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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-14 10:57:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年3月13日 萨内蒂、托尔多迎来新记录

Sunday, 13 March 2005 11:34:37   
MILAN - Against Lazio last night, Francesco Toldo played his 350th match in the Italian top flight. For the Nerazzurri, the goalkeeper has played 165 matches (117 in the Serie A, 44 in European cups and 4 in the Italian Cup).

Captain Javier Zanetti played his 439th match for Inter last night (317 of those in the Serie A) and joins Alessandro Altobelli in ninth position in the all time list of most present Nerazzurri, behind Bergomi (519), Facchetti (476), Mazzola (418), Corso (414), Baresi (392), Meazza (365), Burgnich (359) and Zenga 328.

Julio Ricardo Cruz's headed goal at the Olimpico was his 16th goal in 51 games for the Nerazzurri. The Argentine is fourth behind Martins, Recoba and Vieri in the list of current Inter scorers in Italian and European competitions.



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-15 10:15:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年3月14日 为了自己,为了俱乐部,为了球迷!

Monday, 14 March 2005 15:47:51   
APPIANO GENTILE - A near-capacity crowd is expected at the Meazza for tomorrow night's Uefa Champions League Round of 16 return leg against Porto. In the build-up to the clash, Nerazzurri captain spoke at the pre-match Uefa news conference at Angelo Moratti Sports Centre.

The Argentine said: "We're expecting Porto to come and play their game; it's very important moment of the season for both teams. We will have to be careful of the traps this game might hide, but we want to take the match into our own hands.

"They have a lot of good players, especially in attack. And I'm referring to players like McCarthy, Quaresma and Diego, who returns. These are all players that can make the difference. We will have to be careful and focused, and take our chances in attack.

"But I am convinced the team will do very well. The team, the club and the fans want to do well in the Champions League. We know it's a very important game, we know what is at stake. We want to continue in the Champions League. It's an important competition for us, the club and the fans. I have always thanked our fans because they have always supported us, especially in difficult moments. We want them to be happy when they leave the stadium tomorrow."

Going back to Saturday's league match away to Lazio, Zanetti added: "We didn't play very well in the first half, and what we did after the restart wasn't enough to win. But we didn't have our minds on the Champions League. We know it will be a different match tomorrow and we will go on to the pitch with a different mental attitude than on Saturday. We have the necessary tension to face this kind of match.

"From one to ten, how happy would I be about playing on the left? (Zanetti smiles) Eleven... Jokes aside, I have played on the left many times. The important thing is to make myself useful to the team, especially now.

"We will try to play our game right from the start. We have great respect for Porto, but we cannot make any calculations. We want to be focused for the whole match and qualify for the quarter-finals."







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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-15 11:02:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年3月14日  关于罗纳尔多回归的态度

Zanetti hints at Ronaldo ill-feeling over Inter Milan return
tribalfootball.com - March 14, 2005

Inter Milan captain Javier Zanetti has hinted there could still be some ill-feeling from Ronaldo's move to Real Madrid over three years ago.
A return to the San Siro has been mooted for the Brazilian superstar and Zanetti said: "At the time, the Nerazzurro fans deserved better from Ronaldo and his attitude when he left for Real Madrid.

"But if he was to return, I am sure he would do his best for Inter."




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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-19 14:22:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年3月18日 双方机会均等

Friday, 18 March 2005 15:17:09   
MILAN - The first Nerazzurri player to comment on the Champions League quarter-final draw was Javier Zanetti. "The past doesn't count," the Inter captain said. "There will be two matches and we will face them with great confidence in our resources. We are on a par. In the league matches we showed we are not inferior to them."

