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【10-11 ZM专贴】280L:替补伊布戴帽助瑞典5-0横扫芬兰

发表于 2011-2-20 00:19:01 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2011-2-20 00:20:35 | 只看该作者



虽然【ZM】的理解也不是 ...
弗爵爷 发表于 2011-2-20 00:19

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-20 14:19:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-2-20 14:24 编辑


Statistics: Arsenal FC 2 – 1 FC Barcelona

Posted at: 13:33 on Saturday, February 19, 2011 Category: Analysis, Matches Written by: Stevenson

Thanks to the wonder of Opta Sports, we now have near real-time feedback on player and team performances during Champions League matches. The iPhone application Total Football packages this information in a way that allows mere mortals to make sense of it. So what do the stats say about Wednesday’s clash with Arsenal? Read on for some interesting conclusions.

If you saw the game the way I did, you will have taken two big things out of it on Wednesday: First, Barcelona dominated possession, especially in the first half, but failed to make that possession count. Second, our attack had a collective bad day at the office. Both these conclusions are largely supported in the Opta match data on passing, attacking and overall player influence.

Passing in the midfield

Xavi: passing king!

Busquets: total passes

Iniesta: total passes

The graphic depictions of the passing in our midfield paint an amazing picture of Barcelona’s game. The slides featured here demonstrate not only the efficiency of our passing, but they also tell the story of just how we were able to dominate possession against a team like Arsenal who thrive on it themselves. Xavi completed 114 out of 121 passes on Wednesday; Sergio Busquets 96 out of 107. In contrast, Cesc Fabragas completed 45 out of 56 passes, and Jack Wilshere 43 out of 48.

Wilshere: total passes

Fabregas: total passes

What Barcelona did with their possession is quite another story. There were moments in the game when it felt like we were protecting a 3-goal lead, rather than teetering on the brink of defeat. If you look at the passing chart for Messi in particular, you’ll see that many of his passes went to players who were behind him on the field. While this per se is not that unusual, it does point to a lack of incision in our attack, and in our possession of the ball in general.

Messi: total passes

Barcelona’s anemic attack

Messi: total shots

Villa: total shots

Pedro: total shots

Despite our domination of possession, and Villa’s opener on 26 minutes, it was clear that our attack collectively was not going to produce a sparkling performance. The stats for total shots tell one part of this story: in 90 minutes we had eight shots on goal; only two of those shots were on target. More revealing are the passing statistics for a few key players. Villa, in general, had an excellent match, but he wasn’t very involved in the buildup. Pedro was more involved with his teammates, but many of his passes were back-passes that merely kept the ball in circulation. The slide showing where Messi received his passes also shows just how deep he was playing.

Villa: total passes

Pedro: total passes

Messi: passes received

The final image below charts player influence during the second half, a period in which Arsenal came back into the game. Our attacking trio during this crucial period had largely faded from view, either because of fatigue or disinterest.

Player influence second half

Digging into these statistics is fascinating. Do you see anything in the data from this game that is revealing? If so, be sure to share your insights in the comments. And watch out for a similar write-up after the return leg of this tie in two weeks.

Read more: http://www.totalbarca.com/2011/matches/statistics-arsenal-fc-vs-fc-barcelona/#ixzz1ETctoOie
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-22 13:15:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-2-22 13:20 编辑

9# 午时靡深蓝


战术板——巴伦西亚1-1 沙尔克:两个左翼传中,一场平手僵局  由 吴老二脑血栓 发表在GoalHi足球·德意志城堡 http://bbs.goalhi.com/dejia

巴伦西亚 1-1 沙尔克:两个左翼传中,一场平手僵局

2011年 2月17号



埃梅里在他的阵容选择上令人惊讶,决定在他所中意的非常灵活的4-2-3-1/4-3-3 阵型中放弃了他的几名擅长拉开宽度的边翼,而阿里兹.阿杜里斯与罗伯托.索尔达多携手首发出场。





















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发表于 2011-2-23 11:12:31 | 只看该作者
Lyon 1-1 Real Madrid: all square in tight game
February 22, 2011

The starting line-ups

Karim Benzema scored on his return to Lyon, but Bafetimbi Gomis netted a late equaliser.
Claude Puel fielded a 4-2-3-1 system, making just one change from the weekend game. Jimmy Briand’s spectacular bicycle kick against Nancy wasn’t enough to keep him in the side, so Brazilian Michel Bastos played instead.
The only minor surprise from Jose Mourinho was at left-back. Marcelo was left out, Alvaro Arbeloa started.
Real were slightly subdued throughout the contest, and the game was static for periods, with neither side really wanting to take the initiative and both preferring to wait for counter-attacking opportunities.

The game was never ‘poor’, but for spells it wasn’t interesting tactically. It was 4-2-3-1 v 4-2-3-1, the game had no overall pattern, both goals had an element of fortune to them, and neither manager conclusively out-tacticed the other. The points to take from this game were minor.
Arbeloa-Ronaldo combination misfires
The combination of Arbeloa and Cristiano Ronaldo down the left  didn’t work particularly well. It was widely assumed that Mourinho omitted Marcelo because he wanted someone more defensively secure in this match, but the defensive nature of Arbeloa actually invited pressure and made Real slower and more predictable with the ball.
It’s questionable whether a side can successfully function with two wrong-footed players on the same wing. The tactical trend of last season was to play ‘inverted’ wingers, but these were almost always used in conjunction with attacking full-backs. It’s a two-way system – the winger coming inside creates space for the overlapping full-back, and the overlapping full-back stretches the play to open up play for the winger.
Real tried to play through Ronaldo, so Lyon made plenty of interceptions in their right-back zone

