical director Marco Branca fielded the questions put to him by journalists.
You can read his statements in full here on inter.it:

Can you give us an update on Wesley Sneijder's situation?
"I don't think there's anything to be updated. This is a topic that I think you journalists are very keen on and it's not the least bit surprising that Sneijder might attract interest from other clubs, some of the biggest clubs in the world including ourselves, so there's no update to give."

But there have been some bids made for the player...
"No, there haven't been any concrete offers and we haven't been waiting for any. He's just getting on with his job, as we all are. We have to get through this period, these last 50 days: we know what we have to do, and that's what the situation is."

So you are saying that Sneijder is not for sale?
"That's right, he is not for sale."

Are you surprised to see that Maicon isn't in the Brazil team at the moment?
"No... he's having a rest. He's played so much in recent years and at such a high level that even if he sits out for a few games, I think that can only do him some good, but I don't think he'll be resting for much longer because it's very difficult to leave out a player as good as he is."

Is Palacio an Inter target?
"We're considering him."

Mirko Vucinic?

Is it true that Pandev has rejected the chance to go to Genoa as part of a swap deal?
"No, he hasn't said no simply because we have never asked him."

So that move was never in the pipeline?
"I have never asked him if he wanted to move elsewhere, and I certainly haven't named any clubs to him. I don't ask my players anything unless there is something concrete."

When will Jonathan join up with the team?
"We're working on the last few details this afternoon and if everything gets sorted out this evening – because with the time difference there are always a few hitches with getting signatures and sending documents via fax – then he may come up here [to Pinzolo] late tonight or tomorrow."

Of the players such as Banega, Casemiro and the other names being bandied around for the midfield, who are Inter really interested in?
"Those are names that you have come up with, they are good players, young players, and we've taken note, but for the moment we haven't decided everything."

Is Samuel Eto'o also to be considered not for sale at any price?

Gian Piero Gasperini said that Inter already have a full squad and that when the South Americans return from the Copa America there will be two players for each position. If we consider that Muntari and Mariga are leaving, you're still a midfielder short, or are we wrong?
"In most cases you are wrong [smiling], but in this case you have confirmed the basic principle: we have a lot of midfielders. Alvarez is another one and our coach is probably planning on using two or three of them so if you do the maths we're sorted as we are. We can't complain because we're happy with all the players we've got, and we don't have to sell anyone."

What can you tell us about Lucio?
"We've been having talks with Lucio for the last three or four months; both sides are cooperating and showing the respect that a big club and a great player should show each other. We do see things differently: I spoke to his agent two days ago and we'll speak again in two days' time, but I think everything will sort itself out after the Copa America when we meet face to face."

Are we wrong when we say that you have to sell somebody to keep within the financial fair play regulations?
"No, you're absolutely right."

No, because when we keep hearing that everyone is not for sale it seems like we're playing a game...
"You have your game to play and I have mine."

It was to find out whether somebody might have to be sold.
"I think they will. What I was trying to say is that we don't have to sell necessarily, we aren't forced to do anything, because if it's not now, it will be in 50 days' time, and if it's not in 50 days' time it will be in 5 months' time."

Are there any meetings planned with Sneijder's agent?
"No, there's nothing planned."

What can you tell us about Emiliano Viviano?
"We'll sit down and decide with him what the best solution is, something that is both good for our club and that satisfies his desire for first-team football."

Does the same thing go for Davide Santon?
"Yes, it's the same for Santon."

Have you received any offers for them?
"There are some clubs showing an interest but before we get to any concrete offers I think we'll all just have to be a little bit patient."

"He's not in our plans."

Since Gasperini doesn't play with a man in the hole behind the strikers, won't it be a bit difficult to fit Sneijder into the team?
"Gasperini has never said that, on the contrary he has always said that the thing he likes most about this team is its ability to fit into different formations, both from game to game and during the same match."

Press Office

7月12日平佐洛消息 - 阿尔瓦雷斯和卡斯泰尼奥亮相仪式之后,国际米兰技术总监马尔科·布兰卡回答了记者们的问题。






















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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-11 14:44:56 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-11 14:43:28 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-11 14:38:52 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-11 14:32:22 | 只看该作者
Transfer market: Ricardo Alvarez is in Milan
Thursday, 07 July 2011 13:24:44

MILAN – Shortly after 10:30 this morning, Ricardo Gabriel Alvarez, or Ricky as he has been dubbed, arrived at Linate airport on a flight from London. The 23-year-old Argentine midfielder who holds an Italian passport is a natural talent and although he has been courted by all of the major European teams, Inter directors have managed to bring him to Italy with a Nerazzurri scarf already around his neck.