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-5 22:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年4月5日 这是一支脱胎换骨的国际米兰

J.ZANETTI: "THIS IS A DIFFERENT INTER" Tuesday, 05 April 2005 12:44:37 APPIANO GENTILE - Javier Zanetti answered questions from reporters in Tuesday's Uefa news conference at Angelo Moratti Sports Centre ahead of tomorrow's Champions League quarter-final first leg against AC Milan. "To play such an important match means so much to all of us," the Nerazzurri captain said. "We know the importance of this match and what it means for us, the club and the fans. We want to continue our path in the Champions League and we should consider ourselves fortunate to play a match of this kind. They are certainly favourites because they won the championship last year and the Champions (League) two years ago. But we will play this match on equal terms, aware of our strength, and we will try to create problems for a team with many champions like Milan." Inter will be without Adriano and Alvaro Recoba for tomorrow's clash at the Meazza. The Argentine commented: "Unfortunately they won't be available for such an important match as this. Let's hope we recover at least Adriano for the return leg. Not because the other strikers aren't any good, but because we need everyone for these matches. However, the squad is in form and knows how to approach a match which means so much." Zanetti also replied to questions about the two-legged Euroderby two years ago: "They weren't better than us; both teams could have reached the final but Milan went through because of the away goals rule. They will be two different matches this time because the teams have changed and play a different type of football. We hope we will play a good game and be up to this clash. Are Inter stronger than two years ago? I think we have matured, and we have more alternatives in every position. This reinforces our value." On the high number of South Americans in both teams, Zanetti said: "The respective national teams should be put to one side. It's true that among Argentines and Brazilians there will be loads of South Americans on the pitch, but it's a derby, a match we do everything to play well." 【阿皮亚诺·詹蒂奇消息】在明天冠军杯四分之一决赛第一回合米兰德比前,贾维尔·萨内蒂周二在安杰洛·莫拉蒂举行的冠军杯新闻发布会上回答了记者的提问: “对我们所有人来说参加这样一场重要比赛都意味着很多东西。”蓝黑军团的队长说:“我们知道这场比赛非常重要,而且对我们、俱乐部和球迷来说都意义非凡。很庆幸我们能参加这项比赛,我们想要在冠军杯里继续挺进。它们一定被看好,因为它们去年获得了联赛冠军、两年前获得了冠军杯冠军。但是我们将在这场比赛里展现出我们的实力,让大家明白我们的水平。同时我们会像任何其他任何一支球队一样为AC米兰制造麻烦。” 阿德里亚诺和雷科巴将缺席明天在梅阿查进行的激烈碰撞。阿根廷人评价说:“很不幸这么重要的一场比赛里不能利用他们的能力。我们希望至少在第二回合里能让阿德里亚诺复出,不是因为其他射手不够好,而是在某些比赛里我们需要每一个人的力量。不管怎样,我们的球队已经步入正轨,而且我们懂得怎样面对重要的比赛。” 萨内蒂同时回顾了两年前的欧战德比:“他们并不比我们表现得好,两个队都有资格杀入决赛,但因为进球规则AC米兰晋级了。现在将会是两场和以前不同的比赛,因为球队已经改变,踢的是另一种风格的足球。我们希望自己能在这激烈的碰撞中打出一场精彩比赛。国际米兰比前两年更强大了吗?我觉得我们变成熟了,而且在每个位置都有更多选择。这将增强我们的实力。” 两支球队都拥有大量的南美球员,萨内蒂说:“(在俱乐部)各自的国家队恩怨就放到一边了。确实,阿根廷和巴西都代表着南美足球水平的不同风格,但这是一场德比,一场让我们都能表现出自己高水平的比赛。”
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-6 14:24:19编辑过]
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-7 11:07:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年4月6日 没有什么是不可能的

Wednesday, 06 April 2005 23:51:13   
MILAN - After Juan Veron, Nerazzurri captain Javier Zanetti analysed Part 1 of the Champions League quarter-final Euroderby in a post-match interview with Inter Channel. "In football it has always been shown that nothing is impossible. We're two goals down, but we have to believe in our possibilities," he said.

"We were playing an excellent game tonight, the episodes penalised us. Milan's first goal took away our legs a bit. They hadn't done hardly anything until that moment of the match that we were running. But this is football. In this kind of match episodes are decisive; they did well.

"We played better in the first half, but after their second goal we opened up a bit too much. The Inter fans will surely be right behind us in the return leg. Faith cannot be touched."



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-19 21:44:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年4月11日 我们需要做到完美

Monday, 11 April 2005 18:17:37   
MILAN - Ahead of tomorrow's big Champions League clash with AC Milan, Javier Zanetti answered questions from journalists at Monday's pre-match Uefa news conference at the Giuseppe Meazza Stadium.