When you have a winger looking to come inside and shoot (as Ronaldo inevitably does) in conjunction with a wrong-footed full-back who doesn’t stretch the play, you become quite easy to play against. Ronaldo showed a couple of good moments with stepovers, but his only three attempts on goal came from free-kicks. He offers more than simply goalscoring, but despite being a winger, he is Real’s main goal threat and was stifled here. Marcelo overlapping is a key part of Ronaldo’s game.
Real still tried to play down that flank, meaning Lyon generally won the ball in their right-back position. On the other side, Angel di Maria was tucked in, and also wanted to come inside onto his stronger foot.
Lyon defend well, attack poorly
Lyon had less possession but were more of a threat in the first half. They were often wasteful in the final third, with Bastos and Gomis both wasting promising chances. They were better when Bastos switched to the left of the pitch, where he teamed up with the left-back Aly Cissokho in fast attacks – on the other side, Anthony Reveillere remained in position against Ronaldo.
Lyon coped well in the centre of the pitch – they let Real have the ball in their own half, but then pressed when Real attempted to play it into the front four. There was little drive from Real’s six defensive players and hence no ’surprise’ element for Lyon when defending. Mesut Ozil had a very quiet game – he only influenced the play when he dropped deep or moved to the flanks – the chalkboard of his passing shows an almost perfect ‘wall’ (broken by one solitary pass and two corners) across the final third, that he couldn’t penetrate.
Mesut Ozil barely influenced the game in or around the penalty area

However, Lyon didn’t create much from the middle of the pitch when they won the ball, with Xabi Alonso and Sami Khedira remaining in position.
Second half
Real were better in the second half when they raised the tempo and moved the ball more quickly into dangerous positions. Lyon looked more nervous when their back four was put into action immediately, rather than having the shield of a midfield four as well.
Both managers changed the game from the bench. Benzema’s strike was his first action after coming off the substitutes bench, whilst Puel introduced three new men, all attacking players, which gave Lyon a renewed attacking threat and pushed them forward for the late goal. Mourinho had replaced Ozil with Marcelo, who played on the left of a midfield three along with Lassana Diarra and Alonso.
A draw was probably a fair result. Neither side played particularly well – Lyon didn’t make the most of their opportunities when they got the ball into the final third, whilst Real simply didn’t get the ball into the final third, with Ronaldo blunted, Ozil quiet, and di Maria fairly average.
Still, it is advantage to Real – 11 of the last 14 sides who drew the first leg of a Champions League knockout tie 1-1 away from home eventually progressed, according to Opta.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 07:31:50 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-2-24 07:33 编辑

Copenhagen 0-2 Chelsea: 4-4-2 v 4-4-2

February 23, 2011

The starting line-ups

Chelsea eased past a disappointing Copenhagen side with two goals from Nicolas Anelka.

Ståle Solbakken changed his side from the formation that had served him well in the group stages – using two strikers with Jesper Gronkjaer played out on the left, rather than just off the frontman.
Carlo Ancelotti left out Didier Drogba and brought in Anelka and Fernando Torres.
Copenhagen put up a good fight in the group stages, drawing at home to Barcelona and progressing ahead of Rubin Kazan and Panathinaikos, becoming the first Danish side ever to qualify for this phase of the European Cup.
Therefore, Solbakken’s decision to move to a 4-4-2 was surprising, and frankly, the wrong choice. Copenhagen are not a great side, but they are far better than they showed here. There were various reasons why Copenhagen’s tactics were wrong for this match.

1) It meant the formations were ‘matched’
Both sides played 4-4-2, which created a series of individual battles across the pitch. Chelsea are simply a better team than Copenhagen – not one of the Copenhagen players would get into the Chelsea side, and therefore when the contest was reduced to 1 v 1 battles, Chelsea were obviously on top. Copenhagen needed to dominate a particular area of the pitch in order to cause Chelsea problems, preferably the midfield zone, if not, at the back.

2) It meant an open game
On a similar note, as observed numerous times on ZM before, 2 v 2 battle in the centre of midfield (rather than 3 v 3 or 3 v 2) creates a free-flowing, open game. That generally favours the better technical side, which was always likely to be Chelsea.

3) Chelsea got away without a true holding player
Chelsea’s move to a more obvious 4-4-2 system means they’re now playing a formation they’re unfamiliar with. They are used to three – or even four – central midfielders, always with a holding player like Claude Makelele or Jon Obi Mikel sweeping up behind the two more advanced midfielders. Frank Lampard and Mikel Essien didn’t really gel as a duo in a 4-4-2, and frequently got caught too high up the pitch, leaving space between the lines. If Gronkjaer had been playing as a central playmaker rather than as a winger, he would have thrived in that space – or alternatively, he would have forced Essien or Lampard to drop deeper, opening up space for one of Copenhagen’s holding players.

4) Dame N’Doye played off another striker, meaning his pace in behind wasn’t an option
As Chelsea’s season-turning defeat to Sunderland at Stamford Bridge showed, Chelsea are vulnerable to pace in behind the defence, especially when Branislav Ivanovic is paired with John Terry. In N’Doye, Copenhagen have a player with explosive pace and power - see how he dominated the game against the (admittedly outrageously slow) Gilberto Silva in the group phase. In this game, however, he was forced to come deep and collect the ball, leaving Cesar Santin upfront. Santin is also a quick player but lacks the strength N’Doye has, and was removed at half-time. The one time N’Doye ran past the Chelsea defence with the ball, he was brought down by Terry, showing how much the Chelsea backline may have struggled with him further up the pitch.
Copenhagen were more of a goal threat after the half-time switch to their 'old' system

5) The energetic start exposed Copenhagen’s poor fitness levels
Having not played a competitive game for around three months, Copenhagen’s frantic pressing at the start of the game was a huge surprise – the players clearly tired towards the end of the game as a result.

None of this should take away from a good Chelsea performance – you can only beat the side put in front of you – but Chelsea won the game easily without having to do anything special.
Their shape was more of a 4-4-2 than we saw at the weekend, with the two strikers staying in central positions and Malouda slightly deeper (although still more advanced than Ramires, who tucked in).
The victory should be treated with caution when assessing the formation – the central midfield duo didn’t look particularly comfortable without the ball, but they both got forward to good effect, as the chalkboard shows.

