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发表于 2011-8-11 17:59:59 | 只看该作者
colinfirth 发表于 2011-8-11 17:54

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发表于 2011-8-11 18:04:09 | 只看该作者
红蝶 发表于 2011-8-11 17:59


小流氓又是谁? ---丁力??
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发表于 2011-8-11 18:07:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-8-11 18:10 编辑

123# 红蝶




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发表于 2011-8-11 18:13:18 | 只看该作者

小流氓又是谁? ---丁力??
小豆丁梅西 发表于 2011-8-11 18:04



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发表于 2011-8-11 18:39:05 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红蝶 于 2011-8-11 19:08 编辑

128# colinfirth


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-11 18:52:37 | 只看该作者
130# 红蝶


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发表于 2011-8-13 08:07:02 | 只看该作者
U20世青赛16强赛况 - 阿根廷2比1埃及、哥伦比亚3比2哥斯达黎加

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发表于 2011-8-13 08:13:51 | 只看该作者
2011热身赛 - 德国3-2巴西破18年魔咒

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-13 09:47:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-13 09:51 编辑


Ortega, Colombia’s secret agent

(FIFA.com) Friday 12 August 2011

© Getty Images

Fresh from their last-gasp 3-2 win over Costa Rica in the Round of 16 here at the FIFA U-20 World Cup 2011, the dressing room of host nation Colombia was the scene of joyous celebrations, with players and coaching staff all singing and dancing to salsa rhythms. All except attacking midfielder Michael Ortega and supremo Eduardo Lara, who could be seen locked deep in serious conversation.

Problems between the gifted schemer and his coach? Not in the slightest, as Los Cafeteros’ creator-in-chief, currently plying his trade for Mexican club Atlas, was simply taking the earliest opportunity available to tell his boss everything he knew about El TriColombia’s quarter-final opponents.

“I went and spoke to the gaffer as soon as I found out they’d got through too, because I know everything about them,” Ortega revealed to FIFA.com. “Some of my Atlas team-mates are in this Mexico squad and I’ve played against the others in the first division.

“The Mexican lads run hard, they’re committed and they’re battlers,” continued the 20-year-old, who started out in the youth system at homeland outfit Deportivo Cali, where he made his first-team debut at 16. “They never give up and they attack very quickly, so to beat them we’ll have to be even more committed and play better football than them. It’s going to be a tough game, even though we’ve got the fans behind us,” added the No8, who has been at Atlas since 2010.

Saturday 13 August’s clash in Bogota is therefore sure to be special for the Colombian midfield man, given three of his club-mates are in Los Aztecas’ squad. “Cesar Ibanez is my best friend, though I’ve not wanted to speak to him since I got here – so I don’t give anything away. I’m sure we’ll speak a bit out on the pitch, but I know how good our team are and I’m willing to bet him anything he likes (that Colombia will win),” said Ortega, with a broad grin.

A real character in Los Cafeteros’ camp, largely thanks to his sense of humour and restless energy, Ortega is the squad’s main prank-player and occasionally its resident DJ: “Every time I get the chance I put some salsa music on, but mainly so I don’t have to listen to Pedro Franco’s heavy metal!”

On the pitch, however, it is the youngster’s ability to create goalscoring chances for his team-mates that stands him out from the crowd. “I enjoy laying on an assist as much as scoring a goal, even though people only tend to remember the scorer,” he continued. “It’d be great if assists got more recognition too, because some people don’t notice them and that can make things difficult at times.”

Proof of Ortega’s near-surgical passing precision is backed up by his stats. He has so far laid on one goal for Jose Valencia and three for Luis Muriel, including a sublime back-heeled assist in the hosts’ 4-1 opening win over France. “I want to help him finish as the tournament’s top scorer, and he owes me a few already,” said Ortega with a wink. “But this is a team, a family, and when we win everybody’s happy. That’s why I’ll keep putting as many lads through on goal as I possibly can.”

Every time I get the chance I put some salsa music on, but mainly so I don’t have to listen to Pedro Franco’s heavy metal!
Michael Ortega, Colombia midfielder.

Primarily used as a striker in the early years of his climb up the footballing ladder, a canny coach later decided Ortega’s qualities were best deployed in a more withdrawn role. “He wanted to better exploit my reading of the game, while I also wasn’t as quick as I used to be,” said the player. “Fortunately I still think just as quickly, which is more important.”

Anyone who has seen him in action will agree, while his style of play could barely be more fitting for a fervent admirer of that most elegant of string-pullers: Boca Juniors’ Juan Roman Riquelme. “He’s a cut above everybody else. It’s thanks to him that the No10 role is still around, that it hasn't disappeared,” he said, before giving his verdict on another iconic playmaker in Carlos Valderrama. “Well, El Pibe is something else too, he’s a different class. He’s like a God to us – he’ll always be Colombia’s No10.”

