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发表于 2007-3-6 16:44:00 | 显示全部楼层

2007年3月5日 我们的唯一目标是胜利

Monday, 05 March 2007 19:42:56   
 VALENCIA - Inter captain Javier Zanetti spoke to the media ahead of Tuesday's Champions League clash with Valencia at the Mestalla and he said: "Inter come from a difficult match against Livorno in which we were playing with ten men against eleven. Our opponents believed in an equaliser until the end, but we won't be feeling the tiredness. We are all in form for tomorrow."

Inter are no strangers to the Mestalla, having played at Valencia's ground on a number of occasions in recent seasons. "It's true, we have played in this stadium other times and it has always gone well," Zanetti said. "But it will be a different game tomorrow and we hope it goes like it always has."

But Zanetti is not expecting an easy ninety minutes in Spain: "They are a great team who have been doing well for years, so it will be tough. There's no favourite to win, but just lots of mutual respect. Both teams have made it this far because they deserved to, but we want to win to get through."




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发表于 2007-4-13 09:49:00 | 显示全部楼层

2007年4月12日 十二年如一日的热情

Thursday, 12 April 2007 13:56:01     

APPIANO GENTILE - Javier Zanetti gave this interview to Italian television ahead of Sunday's Serie A home game against Palermo:

Zanetti: on Sunday you face a Palermo side that haven't had a good run of results. How careful will you have to be?
"We will have to be very careful. It's not a happy moment for them, but you can never take anything for granted in football. We will have to play our match to win."

In the first half of the championship Inter won at Palermo to take an important step towards the title after victories against Roma and Milan...
"It was a display of great character and great determination. It wasn't easy to go and win in Palermo against a team that was doing very well in that period and was at the top of the table."

Throughout the season there has always been a player ready to step in for an injured or disqualified player. Every substitute has done very well and has sometimes even taken over as a first-team regular...
"This is the strength of a great team. You need a very competitive team if you want to reach important goals, and we have had that this year. We all feel important, from those who play more, to those who play a bit less. Whoever has played, has always replied very well, and proof of this is the fact that we are first in the table with a big gap over those chasing us."

Practically everyone in this Inter squad has scored, apart from Olivier Dacourt and Alvaro Recoba. Will you try to get them on the scoresheet as well?
"We hope they have their chance too. Chino has had some physical problems, but he's in very good shape now and needs to play regularly. It's a bit harder to see a Dacourt goal, but Olivier is having a fantastic season and he deserves to score as well."

This Inter has faced every match in the same way, with great determination. Is this a guarantee ahead of your final matches of the championship?
"We want and have to do well right until the end. We want to get a lot more points and it won't be easy. It won't be easy to repeat what we are achieving this year."

How much do you want to reach 100 championship points?
"Our first goal is to win the Scudetto as soon as possible. If after that we reach 100 points, even better. We know it won't be easy, we just need to make one last effort to win the Scudetto, and we hope it comes as soon as possible. There's time for all the rest."

Where does Javier Zanetti get all this energy from?
"From the desire to always train hard and give my all to do justice to the team and this club, which has given me so much on a personal level. When this Scudetto comes, it will belong to everyone, including the Nerazzurri fans."

Do you remember your first day at Inter twelve years ago?
"Yes. It was raining hard. My presentation was on the Martini terrace, and Facchetti, Suarez, Angelillo and Bergomi were waiting for me. It was a big challenge for me, I was very young and I had arrived from Argentina. For me it was like being reborn, I knew I would be entering a completely different reality from what I was used to. I was coming to a kind of football I had only seen on television, and which I knew was the most difficult. The best prize for me has been reaching the continuity I have had in these twelve years."

Were you expecting to become captain of Inter and stay at this club for so many years?
"No. Frankly, I was expecting to show my value. I knew I was joining an ambitious and very important club with a great history. I knew it would be hard to stay at a high level, but thanks to the hard work I have put in every day down the years, I feel even more of an Interista today."

You probably feel a bit more Italian after being here for so many years...
"Certainly. I have felt happy here since the start. Italy has given me a lot, and I have to thank this country for the doors it has opened for me."