Lampard and Essien's passing

Anelka and Torres’ relationship was a little more positive – they combined well a couple of times and both had plenty of attempts on goal:

Torres and Anelka's shooting

Solbakken’s half-time decision to remove Santin, bring on Martin Vingaard and push Jesper Gronkjaer forward into his central position was an admission that he got his tactics wrong from the start. Copenhagen were better in the second half, but the fatigue from their pressing set in early.
Chelsea are now in a commanding position. Their display was professional rather than spectacular – they got the two goals and then were happy with that scoreline. The Torres-Anelka combination was encouraging, and will surely get another run out in Chelsea’s next game – against Manchester United.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 07:38:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-2-24 07:39 编辑

Inter 0-1 Bayern: Gomez nicks it at the end
February 23, 2011

The line-ups for most of the first half - though Gustavo and Pranjic started the other way around, and strangely switched within the first five minutes

Mario Gomez struck very late to give Bayern a crucial first leg lead.
Leonardo was without Diego Milito (injured) and Giampaolo Pazzini (cup-tied). He played Dejan Stankovic and Wesley Sneijder off Samuel Eto’o.
Louis van Gaal played the same XI that started the weekend game against Mainz, though had to make a change towards the end of the first half when Danijel Pranjic got injured. Breno replaced him, with Holger Bastuber going to left-back.
The game was surprisingly open, with a chance for Andrea Ranocchia in the opening minute, following a set-piece. Dead ball opportunities provided the most obvious openings for the home side, with their other good chance in the opening period falling to Eto’o, after Lucio had stayed up for a corner and played the ball across the box.

Bayern superior
Bayern were the better side, however, shading possession and creating more chances. Inter were perhaps surprised by how Bayern have changed in the nine months since the sides met in the European Cup final. Then, Bayern were a counter-attacking side, who played almost exclusively through Arjen Robben and Franck Ribery down the flanks. This season (partly because of the absence of those two) they’ve become more possession-orientated, and that showed here.
Inter immediately dropped very, very deep when they lost the ball – deeper than their manager wanted, as Leonardo was visibly encouraging his side to move higher up the pitch. As a result, Bayern had plenty of time on the ball – in particular, the full-backs had no direct opponent, much like in the first half against Roma, the last time they played in Italy. Philipp Lahm and Pranjic didn’t do anything great on the ball, but they did force Inter’s outside midfielders to come to meet them, opening space in the midfield. The full-back also helped work 2 v 1 situations with Robben and Ribery.

Central midfield battle
The situation with Inter’s two attacking midfielders was interesting. Sneijder pulled out to the left, Stankovic played deeper and to the right. Bayern’s two deep central midfielders didn’t necessarily track them – they instead made sure they kept the distance between themselves and the Bayern back four tight. Bayern’s full-backs played very narrow to help crowd out Inter’s attacking trio – so it was usually 6 v 3 in a very tight area. Inter’s problem was that they usually only attacked with three players – there was little drive from midfield, and the full-backs had Bayern’s wingers to deal with. Inter were the definition of a broken side.

Schweinsteiger had time on the ball, and knocked plenty of passes out to Lahm at right-back

Second half
Inter were more positive in the second half. They played higher up and didn’t let their defence drop so deep. They were still vulnerable to 2 v 1 situations down the flanks, however, and Bayern created a golden chance from a cross in the 47th minute, that Muller headed wide.
It became increasingly clear what Inter’s problem was when they didn’t have possession – Sneijder and Stankovic weren’t doing anything. The Bayern full-backs were free, whilst their holding players found it easy to move from side to side into space. In this respect, it wasn’t dissimilar from the way Leonardo exited the competition last season, when his Milan side crashed out to Manchester United, mainly because Ronaldinho and Pato did absolutely nothing when their side didn’t have possession. Leonardo’s commitment to attacking football is admirable, but it might well cost him dear again – and it’s especially unsustainable when the ‘attacking’ football doesn’t produce any goals.
Substitutions changed the game little. Houssine Kharja replaced Ranocchia because of injury, with Zanetti going to left-back and Cristian Chivu moving into the centre – but that was the second and final change of the game – and both were because of injury. Neither side changed their system or their overall strategy, both managers were content.
If you were to break the game down into nine ten-minute sections,  Inter’s most positive part of the game was probably in the final ten minutes. Such is football, that was when Bayern scored – Robben was allowed inside onto his stronger foot, and his swerving drive wasn’t held by Julio Cesar – Gomez pounced to get the goal that he didn’t deserve, but his team certainly did.

A surprisingly open game. Bayern were by far the better side here – they were organised without the ball, dominated possession, and manufactured better chances by working the ball down the flanks. The only surprise was that their goal took so long to come.
It has been a disastrous European Cup round for Italian clubs so far – all three clubs at home, all losing. More specifically, all three sides have been vulnerable to width and pace, and Italian football seems an era behind the rest of Europe this season.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 21:08:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-2-24 21:12 编辑

Marseille 0-0 Manchester United (UEFA Champions League): MATCH REVIEW

by Gene Um on Feb 24, 2011 5:40 AM GMT in 2010-2011 Champions League

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. For 73 agonizing minutes, my heart yearned for a certain copper top to appear in order to spice things up. Then he suddenly did. Midfield maestro Paul Scholes came on for 17 minutes and injected passing wizardry into a lifeless Manchester United attack, but the brief encounter was not enough. United were held to a goalless draw at Stade Velodrome in the first leg of their UEFA Champions League match by hosts Olympique de Marseille. Manager Sir Alex Ferguson surprised many by starting Darron Gibson over Scholes, but the 23 year-old failed to yield much influence on this European night. The match contained shifts in momentum throughout, but neither side appeared to be a genuine threat. United will welcome Marseille to Old Trafford in three weeks time for the return leg in a favorable position, but still with plenty of work to be done in order to advance to the quarter-finals of Champions League play. The lack of an away goal may be somewhat worrisome, especially when considering United's recent fortunes in similar predicaments.