Riquelme, in particular, is also known for weighing in with important goals, something Ortega has yet to match at this year’s FIFA U-20 World Cup. “If I score against them they’ll want to kill me when I get back!” joked the player, when quizzed on how it would feel were his first strike to come against Mexico. “But they know that here we’re playing for the pride and happiness of the Colombian people. This is a World Cup and they’d forgive me.

“Here we play with our hearts,” added Ortega, before signing off by giving his ultimate aim for the rest of the competition. “I want us to become world champions and make history in this jersey. All I want is to make the Colombian people happy.”
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-13 16:19:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-13 19:10 编辑




“我就尽快地去跟老头子讲了我的想法,当我得知墨西哥人也晋级时,因为我知道他们的一切,” 奥尔特加向FIFA网透露到。 “我的一些俱乐部队友现在就在这支墨西哥队阵容当中,而且,我在墨甲联赛中也见识过他们球队中其他人的身手。”

“在球场上,墨西哥小伙子们很努力,他们很投入,他们是一群年轻的战士,”这位年仅20岁的小伙子继续说道,他出自哥伦比亚国内俱乐部卡里队的青训系统,16岁时就上演个人职业生涯首秀。 “他们墨西哥人永不放弃,他们的攻击非常快,所以为了打败他们,我们得比他们更投入,踢出发挥更好的足球来。 这将是一场艰难的比赛,尽管我们拥有家门口球迷的支持,”这位8号球员补充道,他自2010年以来已在阿特拉斯队效力。

因此,对于这位哥伦比亚年轻中场球员来说,这场于八月十三日星期六在波哥达即将上演的遭遇战,肯定会是一次特殊的战斗,即使他的东家俱乐部三位队友出现在这支阿兹台克军团的阵容中。“塞萨尔·伊瓦涅斯是我在俱乐部的最好朋友,尽管我没想跟他说话,自从我来到这里 — — 所以,我不会放弃一切机遇的。我肯定,我们会在场上说点什么,但我知道我们哥伦比亚队有多好,而且我敢打赌他说他喜欢(哥伦比亚会赢),”奥尔特加说道,同时咧嘴嘿嘿笑起来。

作为“咖啡农”军营中的真正代表人物,这很大程度上归功于他的幽默感与旺盛精力,奥尔特加在球队中是主要的恶作剧者,而且偶尔也作营地的DJ耍耍:“每一次我有机会,我就放一些莎尔莎音乐,但这样主要是,我就不用听佩德罗·佛朗哥(队长)的重金属音乐 !"


奥尔特加的传球近似外科手术般精准,其证明就是他的统计数据所支持。本届世青赛到目前为止,他在助攻榜上以4个名列前茅,其中助攻20号何塞·巴伦西亚打进1球,助攻9号路易斯·莫里尔打进3球,包括一个脚后跟美妙传球助攻帮助东道主首战法国取得4-1大胜的 开门红。“我想帮助他有所成就,夺取最佳射手荣誉,他已经欠我几个助攻了,”奥尔特加眨眼说道。 “但这是一个团队,一个大家庭,当我们取胜时,大家都开心。 这就是为什么我会一直尽已所能向更多小伙子们传球去进球。 ”




看过他上场比赛的所有人士将会同意,尽管他踢球的风格几乎不可能更适合作为对博卡青年队胡安·罗曼·里克尔梅的一个狂热崇拜者,足球场琴声演奏者中最优雅的那一位。 "他比其他人都高出一筹。感谢上帝,多亏了他,球场的10号角色至今屹立不倒,这并没有消失过,”他说道,接着他对另一个标志性的的进攻组织者卡洛斯·巴尔德拉马赞赏起来。 “嗯,埃尔皮贝也是如此,他是一位与众不同球员。 他就像我们的上帝–他永远是哥伦比亚队的10号。 ”


“在这里,我们用我们自己心脏去踢球,” 奥尔特加补充道,接着他以这样的雄心来结束本次访谈,他表示要在剩下比赛中为夺取冠军而战。“我希望我们能够成为世界冠军,我们要穿着这样球衣来创造历史。我想要的就是让哥伦比亚人民快乐。”
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发表于 2011-8-14 12:12:16 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 memes 于 2011-8-14 12:17 编辑


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发表于 2011-8-14 12:19:10 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-8-14 12:22:12 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-8-14 12:23:25 | 只看该作者
Drama and devastation(FIFA.com) Sunday 14 August 2011
© Getty Images

THE DAY REPLAYED – Today's first quarter-final concluded in incomparable drama. Its second ceased in incomparable despair. Ultimately, as Portugal and Mexico were left celebrate last-four places, Argentina and Colombia were left to commiserate elimination.