"This is a dream come true for me and I can't wait to start this wonderful adventure": were his first words to the multitude of journalists who had been waiting for the left-footed midfielder who will thrill Inter fans as well as fans of Italian football in general. Ricardo, accompanied by his father Carlos, who seemed more nervous than his son as he has always been an Inter fan, will now have to complete the last formalities of the transfer deal. His agent Marcelo Simonian arrived with him and later today a delegation from Buenos Aires team Vélez Sàrsfield, where he grew up and made his name in Argentina, will join them.

Photos of Alvarez arriving at Linate will be available shortly on inter.it and on Inter Channel

米兰消息 - 7月7日上午10:30刚过,昵称“里奇”的里卡多·加夫列尔·阿尔瓦雷斯从伦敦飞抵利纳特机场。这位拥有意大利护照的23岁阿根廷中场极具天赋,受到欧洲各大豪门追逐,最终国际米兰将他带到意大利,一条蓝黑围巾已经挂在他的颈上。


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-11 13:42:45 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-8 17:37:59 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-8 16:44:43 | 只看该作者

"Inter, I'm the number 8, 10 and winger."
"I'm just like Kaka? No, I will copy Zidane."
The Argentinian landed yesterday and has already asked for the number 11 shirt.
"I'm coming to in a phenomenal dressing room and in the greatest team in the world."

He will ask for... 11.  The jersey number 11 of course.  And he probably will get it.  Ricky "Maravilla" Alvarez will also ask Inter to fulfill the dream of one who has landed on his preferred destination.  "Win," he said "because I can not wait to start helping this team to get back to where it was able to do."  Tall, slim, smart, with this thumb up like Leonardo and a confession that gives us an idea of what is going on in his head: "During the flight from Buenos Aires, I slept very little.  It is a thrill to be a player in this fantastic team."

The greatest British Airways , BA 564, arrived in Linate at 10:35 from London after the flight from Argentina which started on Wednesday afternoon.  He wore a pink shirt, with dad Carlos who was that taking pictures while Alvarez was living in moments of a star.  There were also his manager Marcelo Simonian and Gigi Crippa, Inter's representative.  He had a scarf around his neck almost like when he was in an Inter shirt at six years old.  "I have always been a fan of Inter because of my father, he has always loved this team.  Inter are the greatest team in the world and the truth is that for me being here is like a dream comes true."  A blond Argentinian girl awaited for him and gave him the "bienvenido" and he said: "Thank you, I promise all my best."

Number and numbers Ricky is ready to wear the shirt number 11.  The reassignment of numbers will take place earlier in the season and it is very likely that Muntari (who had the number before leaving for Sunderland on loan) will leave it peacefully.  Also, among other things, he is also likely to leave Inter.  The alternative will be the number 39, another one that he used in Argentina.  "Surely, there is the will to win everything."

Dressing room of great players Once landed, Ricky went to Hotel Melia: a quick shower, a very Italian meal, then to the headquarters of Inter where he was welcomed by technical director Marco Branca.  Afterwards, medical visit in Pavia and Sunday he will be immediately with the team: officially early next week.  "I'm not joking when I say that a dream has come true.  This is a very important and big club and the fact that there are so many Argentinians here can help me to be the best, even in Italian football.  I've heard from Zanetti, yes, he was just welcoming me to the team and gave me a good luck.  I am going to a phenomenal dressing room where I will learn much.  Comparisons to Kaka?  It's a great honor as he is fantastic.  I have come here to win and to demonstrate my ability.  I am ready to sacrifice myself to repay the trust of Inter."

Gasperini In all of this there is Gian Piero Gasperini who does not want to waste time and he has started studying Inter.  Yesterday, he studied a video of Velez and noted the versatility of Ricky.  Gasp understands that he can play inside as well as outside (this will be his position at the beginning) or as a central midfielder in a 4-4-2.  Ricky also revealed that: "I have played as a number 8, a number 10 and even on many occasions as a winger.  I can play on the right, left or in the middle of the field.  I am an attacking midfielder, I like to attack take the ball forward trying to go distance.  An example?  A player that I like is Zidane."  Welcome Ricky.