Manchester United played in a '4-3-3' shape. Dimitar Berbatov lead the attacking line in the center. Wayne Rooney played on the left flank, and often drifted towards the center. Nani played on the right flank and stayed closer to his touchline than Rooney did on his. Michael Carrick played deep in the central midfield, just ahead of the center-backs in a holding position, and also as a double pivot when United were in possession. Darren Fletcher was also employed in the center of the pitch in a box-to-box role, and also slightly left-center. Gibson was the third central midfielder, playing slightly higher up the pitch than Fletcher and generally farther to the right. Patrice Evra played left-back, and made many forward over-lapping runs in support of Rooney when the latter tucked inside. Right-back John O'Shea was a bit more conservative than Evra and stayed back in his own half more. The center-back pairing was captain Nemanja Vidic and Chris Smalling, the latter deputizing for the injured Rio Ferdinand.
Gibson might have been inserted into the line-up over Scholes in order to provide a bit more energy and pace. Despite the Northern Irishman's inclusion, the '4-3-3' shape that United used was intended to be attack-minded in nature. Only Carrick played deep, and Gibson had the freedom to join the attack. Often a '4-3-3' shape includes two double pivots, which can resemble a '4-2-3-1,' but that wasn't the case for United at tonight's start.
Marseille typically play with a '4-3-3' shape, but their lineup resembled more of a '4-2-3-1' shape. In the central midfield, Charles Kabore and Edouard Cisse were used as holding players, with the former often providing cover for left-back Gabriel Heinze when in defense. The two holding players freed up Lucho into the attack higher up the pitch, and the Argentinean was free to act as a play-maker and link player to the attack. Rod Fanni played right-back, and was joined in the defense by the center-back pairing of Stephane M'Bia and Souleymane Diawara. In the attack, Brandao was the central striker, and he was flanked by Andre Ayew on the left and Loic Remy on the right. These three attackers were fluid in nature and interchaning often, especially Brandao and Ayew. It all looked a bit like this:

Further tactical breakdown after the jump...


* The opening 20 minutes was more free-flowing than most had anticipated. United started well and the freedom that Fletcher and Gibson had to join the attack displayed an away side that was initially attack-minded.
* Evra was really bombing forward in the opening moments of the match, and the Frenchman seemed invigorated by being back on native soil. Once again, Rooney gave his manager tactical flexibility as he was tasked out wide left due to the limited selection of wide players for United at the moment. But he kept drifting towards the center of the pitch, where he is clearly more comfortable. In the attacking half of the pitch for Marseille, Remy was tucking in central and didn't occupy the touchline much. This all provided acres of space down the entire left touchline for Evra to occupy and exploit. It was a class performance for Evra, both defensively and an in attack.
* On the opposite side of the pitch, O'Shea was more reserved, but he did pick times to join the attack. O'Shea was often dragged toward the center of the pitch by Ayew's movement. Both Brandao and Ayew were interchangeable on that side of the pitch, and in general, Smalling and O'Shea did well to communicate in handling this fluidity from the Marseille attackers. I remember two separate occasions where Smalling got dragged out too far by the movement of Brandao and Lucho, but in general the young defender was very solid. Another masterful performance for Ferdinand's deputy.
* Nani had a clear pace advantage on Heinze, and the Marseille left-back required the cover services of Kabore for help. It had initially looked like Nani was going to abuse the former United defender throughout the evening, but Kabore's help and Nani's wastefulness at times made the match one to forget the Portuguese winger. In the past, teams have tried to have the left attacking player provide help to their left-back in order to deal with Nani, but typically with unsuccessful results. Marseille had their left-attacking player high up the pitch in attack, and had one of their two holding midfielders provide inside cover on Nani leaving few chances for the United winger to exploit Heinze's lack of pace in one-on-one situations. This also forced Nani to retreat back much more often to help in defense than he typically does.
* About 20-25 minutes into the match, Marseille began to grow into it. Their tempo really picked up and they began to increase their pressure on United at this point. It was a game-changer. The pressing was high up the pitch, and United struggled to consistently deal with it. Fletcher had a string of poor passes from this point and until the half, which resulted from him not being able to adequately cope with the increased pressure. Carrick kept the passes simple and tried to ping the ball around, but at times he needed to provide a more positive pass since Fletcher was struggling to deal with the pressure. Gibson at this point needed to come deeper and provide a link to help relieve pressure, but he was very liberal with his freedom and stayed closer to the attack, rather than linking play. Gibson wasn't poor on the ball when he had it, he was just poorly positioned and didn't have the tactical awareness to adjust. The main result of this pressure was that Marseille was winning the ball back in United's half of the pitch, thus in a dangerous position. Fortunately for United, Lucho wasn't much of a factor at this point and the rest of the attackers couldn't come up with enough creativity, vision, or skill to unlock the United defense. Despite being on their heels for the remainder of the half, the Red Devils were never threatened much.
* At this point, it would have been very nice to have Scholes on the pitch. Because Carrick wasn't hitting the incisive pass to relieve pressure, as was his role to an extent (unfairly or not) by being paired with Fletcher and Gibson, the attackers weren't being given service. The only times that United appeared to threaten in minutes 20-45 were on counter-attacks, but Scholes would have been serviced better with his trademark long diagonal passes to the flanks. At this point of the match, Marseille's vulnerability on the counter-attack was the space behind Heinze, where Nani would have had time and space to exploit him one-on-one. Unfortunately, he wasn't provided enough service. Same goes for Berbatov as a chain-of-effect result. Berba needed the link-up play with Rooney or crosses from Nani. At this point, I was screaming like a mad man for Scholes.
* Ayew was the only the attacking player who worried me at all, as his quickness was somewhat troublesome for O'Shea. Maybe Rafael would have been better suited for this match-up?
* With all the movement between Brandao and Ayew on United's right side (Marseille's left), Vidic was often the free defender to sweep up any mess. He did this well. He picked up on a few sneaky runs into the box by Lucho when Smalling occupied Brandao or Ayew, and Vida even tracked a few diagonal runs by Remy when Evra was higher up the pitch into the attack. The Serbian was extremely well positioned throughout the evening, and was strong in tackle as always. Another fantastic match from our skipper; Vidic deserves to be PFA and FWA player of the Year at this point.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 21:09:28 | 只看该作者