"The eve of this match is important. We're focused on the match ahead of us and we're hoping to finish it in the best possible way," Zanetti said. "It is our goal to qualify, and we know it will be a difficult match because we're two goals down. We need to play the perfect match, and we will try."

Asked if Adriano will play on Tuesday, the Inter captain said: "It's important to have him back. A player with his characteristics can be decisive on the pitch and create difficulties for any defence. Let's hope he's fine, like he has showed in training recently, and that he can make his contribution together with the whole team."

Zanetti concluded: "It's fundamental to give all our pride tomorrow evening. We must give everything we have, and even more. We want to play a perfect match so we can get through the round. We gave very little away to Milan in the first leg and they scored two goals. We will have to be more careful tomorrow."




[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-19 22:25:05编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-19 22:28:00 | 显示全部楼层


Wednesday, 13 April 2005 00:31:51   
MILAN - "We knew it would be a difficult match, and we played very well. We didn't give away anything to Milan and we were up against a superb Dida. And their goal took our legs away," said Inter captain Javier Zanetti after Tuesday's Uefa Champions League quarter-final second leg at the Meazza.

"We're very sorry about what has happened and that we're out of the Champions League, which is an important competition for us, the club and the fans. We were confident, but Dida replied greatly to all our chances. Now we have to continue until the end of the championship, honour this shirt and try to bring home the Coppa Italia. Then we will draw conclusions at the end of the season."


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-19 23:52:32编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-19 23:45:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年4月14日 国际米兰必须偿还球迷!

Zanetti: Inter Milan must repay fans with Coppa Italia
tribalfootball.com - April 14, 2005

Inter Milan captain Javier Zanetti accepts they're out of the Champions League and admits it has been a disappointing season.
While not commenting directly on the crowd violence of Tuesday evening, a visibly emotional Zanetti said: "We are very disappointed with what has happened and for being knocked out of the Champions League. We're disappointed for the club and the people who support it.

"We were good, but in all the chances we have had we faced a great (AC Milan goalkeeper) Dida.

"Now we must play until the end of the championship honoring this shirt and trying to bring home the Coppa Italia. Then, maybe we can get something out of this season."




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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-19 23:59:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年4月17日 一场鼓舞士气的胜利

Sunday, 17 April 2005 18:02:45   
MILAN - "A lot of things have been said in these days. We were aware of our strength when we came on to the pitch and we tried to continue playing well. We played an excellent game and we won," Nerazzurri captain Javier Zanetti said to Inter Channel after the 2-0 victory over Cagliari.

"We wanted this victory at all costs, also for our morale. The fans supported us once again and we thank them. We want to win the Coppa Italia and finish the season as best we can. We showed all this to the fans."

Zanetti added: "Cagliari are a dangerous side and were capable of creating problems for us, but we did well to restrict them. Today's victory is important for the league table. There are seven matches to go and we have to try and win all of them. Now we go to Turin to play against Juventus, which is always an important match. We will try to prepare for it well and play a great match."



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-21 11:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年4月20日 我们应得的胜利

Wednesday, 20 April 2005 23:52:58   
TURIN - "It was an important victory, it's never easy to come to Turin and play against Juventus. The team did well and deserved the win," said Nerazzurri captain Javier Zanetti to Inter Channel after Wednesday's 1-0 victory over the Bianconeri. "We want to finish off this season in the best way possible, we have to remove the negative things and work to start a winning cycle."


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-22 20:25:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年4月21日 PUPI携手Comuna Baires

Thursday, 21 April 2005 14:16:04   
MILAN - At 20:00 tonight Javier and Paula Zanetti's PUPI charity will officially announce its collaboration with Argentine cultural association Comuna Baires on distance adoption programmes, at Comuna's headquarters in via Parenzo 7, Milan.

PUPI and Comuna Baires are two realities which through their distance adoption programmes work to help give a better future for disadvantaged children.