Source: Gazzetta dello Sport

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发表于 2011-7-8 16:31:00 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-8 16:14:57 | 只看该作者
Alvarez in arrivo: "L'Inter è un covo di fenomeni. Zanetti m'ha chiamato"

Pochissimi minuti fa, il portale argentino TYCSports ha mandato in onda le immagini della partenza di Ricardo Alvarez alla volta dell'Italia. Il nuovo acquisto dell'Inter si è soffermato ai microfoni della TV argentina mostrando un sorriso enorme per l'avventura milanese ormai imminente. Ecco le sue parole raccolte da FcInterNews.it: "All'Inter ci sono più argentini, questo può aiutarmi sicuramente per inserirmi nella squadra e abituarmi al calcio locale. Vado con grande entusiasmo in un mondo nuovo, sono pronto a dare tutto per sfruttare al meglio le mie potenzialità. Devo dire grazie a Pupi (Javier Zanetti, ndr), è stato gentilissimo nel chiamarmi, appoggiarmi e dicendosi felice perché stavo per andare a giocare con lui. Credo che questo per me è stato incredibile, un appoggio enorme, e adesso si parte!".

Quindi, si passa a parlare del trasferimento: "Sì, sapevo che sarei partito in questa estate però tutto è stato rapidissimo e dall momento della firma  ora sono già pronto per partire come vedete. Adesso vado con sacrificio a inserirmi in uno spogliatoio che è un covo di campioni, con voglia di vincere e inserendomi al fianco di tali fenomeni che ci sono all'Inter. E' un sogno per me essere in squadra con loro, dovrò dare il meglio di me per potermici confrontare, sicuramente apprenderò anche tante cose".
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-6 13:44:43 | 只看该作者


Alvarez: "Grato a Zanetti, verrò con famiglia in Italia"

Ricky Alvarez arriva all'Inter. In serata ha parlato lo stesso giocatore il quale ha ringraziato in particolare Zanetti, ecco quanto Goal.com riporta: "Inter? Tutti dicono che siamo molto vicini, ma l'intenzione mia e del procuratrore è quella di non dire nulla fino a quando le cose non saranno compiute. Posso solamente dire di essere molto grato a Javier Zanetti per quello che ha fatto per me. Per quanto riguarda la mia sistemazione penso che verrà con me nella prossima mia avventura mio padre e poi mi raggiungeranno sia mia mamma che mia sorella".
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-5 12:27:44 | 只看该作者
红蝶 发表于 2011-7-5 12:26

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-5 12:26:23 | 只看该作者





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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-4 12:44:28 | 只看该作者




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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-3 22:20:21 | 只看该作者


As a child, the talent of Velez was discarded because he couldn't grow.  Just like Messi...

An aficionado of the old Tribuna Nord (North Stand) in the Jose Amalfitani, home of the Argentinian Clausura champion Velez, perfectly describes Ricky Alvarez: "He is one of those players that when he has the ball, you hope for a monumental play.  For him, it is worth coming to the stadium."  Inter fans get ready.

Crack In Argentina, the 23 year-old talented player of Velez is considered a crack.  Compared to other players, he exploded a little late, but only because in 2008, a few weeks after he made his debut in Primera Division, Alvarez's cruciate ligament was torn, combined with a subsequent strain, he was out of the game for about year.  Since his return to be a full-time player, he has always seemed to have something more and Inter have had its eyes on him (also because he has an Italian passport, which is not bad).

Multipurpose The enigma of Ricky Alvarez is primarily the role.  Simply because he is multifunctional.  Left-footed but almost ambidextrous, born as a central trequartista or on the left, but with Velez, he has played virtually in all the positions in the midfield as well as a trequartista: left or right wing, but also as central midfielder.  Indeed, All of this are his natural position according to Ricardo Gareca, the coach of Velez who only had one regret: does not permit development in a defined role, because it was necessary for him to play wherever the team needed him to.  At Inter, they could make him a winger.  He is not fast per se but he has great technique in hiding the ball and in addition to his height (188 cm) and weight (84 kg) which allow him to move with force: a Pastore with less agile but more physical, in other words.  In comparison to the Rosanero talent, Ricky scores less (5 goals in 49 games) but he is a bigger winner because he has won two Argentinian championships (one in 2009 by defeating Huracan in the very last matchday).

Like Messi The idols of Alvarez will further explain his style of football: Zinedine Zidane and Juan Roman Riquelme.  But there is something that assimilates him to Leo Messi.  Alvarez spent seven years in the youth team of Boca, but they never played him: because he was just a little child who developed late just like the champion of Barca.  So, he moved to Velez and became one of its key players.  In his home in Buenos Aires, he exposed the shirt with the white V to his parent, a shirt where he swore against Independiente on June 8, 2008.  But now he wants Europe: "It would be a dream.  What would it be like to be in front of Maicon who is chasing you?" he confessed once.  And who would face him every day in training?


The Gunners to go up to 12 million but he prefers the Nerazzurri.

Buenos Aires - Arsenal will raise.  Two million more than the last offer of Inter.  A blitz that Raffaini, Velez president, really likes.  He was on a sports radio station in Buenos Aires with this message: "I can confirm that Alvarez is in great demand.  And the team will sell.  For the moment, I have received offers from Inter, Roma and Arsenal.  There are many who want the Argentinian Kaka and they are right.  This talent is destined to become, within a few years, a star of European football."