* No substitutions (bring on Scholes!!!) or formation changes at half.
* More of the same to begin the half. Marseille continued to pressure, and clearly were feeding off the energy of their frenzied supporters. In what's starting to become a concerning pattern, our central midfield failed to cope with the pressure. I'm sure Fergie and his staff addressed this at half, but there's not much you can do if you simply don't have the skill and football brain to deal with it. Fletcher is a lightning rod for criticism, but he's a fantastic footballer if you pair him with the right partners. He's a great bulldog if he's surrounded by good and creative passers (e.g. Scholes, Carrick at times, Anderson at times, Giggs when he's central), but he can appear rubbish when paired with a struggling Carrick and an inexperienced Gibson.
* For about a 25 minute stretch to start the 2nd half, United were getting completely overrun and it progressively got worse. The midfield at this point was hopeless, and they couldn't involve the attack, let alone relieve pressure for their own defense. Marseille completely bossed the game at this point, but never had the ability to unlock the solid back four of our defense. However, no matter how rubbish the side, if you give them enough chances, the probability of one lucky strike or bounce goes up significantly. This was the threat to United at this point. It both felt like (to me at least) a goal was coming, but it also felt that it wasn't.
* Berbatov was drifting more to the left this half to link up with Rooney. This allowed M'Bia to provide cover for Heinze on counter-attacks directed towards Nani, and Marseille's left-back Heinze. This was needed because as Marseille grew more confident and had more of the possession, Kabore was getting forward a bit more. Therefore, the only threat was space on a counter-attack for Nani when Kabore was high up the pitch. This bit of space was United's most threatening channel but..... we didn't have the center-midfielder on the pitch who was able to provide the service on a consistent basis (Scholes likely agrees).

* Benoit Cheyrou subbed in for Cisse, and the substitute played higher up the pitch than the man he replaced. Marseille manager Didier Dechamps may have decided to chase the goal at home with this positive substitution. Kabore slid centrally into a strict holding role. Now cover was there for Heinze again by Kabore as the latter was clearly  instructed to support his back four defenders.
* Not long after, Fergie made his one and only tactical move by bringing on Scholes in the 73rd minute. United shifted their shape to a very postive '4-4-2,' but it more resembled a '4-2-4.' Scholes and Carrick played deep and United now had two double pivots to help relieve pressure. Nani switched sides to the left flank, and Fletcher moved out to the right flank. Rooney moved up top to pair with Berbatov, and both strikers often came deep towards Scholes and Carrick looking to link play with the two central midfielders. It looked like this about the 75 minute mark:

* Bringing on Scholes and shifting United's shape completely shifted the match's momentum in United's favor again. Scholes' direct approach began to expose Marseille. Carrick came to life as well at this point and linked well with Scholes, and together they were able to work the ball into the attack. United went from playing for a 0-0 draw with Marseille having run of play, to looking for a winner and the crucial away goal. The attack came alive, and play really opened up for both sides in the closing minutes.
* Deschamps possibly sensed an openness to the game, and maybe along with his desire to win at home, he made a positive substitution and brought on French international Mathieu Valbuena. Cheyrou moved a bit deeper, and Marseille now had two midfield creators in Lucho and Valbuena.
* The match opened up, United looked much improved, but neither side could come up with a moment of brilliance to unlock the stalemate. A goalless 0-0 draw seemed deserving for both sides.


* Man of the Match: I want to give it to Sir Alex Ferguson but for Marseille's sake. I've said it before... I respect the hell out of Fergie and I believe he's the greatest football manager that has ever roamed the Earth; and he knows more about football in his left pinkie fingernail than I'll ever know. But he really should have started Scholes, especially with there being rumblings that Scholes is unhappy with playing time. If it comes to light that Scholes was somewhat injured, then I understand. Otherwise, Fergie really hurt his squad tonight by not having his midfield maestro out there. As for the players, I give it to Vidic, Smalling, and Evra.... all were superb. I can't distinguish one over another.
* I keep trying not to get overly excited about Smalling, but he has been superb filling in for Ferdinand. Jonny Evans played well last year, but hasn't so much this year. This is the reason I'm trying to curtail my excitement for the young lad. But what a big time performance on a big time stage. The derby and this match show signs that he's going to be a terrific footballer. He really is Rio 2.0 in his ability to read the game, intercept passes, and ignite the attack from the back with his composure on the ball.
* Rooney wasn't brilliant by any means, even if I argue he didn't have the chance to be often enough due to poor service from the midfield. But a blue-collar effort from him tonight, he defended well on the left flank and did decently well to play as a true winger.
* Nani was our biggest threat... but also our biggest disappointment tonight. This was Nani from season's prior, not the world-class winger we've been witness to for much of the current season.
* I can't blame Berba for much because he got no service as well. The one time I can remember where he maybe should have done better was a break late in the game, where Scholes showed disgust that Berba didn't lay one off for him to strike on goal.... and instead passed to Nani.
* I'm curious to know if Rafael is now second-choice to O'Shea or if the Brazilian defender is just banged up a bit. Perhaps both?
* The fact that we're this poor in the midfield without Scholes is alarming. Very alarming. Hopefully reinforcements come in the summer. Even if our main point of attack is always going to be from our wide players, we still need central midfielders that can create in order to actually service our wingers, and also provide another point of attack centrally if teams attempt to shut down attacking channels on the flanks. Ando being out magnifies this problem, both for quality and depth. If I understood Deschamps' quotes correctly prior to the match, then I agree with him that we lack a bit of "fantasy."
* Passing certainly appears to be important; midfield passing, or lack of it, shows correlation to goal-scoring as evidenced by the statistical analysis done by Graham MacAree, of SB Nation's Chelsea FC blog. Keep the ball and you have more scoring chances; lose the ball in dangerous areas (midfield, defense) and you tend to give up goals. United might be another great case study for that.
* Getting back to the point of United being vulnerable to teams that press up the pitch against us. Obviously, no team is completely comfortable with it, United is no exception. However, we seem to be extremely vulnerable to it and I suspect this explains why we don't play as well away from Old Trafford. Teams are likely to employ this tactic more at home where players can feed off their supporters; no team can press for a full 90 minutes, not even Barcelona. At Old Trafford, teams are less likely to press us and are wiling to invite pressure and attack on the counter. I suspect this somewhat explains the stark contrast in our home and away form.
* I'm confident that we'll prevail at Old Trafford, but I'll be a nervous mess at Old Trafford if Marseille bag a goal. I hope lack of away goals don't come back to bite us in the ass.... again.
* We're certainly in a advantageous position with Marseille, and in hindsight, 0-0 may prove to be a positive result considering the injuries the club is dealing with.
* I know what you readers are thinking.... that I'm into gingers. I'm really not, I prefer brunettes, but I've had a recent affection for blondes after a holiday in Sweden/Denmark this past Autumn.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 21:22:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-2-24 21:24 编辑