For more information contact Myrna Gil (Comuna Baires +39 335 5243176) and Fondazione PUPI (+39 02 48713864)

【米兰消息】今晚20:00,贾维尔和葆拉·萨内蒂创办的PUPI基金会将就其与阿根廷的坎姆纳·拜雷斯(Comuna Baires)文化协会就合作问题正式确立。发布会将在米兰城派雷佐街7号的坎姆纳总部举行。


更多消息请致电梅纳·吉尔(Comuna Baires协会 +39 335 5243176 )或PUPI基金会(+39 02 48713864)
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-25 11:47:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年4月24日 我们丢掉了胜利

Sunday, 24 April 2005 18:30:04   
MESSINA - Javier Zanetti spoke to Inter Channel after the Nerazzurri's first Serie A defeat away from home in just under a year. "It was a match we should have finished off earlier, and they punished us from their few chances," said the Inter captain. "We're disappointed because we deserved to win because of everything we created on the pitch."

On the race for third place in the table, Zanetti said: "We mustn't be fooled by the advantage we have over those behind us. We must try and secure ( Champions League) qualification as soon as possible."



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-25 12:06:40编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-9 11:59:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年5月3日 为国际米兰出战场次近450场

Tuesday, 03 May 2005 14:24:15   
MILAN - Including Sunday's victory over Siena, Javier Zanetti has made 448 appearances in an Inter shirt, and is now just two games away from a milestone 450 matches for the club.

In the all time list of most present Nerazzurri, the current Inter captain is behind Altobelli (466), Burgnich (467), Zenga (473), Corso (502), G.Baresi (559), Mazzola (565), Facchetti (634) and Bergomi (758)


在所有的国际米兰球员中,现任的队长J.萨内蒂仅次于阿尔托贝利(466),博格尼齐(467),科沃索(502),曾加(473), G.巴雷西(559),马佐拉(565),法切蒂(634)和贝尔格米(758)。
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-9 13:34:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年5月8日 离联赛第3更近了

Sunday, 08 May 2005 19:26:12   
BRESCIA - "It wasn't easy to win in Brescia because they needed points to stay up. But we have to think about ourselves; third place is closer and let's hope we clinch it next Sunday," said Inter captain Javier Zanetti to Inter Channel after the 3-0 win at home to Brescia.

"The whole team played well. We created a lot and conceded little; things have been going better and better for a while now and you can see this."

The Inter captain already has his mind on Thursday's domestic cup semi-final first leg at the Sant'Elia: "Now we're focusing on Cagliari. It will be a very tough match. But we have great confidence in ourselves."



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-10 10:56:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年5月9日 450场,一步之遥

Monday, 09 May 2005 10:55:51   
MILAN - Including Sunday's 3-0 victory at Brescia, Javier Zanetti has made 449 appearances in an Inter shirt (325 in Serie A, 87 in Euro cups, and 37 in Coppa Italia), and is now just one away from a milestone 450 matches for the club.

In the all-time list of most present Nerazzurri, the current Inter captain is in ninth place behind Altobelli (466), Burgnich (467), Zenga (473), Corso (502), G.Baresi (559), Mazzola (565), Facchetti (634) and Bergomi (758)



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-13 11:22:48编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-13 11:22:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年5月12日 国际米兰的450场

Thursday, 12 May 2005 21:56:17   
CAGLIARI - With tonight's domestic cup appearance against Cagliari, Javier Zanetti has played a milestone 450 matches for Inter (325 in Serie A, 87 in Euro cups, and 38 in Coppa Italia).

In the all-time list of most present Nerazzurri, the current Inter captain is in ninth place behind Altobelli (466), Burgnich (467), Zenga (473), Corso (502), G.Baresi (559), Mazzola (565), Facchetti (634) and Bergomi (758).


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-13 11:31:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年5月13日 为所披战袍奉献一切

Friday, 13 May 2005 00:30:54   
CAGLIARI - Javier Zanetti made his 450th appearance for Inter in Thursday's Coppa Italia match against Cagliari. "I'm pleased about this milestone, I will work harder and harder to honour this shirt, I will always give my best," said the Inter captain.

"We could have won, we didn't concede hardly anything and they were only dangerous on the break," said Zanetti about the 1-1 draw. "We ran the match and tried to win. It wasn't easy because Cagliari waited for us in defence, but scoring away from home in the cup is always important."

On Sunday Inter entertain Livorno at the Meazza. Zanetti: "Our minds are already on that match. We want to finish third, then we'll be able to think about the Coppa Italia return leg."