The price goes up Raffaini is trying to raise the price.  A complicated operation for one reason: Ricky Alvarez has chosen Inter.  And, for the moment, is not willing to speak with management of other clubs.  The player, through his manager, has explained to the Nerazzurri, for a few days, that he feels morally bound to the club of Moratti.  But the directors of the Nerazzurri have to be hurry, and maybe raise one million in its final offer (which is around 10 million euros).  Plus some bonuses linked to appearances on the field.  In fact, tomorrow, Moratti's men will have a decisive encounter with the player to persuade him to land in Milan.

Zamparini: "Go to Inter" Alvarez is one step away from Inter is also confirmed by Maurizio Zamparini.  One that discovered the talent of Ricky several months ago.  The Palermo president spoke to Sky and he was clear: "Alvarez will go to Inter.  This amazing talent that we have missed for less than half of what Inter will pay.  My staff has made a serious mistake."  Things happen in the pit of the transfer market.  By the way, a curiosity: Inter have asked the Argentinians in the national team to keep an open contact with Alvarez to avoid disturbing the inclusion of other teams.  But the disastrous debut in Copa America by the Seleccion has dropped this option.  Zanetti and company have many other problems in mind to become Inter's own sporting directors.  But it is just a matter of time.  And Gasperini's Inter will become even more Argentinian.








腾讯体育讯 尽管国米竞购萨斯菲尔德队前腰里卡多-阿尔瓦雷斯的交易还没有经过官方网站宣布,但是7月3日出版的《米兰体育报》和《罗马体育报》一致认定,国米已经拿下了这名球员。甚至《米兰体育报》还专门用一个专版,详细介绍了这个名气不大但实力彪悍的23岁天才。这个孩子有着坎坷的成长经历,而他与国米的缘分,也有些天赐之合的意思。











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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-2 16:52:25 | 只看该作者

Stefano Borghi(Sportitalia的南美市场专家和电视台评论员)专访:




如果我是蓝黑军团的转会经理,让我在南美甜菜中任选一人,我会选班菲尔德91年的前锋法昆多·费雷亚(Facundo Ferreyra)。这个人的名字现在还不为太多人所知,但很快就会让世人震耳欲聋。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-2 16:47:20 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-29 11:42:51 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-6-29 11:44 编辑

Sky爆料大拿最近多次对阿尔瓦雷兹碎碎念"你必须来国际米兰" (队长兼偶像光环忽悠小盆友去了)

Buffa: "Zanetti sta spingendo per Alvarez all'Inter"

In studio a Sky, Federico Buffa ha svelato un pressing di Javier Zanetti su Ricky Alvarez del Vèlez: "Il Tractor sta ripetutamente dicendo ad Alvarez in questi giorni 'tu devi venire all'Inter'", ha fatto presente Buffa. Il talentuoso argentino è valutato 15 milioni e l'Inter è in duello con l'Arsenal per averlo.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-29 10:29:11 | 只看该作者
G. Milito sogna l'Independiente "con Diego e Cuchu"
Il difensore argentino parla al quotidiano argentino Olè

Gabi Milito, fratello di Diego, attaccante nerazzurro, nel corso di una lunga intervista rilasciata al quotidiano argentino Olè, esprime quello che lui stesso definisce un sogno: "Sarebbe bello finire la carriera con Cambiasso e Diego (il fratello Milito, ndr) all'Independiente. Siamo cresciuti insieme, abbiamo lottato col River per il titolo nel 2000. Speriamo di poter tornare tutti insieme", conclude Milito. Dall'Argentina non smettono di sottolineare la mancanza di un leader come uno dei fratelli Milito all'Independiente, ma non è il momento di tornare in Argentina, come sottolineato dagli stessi giocatori nerazzurri.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-29 10:19:41 | 只看该作者
Milito: "Gasp un grande, possiamo rivincere tutto"

L'arrivo di Gian Piero Gasperini sulla panchina dell'Inter ha riscosso tanti apprezzamenti. Quello più noto è da parte di Diego Milito, il Principe che si riprese Genova proprio sotto la guida del Gasp e che ora riabbraccia il tecnico di Grugliasco in nerazzurri: "Gasperini è un grande, con lui in panchina possiamo rivincere tutto", ha fatto sapere Milito alla Gazzetta dello Sport.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-28 12:17:10 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-28 11:22:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-6-28 11:25 编辑

“Ho parlato con Zanetti e mi ha detto che la scelta è stata ottima. Lo considera un grande tecnico. Uno preparato”.
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