Marseille 0-0 Manchester United: stalemate
February 24, 2011

The starting line-ups

A lack of goalmouth action resulted in the only goalless game of the Champions League second round first legs.
Mathieu Valbuena was only fit enough for the bench, and Andre-Pierre Gignac was out completely, so Didier Deschamps used a patched-up 4-2-3-1 with Brandao as the lone forward.
Sir Alex Ferguson fielded Wayne Rooney on the left of a 4-1-4-1, with Darron Gibson surprisingly starting over Paul Scholes in the centre of midfield.
The game was by far the poorest of the eight Champions League games that have been played over the past ten days – neither side were intent on scoring, and both seemed to settle for a 0-0 at a fairly early stage.

With similar formations, there was relatively little to choose between the sides in tactical terms. Michael Carrick broadly picked up Lucho Gonzalez, whilst United’s two more advanced midfielders did battle with Marseille’s double pivot. Neither side conclusively won the midfield battle – the sides attempted a similar number of passes (449-497) and had a similar pass completion rate (81%-80%). The ball spent most of the time in the middle of the pitch, but none of the six players in that zone dominated the game to any real extent – Carrick was disappointing despite having a fair amount of time on the ball, but Gibson’s passing was more incisive.
With such a stalemate, a full-scale match analysis would be rather unnecessary, so instead here are some chalkboards, courtesy of the fantastic TotalFootball app.
Wayne Rooney's passing

Wayne Rooney reverted to a disciplined left-wing role, rather than the lone striking role he’s played recently when Ferguson has gone 4-5-1 away in Europe. From that position his passing was generally sound, although he often lost the ball when attempting over-ambitious passes.
Both sides' interceptions

Both sides intercepted the ball reasonably high up the pitch – barely any interceptions happened in the final third – demonstrating how rare it was for the ball to actually be played into attacking positions.
Manchester United's crosses

Marseille coped well with United’s crossing (which generally came from the right wing) – none of the 14 crosses from open play were successful, it took a corner to provide a completed ball into the box.
Marseille's passes in the attacking third

Marseille’s passing was focused down their left – the vast majority of balls played into the final third came down that flank.
Paul Scholes' passing

Paul Scholes’ late introduction provided the assured passing United had missed until then – he completed 96% of his passes, the only exception being when he tried a ‘key’ pass into the opposition penalty box.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 21:33:50 | 只看该作者

由 cnzcnz 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球 http://bbs.goalhi.com/fyt-soccer




但是随着比赛的进行拜仁获得了更多的控球权进攻球员的灵光闪现也使他们逐渐占据了场上的主动在国米看来这支拜仁和9个月前的手下败将颇有不同去年的拜仁更多是以反击为主主要的进攻手段是罗本和里贝里在边路的突击而这个赛季由于两人频繁而又长期的缺阵拜仁的打法变得更加注重控球权这如他们今天所表现的。 (译者注从控球时间来说上赛季的拜仁并不劣于现在的这支球队而且上赛季拜仁的打法和防守反击相去甚远尤其在决赛。ZM说这赛季不那么依赖罗贝利的发挥了是对的不过到最后还是要靠罗本的神仙球……)

施魏因施泰格拿球机会很多, 而且频频给右路插上的拉姆输送火力

国米的两个攻击型中场的情况很令人寻味斯内德一般在左路活动位置靠前斯坦科维奇的位置居右而且站位更胜拜仁的两个后腰并没有对他们进行盯人防守而是努力地站好位置施魏因施泰格和古斯塔沃始终保持合适的距离与后卫线的距离也控制得很好拜仁的防守阵型于是变得很紧密拜仁的两个边后卫也经常往肋部靠来协助防守国米的三名主要进攻球员这样一来就在小范围形成了63的局面(译者注:61也没用, 要不是克拉夫特, 埃托奥早进球了……). 国米的问题是他们太顾忌拜仁的攻击力在后场投入的兵力太多前场只留下3名队员国米后腰很少参与到进攻当中来而他们的两个边后卫齐沃忙于对付罗本麦孔也基本和里贝里兑子 (译者注: 这样就让卢西奥的插上进攻显得更为重要)。 国米的阵型于是变得非常破碎


这场比赛的开放程度在欧冠淘汰赛中是不多见的拜仁的表现更为出色他们阵型组织的很好占据了55%的控球时间, 通过边路配合创造了更多的得分机会从整场比赛来看他们直到90分钟才获得领先有些出乎我们的意料
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 21:39:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Alex2011 于 2011-2-24 21:47 编辑