The Iberians' finishing had deserted them during 120 goalless minutes with the record six-time champions, and it was effectively certain to cost them a place in the last four after spot-kicks from Danilo and Roderick were saved by Esteban Andrada. Portugal needed to convert their last two attempts and hope Argentina missed theirs just to take it to sudden death. And that is exactly what happened thanks to the reflexes of Mika, who went on to save his third penalty and clinch a 5-4 victory - and one of the most sensational shoot-out comebacks in football history - for Ilidio Vale's team.

The remaining game begin amid an exceptional atmosphere in Bogota, where the masses were raring to roar Colombia into the semis. Ninety minutes later and those supporters' dreams had been destroyed, a 3-1 success enhancing what is a magical meridian for Mexican football.


Portugal 0-0 Argentina (Portugal win 5-4 on penalties)
Mexico 3-1 Colombia

Goal of the day

Four goals were scored today. The first was a mishit penalty which crept under Bonilla's body. The second was a strike that somehow went under legs of the Mexico keeper. The last was one that went through the hands of the Colombia No1. So while the third was hardly a goal of the tournament contender, it was well-taken, fundamental and worth its place here. Ulises Davila whipped in a corner and, despite having his vision impaired by two Colombian defenders, substitute Edson Rivera arched back his head and with it generated sufficient power to beat Bonilla and hit the roof of his net.

Memorable moments
Booing their own
Porto may be the Portuguese champions, but they didn't have one representative on the field as today's first quarter-final kicked off. That changed on the hour, though the incoming substitute got a boo rather than a cheer from the contingent of Dragões followers in Cartagena. That's because Argentina's Juan Iturbe was striving to harm the fans he will aim to please at club level.

Jelly break
After 90 exhausting minutes amid the high altitude of Cartagena, several of the Portuguese players tucked into an energiser. It was not, however, a banana or an energy bar. Instead, they were given a plastic spoon and tub filled with jelly!

Unseen support
When a Jose Rodriguez howler gifted Colombia an equaliser, his deputy keeper frantically tried to get the attention of the Guadalajara man to offer his support. Despite his desperate attempts, however, the flailing arms went unnoticed. Not that the blooper affected Rodriguez: he made fine saves from James Rodriguez and Luis Muriel thereafter to continue the trend of no host nation reaching the semi-finals since Argentina in 2001.

The stat
480 – The number of minutes Portugal's Mika has gone without conceding in Colombia, leaving him just 12 minutes short of the record for a goalkeeper at the FIFA U-20 World Cup. Chile's Christopher Toselli went 492 minutes unbeaten in 2007, while Taffarel managed 484 without leaking a goal in 1985. Furthermore, Mika's penalty-saving heroics helped the Portuguese return to the semi-finals of the competition for the first time in 16 years, and mean they have now won a record three shoot-outs in the event. Argentina, meanwhile, have now lost their last three shoot-outs in FIFA competitions, all against European opposition, following eliminations by Germany at the FIFA World Cup™ five years ago and Englnd at the FIFA U-17 World Cup last month.

Next up
France and Nigeria will do battle at 3pm on Sunday for the right to face Portugal in the semi-finals, three hours before Brazil and Spain compete for a crack at Mexico.

Have your say
What have been the best penalty shoot-out comebacks you have ever seen?
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发表于 2011-8-14 12:24:37 | 只看该作者
Colombia crash out to Mexico

© Getty Images

Mexico inflicted a crushing defeat upon host nation Colombia, sealing a 3-1 quarter-final victory in Bogota to book their place in the semi-finals.

An Erick Torres penalty gave El Tri a first-half lead, and although Duvan Zapata levelled the score in the second-half, substitute Edson Rivera bagged a brace to send Colombia crashing out at these finals.

Los Cafeteros began the night the more dangerous of the two sides, with goalscoring leader Luis Muriel threatening to add a fifth to his tournament tally. Before ten minutes, the No9 had his first crack on the Mexican goal, only to see it deflected. The Colombians were dominating proceedings throughout the first half, but the South Americans lacked a finishing touch.
Duvan Zapata, who earned the start ahead of Jose Valencia, nearly got to the end of a Michael Ortega cross from the left side, but in fine form, Mexican goalkeeper Jose Rodriguez, punched away the chance. And on 20 minutes the keeper denied Muriel a superb chance, when he tipped the forward’s long-range shot over the bar.

Muriel was back at it again five minutes later in the right side of the area, but from a tight angle could only muster a shot off target.

James Rodriguez’s dropped a fine free-kick effort directly onto the head of Luciano Ospina in the area, but the defender was unable to keep his header down and on target. Muriel then provided a neat back-heel pass into the path of left-back Hector Quinones, but the No5 hit his chance over the crossbar.