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-16 16:55:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年5月15日 又一次精彩地演出

Sunday, 15 May 2005 17:46:05   
MILAN - "Once again, the team played a nice match; perhaps we deserved to win by a larger margin," said Javier Zanetti to Inter Channel after Sunday's victory over Livorno. "The fact that we won today and are mathematically sure of third place in the championship is very positive.

"After losing out in the Scudetto race and being knocked out of the Champions League, third place was our main objective. Now we can concentrate on the Coppa Italia. We want to reach the final. We're serene and calm, and ready to make our best preparations for Wednesday's match."


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-19 13:24:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年5月18日 目标是夺冠

Wednesday, 18 May 2005 20:02:41   
MILAN - Javier Zanetti spoke to Inter Channel after the 3-1 victory over Cagliari that sees Mancini's side through to the Italian Cup final. The Inter captain said: "We made things a bit complicated for ourselves in this match. It was a calm match in which we played great football and showed we were in form. But we have to finish off matches sooner, otherwise a lucky goal from our opponents can create problems for us. But we didn't give that much away, not even after Cagliari's goal."

Looking ahead to June's final, Zanetti said: "Who would I prefer in the final out of Udinese and Roma? There's no difference. The important thing is that we're there. We want to win this Coppa Italia. Veron and Cordoba had a few physical problems in today's game? They'll have time to recover for the final."

With Martins' goal in stoppage time, Inter have now scored 101 goals in all competitions this season. "We have a very strong attack. This Inter has improved a lot and we can still improve more."



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-23 11:25:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年5月22日 胜利来源于信心

Sunday, 22 May 2005 19:06:27   
GENOA - "We knew it would be a hard match because Sampdoria are a great team," said Nerazzurri captain Javier Zanetti to Inter Channel after the 1-0 win at the Luigi Ferraris Stadium. "These three points are very important because they help us grow as a squad and a team.

"In the first half I had to deal with Diana's runs because the coach told me to follow him carefully, but we played a calm match and we showed we had that bit extra. Now we have these two Coppa Italia finals, which are fundamental to help the team continue to grow.

"Let's hope we win this trophy that the club hasn't won for a long time. It would be nice to finish the season by winning the cup. Roma are a tough opponent, but if Inter keep playing like we're doing at the moment, we have a good chance of lifting the cup."



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-25 11:48:00 | 显示全部楼层


Tuesday, 24 May 2005 11:03:39   
MILAN - Javier Zanetti and Ivan Ramiro Cordoba are the two Nerazzurri players to have played over four thousand minutes in the 2004/05 season. The two South Americans are also the current members of the squad with the most appearances to their names (453 for Zanetti, 240 for Corboba). Cambiasso, Toldo, Stankovic, Materazzi, Adriano and Veron have all played over three thousand minutes.

Minutes played in 2004/05 season (updated after Sampdoria v Inter):

J. Zanetti 4232
Cordoba 4150
Cambiasso 3738
Toldo 3542
Stankovic 3483
Materazzi 3300
Adriano 3260
Veron 3187
Favalli 2882
Martins 2667
Zé Maria 2338
C.Zanetti 2303
Mihajlovic 2252
Vieri 2242
van der Meyde 1613
Cruz 1556
Emre 1526
Davids 1430
Kily González 1191
Burdisso 1184
Recoba 1052
Karagounis 957
Carini 786



萨内蒂          4232
科尔多巴        4150
坎比亚索        3738
托尔多          3542
斯坦科维奇      3483
马特拉齐        3300
阿德里亚诺      3260
贝隆         3187
法瓦利  2882
马丁斯  2667
泽马利亚 2338
c.扎内蒂 2303
米哈伊诺维奇 2252
维埃里  2242
范德梅德 1613
克鲁兹  1556
埃姆雷  1526
戴维斯  1430
基利  1191
布尔迪索 1184
雷科巴  1052
卡拉贡尼斯 957
卡里尼  786
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-21 15:33:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年6月18日 父亲萨内蒂


The Daddy Zanetti

Tomorrow is the Day of the Father and the Pupi is the most flaming one of all the of the Argentine staff: Sun, its first daughter, was born a week ago.  