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发表于 2011-2-24 22:07:30 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2011-2-25 07:46:38 | 只看该作者
38# 北极海




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发表于 2011-2-25 07:48:12 | 只看该作者
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里昂1-1皇家马德里战术分析:阿贝罗亚难配C罗 激烈有余机会寥寥  
由 dfich 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球 http://bbs.goalhi.com/fyt-soccer

























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发表于 2011-2-25 11:26:30 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-25 11:38:41 | 只看该作者
41# 午时靡深蓝


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发表于 2011-2-25 11:46:12 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-25 11:48:20 | 只看该作者
43# 午时靡深蓝

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发表于 2011-2-25 12:09:37 | 只看该作者
43# 午时靡深蓝

Alex2011 发表于 2011-2-25 11:48


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发表于 2011-2-28 18:39:12 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 pedro 于 2011-2-28 19:14 编辑

Birmingham 2-1 Arsenal: Martins scores late tap-in to win the cup
February 27, 2011

The starting line-ups

Birmingham blunted Arsenal, and took their chances to record a huge Carling Cup final shock.
Alec McLeish chose to field a 4-5-1 system from the start, despite favouring 4-4-2 in the league recently. Keith Fahey started on the left, Sebastian Larsson on the right, with Nikola Zigic alone upfront.
With Theo Walcott and Cesc Fabregas out, Arsene Wenger’s only decision was between Tomas Rosicky and Nicklas Bendtner. He chose Rosicky to play in the middle, with Samir Nasri moving out to the right.
The game hadn’t settled down before Birmingham threatened – Lee Bowyer darted through the defence and was brought down by Wojciech Szczesny – but was wrongly flagged offside and Arsenal breathed a sigh of relief.

Birmingham cautious 伯明翰小心谨慎
That was a rare occasion Birmingham threatened in open play in the first half. Their game early on was about settling in, competing in the midfield and keeping it tight. The use of three central midfielders meant they weren’t outnumbered in the centre of the pitch, and this was the zone where McLeish’s side did their best work.
On paper Barry Ferguson was the deepest of the three midfielders, picking up Rosicky. Ahead, Lee Bowyer and Craig Gardner broadly picked up Alex Song and Jack Wilshere, but as Arsenal’s midfield rotated, with Rosicky sometimes coming deep and Song and Wilshere taking it in turns to go forward, Birmingham’s midfield trio was happy to do the same – sometimes Garnder became the deepest midfielder, occasionally it was Bowyer.

Narrowness 中场密集防守
In addition, Birmingham’s wide players played very narrow, meaning they often looked as if they were using five central midfielders. By packing the centre of the pitch, Birmingham forced Arsenal into misplaced passes and Wenger’s side never really got that aspect of their game going, despite a good surface. Arsenal’s full-backs were forced narrow when out of possession in response to Birmingham’s lack of width, which meant that Gael Clichy and Bacary Sagna’s first movement when Arsenal won possession was often a run straight out towards the touchlines to stretch the play.
That was the extent of Birmingham’s tactics early on – stopping Arsenal. There was no obvious strategy in terms of goalscoring, other than launching balls towards Zigic. Still, that tactic worked perfectly – the Serb forced a corner after Arsenal gave the ball away cheaply, and from the resulting corner nodded the ball in.

Arsenal sloppy 阿森纳中前场脱节且乏力
Arsenal didn’t get going upfront in the first half. Rosicky was quiet, and failed to provide a link between midfield and attack. That was partly his poor performance and partly Birmingham’s doing, by crowding him in the centre, but when the wide players pushed forward to make it a 4-2-1-3, Arsenal had problems getting the ball forward. None of their attacking four had a particularly good game individually – Wilshere was probably the standout player in the first half – but Robin van Persie’s equaliser was a brilliant strike out of nothing, and it was 1-1 at half time.

Second half 下半场
The general pattern of play continued in the second half, though Arsenal seemed to defend higher, to get Zigic away from the penalty box as much as possible.
McLeish showed more intent to get a goal, however. He brought on Jean Beausejour for Craig Gardner, with Fahey coming inside. This offered slightly more width in attack, though it’s difficult to remember Beausejour doing anything notable on the ball.
Arsenal gradually started to play and had a good spell of pressure around the hour mark, forcing Ben Foster into some great saves – Rosicky got involved and Nasri was more prominent, and those two looked much brighter. Arsenal’s passing was better, they kept the ball for longer, and did more in the final third. It seemed to be only a matter of time before they went ahead.

Changes 换人是关键、高下分明
Substitutions were crucial, however. Wenger replaced van Persie, who was injured scoring the goal and didn’t seem to recover from the knock, and brought on Nicklas Bendtner. Soon after, Arshavin made way for Marouane Chamakh. These changes meant Arsenal were less comfortable on the ball, though. Bendtner and Chamakh are not as good passers as van Persie and Arshavin, and Arsenal were less threatening and assured in possession.
Those changes might have convinced McLeish that he could throw on another striker. Fahey was removed, Obafemi Martins was brought on upfront. With Arsenal having moved high up the pitch in response to Zigic’s threat, Martins’ pace behind was set to provide them with another problem – and it did, but only after he’d put his side 2-1 up. A disastrous cock-up at the back was responsible, with Laurent Kosicelny and Szczesny to blame, handing Martins an open goal.
Arsenal chucked the ball forward late on, but it was Birmingham’s day.