At the other end, Mexico silenced the crowd in Botoga, as they took the lead against the run of play. Diego Reyes, attempting to get on to the end of a free-kick, was bundled over in the area by Juan Cabezas. The referee pointed to the spot, and Torres coolly slotted home the ensuing spot-kick.

After the break, Mexico seemed keen on doubling their advantage. However, the host nation willed by their supporters in Bogota found the equaliser they desperately needed in the 60th minute. Proving his position in the starting XI, Zapata tried his luck from 30 yards, and to his satisfaction watched his shot creep right through the Mexican No1’s legs over the goalline.

But Mexico would have the final say. Just nine minutes later, the Colombians found themselves yet again a goal down as Ulises Davila’s pinpoint corner-kick found Rivera, who powered home with his head. Los Cafeteros searched for an answer, but both Ortega and Rodriguez had chances sail over the woodwork.
The result was put beyond doubt on 88 minutes, when on the counter, Rivera scored his second much to Mexico’s delight and to the host nation’s despair.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-14 12:42:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-8-14 17:45 编辑




葡萄牙晋级之路:0-0 乌拉圭、1-0喀麦隆、1-0新西兰、1-0危地马拉、0-0阿根廷(点球5-4)
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-14 12:44:46 | 只看该作者
Portugal edge Argentina in incredible shoot-out

Portugal staged an incredible recovery during a shoot-out to eliminate Argentina and reach the semi-finals of the FIFA U-20 World Cup. After 120 goalless minutes, the Iberians trailed 3-1 on penalties, meaning they needed convert their last two attempts and hope the South Americans missed theirs just to take it to sudden death. And that is exactly what happened thanks to the reflexes of Mika, who went on to save his third penalty and clinch a 5-4 victory for Portugal.

It was a breathtaking conclusion to what had been a dull evening in Cartagena. It began with Nelson Oliveira having two half-chances with which he failed to please the pro-Portugal crowd in the opening ten minutes. First, he shot two yards wide after racing on to a long ball, and then he turned swiftly inside the box but failed to keep his low drive on target.

Ilidio Vale's side had a much better opportunity on 16 minutes. A long ball split the Argentina defence, and Caetano outsprinted his markers to reach it. The No11 carried it into the area and unleashed a powerful shot, which was heading into the roof of the net until Esteban Andrada acrobatically pushed it over.

Argentina threatened moments later. From a free-kick just outside the box, Erik Lamela curled the ball narrowly over the bar, much to the relief of goalkeeper Mika.

Portugal had the better of the player during the remainder of the period, but Sergio Oliveira, Luis Martins, Danilo and Caetano were all let down by their finishing.

Soon after the restart, Facundo Ferreyra, sliding it at the back post, was just inches away from connecting with a Lamela free-kick. It was to be the No9's last involvement, with Juan Iturbe coming on in his place on the hour.

Almost instantly, the diminutive playmaker had contributed to Mika having two dodgy moments.
Iturbe skipped past an opponent and though his shot from the edge of the box went straight towards the Portugal No1, he fumbled it before it dropped wide for a corner. Mika then flapped at a cross from the Porto player, but got away with conceding a corner.

Andrada was then twice responsible for keeping the deadlock intact, saving superbly from a Sergio Oliveira free-kick before repelling a Nelson Oliveira piledriver.

There was very little action thereafter, with Argentina having the better of the possession but failing to get enough men in their opponents' box. In injury time, though, Nicolas Tagliafico tricked his way past three adversaries and into the Portugal area, but his shot from a mightily tight angle was easily gathered by Mika.

Extra time was largely void of action, with both sides evidently exhausted. And when Danilo and Roderick misses gave Argentina a two-goal cushion in the shoot-out, it appeared the six-time champions were on their away into the last four. Mika nevertheless denied Gonzalez Pires and Ruiz to help take it into sudden death, and after Sergio scored, the Portugal No1 flung himself to his right to repel Tagliafico's effort.

Argentina's quest for a seventh FIFA U-20 World Cup title was over. Portugal's mission for a third will continue on Wednesday against the France-Nigeria victors in Medellin.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-14 12:50:26 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-8-14 13:30:17 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-8-14 15:28:18 | 只看该作者
对辣妹辣别那么苛刻拉 人家带伤啊 看看第一场和这场 明显两个人  教练太无魄力
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发表于 2011-8-14 15:34:18 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-8-14 15:47:47 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-14 17:40:22 | 只看该作者
苏沪烟雨 发表于 2011-8-14 15:47

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发表于 2011-8-14 18:24:12 | 只看该作者
Alex2011 发表于 2011-8-14 17:40

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-14 18:38:39 | 只看该作者
苏沪烟雨 发表于 2011-8-14 18:24

Erick Torres 10号球员,不知如你所说?
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