It runs, Zanetti, runs to seek the cell one to its room five stars.  And it returns with a treasure in its hand: the photo of Sun, drink it of only seven days that accompanies it since the screen of the cell one.  "It is pure blow, like my woman", account Javier and sum data that cannot lack.  That was born in Milan, that to weigh 3,250 kilograms, that was I leave natural and that Paula, its wife, is "barbaric".  It repeats the common places that only know that are not common the ones that to enjoy in alive to see to be born to their baby.  "By luck I could be just as was born.  Walked lunatic with so many parties, among Eliminatorias, Cup Italy and Confederations.  Therefore he had thought to hire a private airplane to arrive at the moment that was", relates without think about expenses and without stop looking at the pantallita.  Finally, Sun Zanetti, without second name, the flight avoided him.  "The other Friday was with Pau in my house, and tells me that had pains.  But there we went not to the clinic.  Al another day she left me in the concentration of the Inter and he went to cause to see, accompanied by the mother.  Al while calls me because already was dilating.  I spoke with the technician (Roberto Mancini), I left running and at two o'clock hours saw how they cut the umbilical cord to Sun", relates conscious of its good luck.  Because it gave a kiss of dad, protected it between its trembling and large hands, and that same day went to Rome to be added al staff of the Inter that would play (and to the three days would gain) the end of the Cup Italy.  

—You found an original word to say what felt?  

—Noooo.  Seeing that is being born your daughter and to be al side of the woman that amás is an emotion that itself is not explained.  Runs inside.  Me did not imagine that was going to be thus.  I walked with the uncertainty of if was going to be able to be or not.  If the other week had gone me to Argentina by the parties of Eliminatorias..  It could be born at any moment although the date was the 19 (tomorrow).  But it seems that expected me.  Thus I could witness the labor.  And to enjoy the largest happiness of my life.  

—You were afraid al swoon?  

—Ha.  Not, it was tranquil because saw it well to Pau.  Equal, the doctors already had notified me: "Mirá that if vos you desmayás, we continue".  It was all very fast, as should be so that can play.  Seems that Sun came with the Cup Italy under the arm.  

Without freeing the cell one, spy the newspapers by Internet supported on Germán Lux, that it chicanea with a "che, they put something of Banfield also", after the triumph of River.  Also it receives the loaded one of Tucho Villani, the fanatic doctor swells of Lanús.  But the Daddy of 31 years is beyond.  And he laughs for all..  

—He was like you imagined him?  

—Neither I know.  It began to cry when the belly left and immediately they were given it to the mother.  Later I accompanied it to see how they washed it.  Seeing that cosita chiquitita is incredible.  And how moved..  Already in the belly we said "uh, this is going to be. ..".  But now it eats and sleeps.  And I, strange.  

—For now sleeps..  

—Totally.  We are going to see what happens.  I expect that sleep easy, ha.  

—Sun is for somewhat special?  

—Always we liked that name.  And when they told us that went to be a nena, already was determined.  And we begin to do its room so that enjoyment.  

—Sure that is like the room that vos you had when were boy.  With placard, dummies..  

—Noooo.  Has of all thanks to God.  And I expect to enjoy it with her.  Now my woman puts it me al telephone and he says that when I speak him, Sun moves..  I expect that finish all well with the Selection, now in this party that touches us with Australia and later I am going to enjoy it to full in my holidays.  And tomorrow I am going to celebrate my first Day of the Father.










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 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-12 18:18:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年8月10日 队长萨内蒂,生日快乐

Wednesday, 10 August 2005 10:37:29   
DONETSK - Inter captain Javier Zanetti is 32 years old today. The Argentina international has spent 11 of those 32 years with the Nerazzurri, the club he has always shown his love for and which brought him to Milan when he was still a young player at Banfield. Many happy returns to captain Zanetti.


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-12 18:22:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年8月10日 胜利水到渠成

Thursday, 11 August 2005 00:12:19   
DONETSK - From a footballing point of view Javier Zanetti couldn't have wished for a better 32nd birthday present than victory in Donetsk. "We played an excellent game at a difficult ground and against a team that plays well. Inter were up to the task," said the Nerazzurri captain.

"We knew they would have started strongly, but we had the right approach to the game. We suffered then took the game in our own hands and won the match. We mustn't trust this result. It's a big step forward but there are still ninety minutes to go to qualify."



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