McLeish’s tactics in the centre of the pitch worked well for the majority of the game. Statistics show that Arsenal had more possession, more shots, more shots on target – but that was to be expected, and probably would have happened whatever tactics Birmingham used. The difference in class between the two sides on paper was minimised, and only briefly in the second half were Birmingham significantly under pressure.
McLeish also deserves credit for steadily increasing his attacking threat – a winger and a striker on for two midfielders takes guts (especially considering that the performance in the midfield was why they were doing so well), and whilst the winning goal was a disappointing way for a final to be won (or lost, if you like), Birmingham deserved a bit of luck after the early offside/penalty incident.
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发表于 2011-2-28 18:42:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 pedro 于 2011-2-28 19:45 编辑

Bayern 1-3 Dortmund: Schweinsteiger tries to play deep, but Dortmund don’t let him play
February 27, 2011

The starting line-ups 双方首发阵型

Dortmund ended Bayern’s faint hopes of winning the Bundesliga with an impressive victory.

Louis van Gaal kept the same XI that started the midweek win over Inter. Luis Gustavo played at left-back, whilst Danijel Pranjic was in the centre of midfield.
Jurgen Klopp made one outfield change, welcoming back Neven Subotic in place of Felipe Santana, and also gave a debut to Mitchell Langerak in goal.
The first 20 minutes of this game were probably the most exciting of the European season so far, given the importance of the game. Dortmund went ahead on nine minutes when Lucas Barrios sidefooted home after Bastian Schweinsteiger was caught in possession, Bayern quickly equalised when Gustavo turned in a corner, then Nuri Sahin curled a wonderful shot into the corner to make it 1-2 after 18 minutes.

Open game 开放的比赛
The frantic start to the  game was helped by both sides’ commitment to attacking football. Often games like this are cagey early on, with both sides sitting back, playing on the counter and waiting for the other to make the first move. The openness made for a fantastic contest, with both sides playing high up the pitch.
Tactically, we had two 4-2-3-1s up against each other, a relatively common feature of European (and in particular, German) football this season. The two shapes were very different in practice, however. Bayern’s was based around width, with Arjen Robben hugging the touchline without the ball, and Frank Ribery staying reasonably wide and drifting deeper to collect the ball.
Dortmund’s two wide players played much narrower, coming inside early and attempting to combine with Barrios. They frequently got plenty of men into the box, and played a more direct form of football compared to Bayern’s patient passing game.

Schweinsteiger deep 小猪位置靠后
The defining feature of the game was the role of Schweinsteiger, who played very deep and dropped between the centre-backs both in and out of possession. We’re relatively accustomed to seeing holding midfielders drop between the centre-backs to provide a passing option at goal-kicks, which gets out of the natural press of a 4-4-2 / 4-2-3-1 quite easily. Schweinsteiger frequently simply looked like a third centre-back, though – within the first five minutes he found himself caught under a cross, and Robert Lewandowski sneaked in behind and volleyed over.
It’s not clear why he played in such a deep position. The average position diagram below shows that, in the first half, he was often level with his centre-backs. This could have been simply to provide an extra man at the back (Bayern’s centre-back partnership is far from established) or it could have been so he got more time on the ball. The former isn’t his strength, however, and the latter didn’t happen because Dortmund put a particular emphasis on closing him down when he  got the ball. The first goal came when Bayern played the ball to Schweinsteiger, and Lewandowski and Kevin Grosskreutz immediately closed him down. Schweinsteiger completely missed the ball with his passing foot and the ball hit his standing leg – rebounding to Grosskreutz, who set up Barrios.

Schweinsteiger's average position (No 31) - image courtesy of http://www.bundesliga.de/en/

Dortmund pressure 多特蒙德的压迫
That incident really summed up the game – Dortmund were putting pressure on Schweinsteiger which contributed to his poor display, but he still made basic errors. He was beaten in the air seemingly every time Barrios came in front of him – he only won 5 out of 14 challenges in the game, which for a central midfielder isn’t too bad, but for an auxiliary centre-back is a big problem.
Towards the end of the first half Schweinsteiger again found himself as the deepest defender when Bayern were facing a long free-kick from the Dortmund half – Schweinsteiger booted the ball against one of his teammates and then had to atone for the area by blocking the resulting shot with his face. This was a long way from the calm, intelligent passer we’d become used to.

Bayern keep ball deep 拜仁中场控球位置靠后
Schweinsteiger playing so deep meant that Bayern held the ball in non-threatening positions for too long. Often this isn’t a problem for them (and has become a key part of their game) but they were behind for 78 minutes of this game, and therefore needed to be playing the ball higher up the pitch. They finished with 70% of possession but too much of that was in deep positions – Schweinsteiger only completed two passes in the entire game to Thomas Mueller, for example. When Bayern had Mark van Bommel playing deep and Schweinsteiger had more license to go forward, those two would combine frequently.
Schweinsteiger’s deep role also meant that Bayern often found themselves outnumbered in midfield. When Muller moved forward he was picked up by the Dortmund centre-backs, leaving Pranjic on his own in the centre of midfield. When Barcelona used Sergio Busquets as a third centre-back against Atletico this season, they had Xavi Hernandez and Andres Iniesta commanding the centre of midfield – Pranjic was hardly likely to do the same here, and whilst that problem wasn’t translated to the raw possession statistic, the nature of the possession wasn’t suitable for a game Bayern were losing from the 18th minute onwards.

Conclusion 结论
From the sake of tactical innovation, it’s a shame Schweinsteiger played so poorly here. The modern ‘centre-half’ or ’sweeper’ will possibly be the next craze in football, but any manager watching Bayern’s use of Schweinsteiger here will be put off from trying it themselves.
None of this should detract from Dortmund’s performance. They were simply the better team – more organised without the ball, more direct with the ball, and fully deserving of the win. It wasn’t an overwhelmingly tactical win from their point of view, though – in this game, and in this season, they are simply a far better side than Bayern.
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发表于 2011-2-28 19:01:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 pedro 于 2011-2-28 19:04 编辑

由 Rivaldinho 发表在GoalHi足球·英超专区
February 27, 2011









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发表于 2011-2-28 19:23:55 | 只看该作者

centre - half or sweeper,具体如何定位呢?

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发表于 2011-2-28 19:42:59 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 pedro 于 2011-2-28 19:46 编辑

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