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发表于 2006-5-10 01:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-5-11 00:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-5-11 00:37:00 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2006-5-11 00:48:00 | 显示全部楼层

xtratime news

Pablo is worried. Reason why he does not happen and reason why he happens to him. And what he happened to him. Aimar feels that it is not of league, that its illusion to play the World-wide one depends on Pekerman and how they give the studies that will make to him today to the morning. What happened to him now? Actually of the Valencia it felt a distension in the isquiotibiales of the right thigh and by motu proprio left the field. With quarrel and an ice stock market to be placed in the zone. The Cai told that its intimate ones he is not serious, but the doctors of the club are not so optimistic. "This has to do with the inactivity, plus the problems that it had days ago", said doctor Antonio Giner. "If he is by stress? He could have relation. I spoke with him and we did not touch the subject of the Selection, simply I insisted on the subject of the injury, that we hoped that it is not a tear ", sentenced doc of the Valencia, in declarations to A.M. 950.

Aimar had recovered in time record of the meningitis -- just it finished yesterday with medicines by this disease, after his visit to hospital 9 of October -- and felt that that was the last obstacle. But last Friday began their problems: Pekerman did not summon it to the convent and that shook it. In such a way that in the party of Saturday before Athletic Madrid it had a gray performance, without its habitual talent.

As much it affected this absence that Robert Ayala, his companion in Valencia, said when arriving at the concentration in Madrid: "I had to calm Pablo. What I tried was to explain to him that he was not all lost one and that had the last party to demonstrate that it can integrate the Selection ". Cai (26 years) counted them to his intimate that if injury not is not serious either it goes to play, since it always handled that the party before the Osasuna would be Sunday, with the World-wide objective in first plane. But match will be Tuesday, a day after Pekerman gives the definitive list of 23.

What will say the resonance that will today do Pablo to him?

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发表于 2006-5-11 15:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
wad the....................................i hate him!!!! he better let aimar go...
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发表于 2006-5-12 16:19:00 | 显示全部楼层

说到状态,现在的艾马尔应比去年confederation cup时更有资格入选国家队名单

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-12 16:21:20编辑过]
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发表于 2006-5-13 22:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-5-13 23:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
hao xiang zhen de xi wang bu da ah []
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发表于 2006-5-13 23:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
samuel and zanetti
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发表于 2006-5-13 23:17:00 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2006-5-13 23:32:00 | 显示全部楼层

(从xtratime那里挖来阿国内La Nacion.的报道)

The ones nominated

Pekerman showed yesterday to Julio Grondona his list for the World Cup; Aimar, Palacio and Demichelis are called up, and the president of the AFA prompts Ustari instead of Germán Lux in the arch

Passed tomorrow, the technical one José Pekerman will bring to light the final list that will go to the World Cup of Germany and the last hours in the ground of the AFA fit in the end of the balances. Time to discuss preferences, to compare merits and, even after finished the debate, to maintain the dissidences. Those discussions are the ones that were exposed on the rough draft that the DT delivered yesterday to the president of the AFA, Julio Grondona, in the meeting that they both maintained in Ezeiza to put name and surname to the plazas that are still to cover.

The president of the AFA already knows how Pekerman will divide the squad by lines: will be three goalkeepers, eight defenders, seven midfielders and five forward.
What is known?
That as the owners of the arch confirmed are Roberto Abbondanzieri and Leonardo Franco, and that to last moment doubts between Oscar Ustari and Germán Lux. That the shirts for the defenders will be eight and that all will be dressed by the ones that were in the meating carried out in the convent of Madrid.
That among the midfieldres finally will be Pablo Aimar and will enter Martin Demichelis. And that among the variant of attack will be Rodrigo Palacio, relegating the possibilities of Julio Cruz. This is the panorama that had until last night.

When Pekerman said in the Spanish capital that the surnames called up for the contact in the Convent were confirmed for the final list of 23, also affirmed, perhaps taking dimension of what thought for the future, that the fact that "some players are not in the concentration does not signify anything; this is circumstantial and does not imply that they cannot be called for the World Cup".
The particularity of the initial list was the absence of Aimar. Since the first moment, people linked with the technical body ventured their presence in Germany, perhaps by their condition to be one of the most identifying players with the work done by Pekerman in the youthful. And also because the DT and the holder of the AFA coincided in which is the name to have as possible alternative for Riquelme when be needed that variant one.

The presence or absence of Aimar modifies all the original plans for Pekerman. It is worth to recall that, although in the intimacy of the technical management always thought about him as an important link, also other possibilities have been considered. The different variants considered to add one more forward in Aimar's place and therefore Julio Cruz will have a big chance. Also videos of Federico Insúa and of Leandro Gracián were studied for the case the circumstances demanded it.

The president of the AFA met with Pekerman after greeting all the youthful staff that yesterday left to Toulón. During an hour they exchanged opinions, accompanied by Hugo Tocalli (in all this week they were a constant one the meetings behind closed doors between the DT and their collaborator), the right hand of the coach at the moment of making decisions.
The last question was to know who would be the last chosen.
The inclusion of Rodrigo Palacio its very likely because Crespo, Tevez and Saviola have a tendency to play on the centre of the pitch.
Therefore the Boca Jrs's player, that finalized the Torneo Clausura in a very good level, its called to complete the list of forward, that also integrates Messi. As for Julio Cruz, only would be considered if Aimar remained outside of the list.

Another question that arises of this conference is the confirmation that Martin Demichelis will be among the midfielders. In the last days, the possibilities of the player of Bayern Munich passed for disputing for a place with Aldo Duscher and, although with less chances, Lucas Bernardi. And it seems that Pekerman inclined for the the former River Plate player, who can be moved in some position of the defense (the left-footed central defenders on the list are Heinze and Milito), so much as to do it as central defensive midfielder.

If something was definite two weeks ago were the three goalkeepers, but by the order of Grondona and by recommendation of Tocalli the third place will be analyzed. How would it be decided?
Ustari was asked to diminished the demand in Independiente by an ostecondritis of the left knee, counts on an advantage, and the fact is that Grondona wants him in Germany.
A reading is imposed: the kingpin of the AFA wants him at the World Cup in order to gain experience for the future.

La Nacion.

Well, this is a very good article.
The most important things:
1) No Zanetti and no Samuel. Scaloni, somehow manages to make the team. Shocking.
2) Aimar is called.
3) Demichelis will be on the list. Thats good.
4) Palacio and Saviola are the last two strikers. No Cruz and no Aguero.
5) Abbondanzieri and Franco, in that order, are the two main goal keepers.
6) Grondona ask Pekerman to take Ustari instead of Lux. I agree with Grondona.


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发表于 2006-5-16 05:06:00 | 显示全部楼层


the show has just begun. [em15]

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