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发表于 2007-4-20 14:30:00 | 显示全部楼层

2007年4月18日 周日要取胜

Wednesday, 18 April 2007 20:33:54     

MILAN - Javier Zanetti spoke on Inter Channel after the Nerazzurri's first defeat of the Serie A season. "We're sorry we didn't win this afternoon. On top of it, there were loads of fans who wanted to celebrate with us," said the Inter captain. "Now we must start winning again in the championship and finish it off as soon as possible.

"We didn't play well in the first halves against Palermo and Roma. We have to improve this aspect because you can never give away forty-five minutes to your opponents. We must regain the aggression we have always had and forget these last two matches.

"We're back on the pitch at Siena on Sunday. The Italian championship is very hard and you have to sweat every Sunday to win. So we will start working immediately to do well."




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发表于 2007-5-10 10:46:00 | 显示全部楼层

2007年5月9日 我们做错了一切

Zanetti: "We did everything wrong"
Wednesday, 09 May 2007 21:25:44
ROME - Javier Zanetti spoke on Inter Channel after the Tim Cup final first leg defeat to Roma. "What we could have done wrong in one season, we did wrong in just one game," Inter's captain said. "Let's not dramatise, we can't throw away this season just because of one very bad defeat."


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发表于 2007-5-18 10:42:00 | 显示全部楼层

2007年5月17日 如果再多些运气的话……

Zanetti: "With a bit more luck..."
Thursday, 17 May 2007 21:21:45
MILAN - Javier Zanetti spoke on Inter Channel after the Tim Cup final return leg against Roma. "We did very well, we approached the game with great concentration and Roma did hardly anything," the Inter captain said. "We played very well, but unfortunately we found it hard-going with a man less after Cordoba's dismissal.

"Two penalties in our favour? It would have been a different match, but the referee didn't give them to us. There's no point complaining about it now.

"In the dressing room President Moratti congratulated us on our performance today. We created as much as they did in the first leg. With a bit more luck we could have won.

"We congratulate Roma who have won this Coppa Italia, and we await next Sunday (27 May) when we will lift a very important trophy."



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发表于 2007-5-21 09:28:00 | 显示全部楼层

2007年5月19日 青年队:下周日一起庆祝

Primavera: Zanetti congratulates champions
Saturday, 19 May 2007 23:00:43
BERGAMO - After Roberto Mancini, Inter captain Javier Zanetti passed on his congratulations to the Primavera team on their Scudetto triumph. "They did very well, they've had a fantastic season and have won a very important title," he said. "I too invite them to join us next Sunday for a lap of the pitch to celebrate two Scudettos."


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发表于 2007-8-15 10:07:00 | 显示全部楼层

2007年8月15日 我所熟悉的国际米兰

Zanetti: "The Inter I know"
Wednesday, 15 August 2007 00:36:59
MILAN - Forty-five minutes against Juventus, and thirty-two against AC Milan. Javier Zanetti put some valuable pre-season minutes in his legs in Tuesday's Tim Trophy tournament ahead of the Nerazzurri's 2007/08 season, which kicks off this coming Sunday with the Italian Super Cup against Roma.

Speaking after Inter's triangular triumph Zanetti, who along with several other South Americans made his first pre-season appearance since the Copa America, said: "The legs are working and I have found the Inter I know. We only have a week's work in our legs and these were our first matches, but everything went well. Our condition is improving and the work we are doing is already harvesting its fruits."

The Inter captain added: "I'm pleased with mine and the team's performance. I have found the Inter I know, a team that always wants to win and that has the quality to face a difficult season."





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发表于 2007-8-27 10:16:00 | 显示全部楼层

2007年8月26日 对平局表示遗憾

Zanetti: "Disappointed with draw"
Sunday, 26 August 2007 17:30:44
MILAN - Inter captain Javier Zanetti is disappointed with Inter's 1-1 draw against Udinese in Sunday's Serie A opener.

"We wanted to win at all costs today but unfortunately this equaliser came in added time. Perhaps we deserved a bit more than a draw," he told journalists after the game.

"However, there are still thirty-seven matches to go. We have to work hard to win as many as possible because this is our goal.

"It's true that we weren't at one hundred percent of our condition but no one is at the moment."



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