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发表于 2005-2-13 17:43:00 | 显示全部楼层


Saturday, 12 February 2005 23:12:31   
MILAN - Nerazzurri captain spoke to Inter Channel after Saturday night's 2-0 win at home to Roma . "We were focused and we played well. We managed to run the match. We got a victory which gives us confidence, the team is growing match after match and this is important," said the Inter captain. On Kily González' performance, Zanetti added: "I'm very pleased about his return. He's doing very well and it wasn't easy to come back with a performance like this. He contributed to this victory."

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发表于 2005-3-13 23:01:00 | 显示全部楼层

2005年3月12日 我们准备好对付波尔图了

Saturday, 12 March 2005 23:59:09   
ROME - Javier Zanetti spoke to Inter Channel after the Nerazzurri's 1-1 draw with Lazio at the Olimpico. "The draw is a bit hard on us, in the second half we had chances to win the match. Unfortunately we didn't manage to win," said the Inter captain.

"In the second half a foul wasn't given when I was entering the area from the right. I didn't dive; the Lazio defender touched me and threw me off-balance."

"Now for Porto? It's a fundamental match for us. It's an important game and we want to be ready for it."





[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-14 10:57:31编辑过]

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发表于 2006-2-15 00:53:00 | 显示全部楼层

2006年2月13日 J·萨内蒂:苦涩地失望

Sunday, 12 February 2006 23:44:05
MILAN - "We're bitterly disappointed about how things went this evening, the match shouldn't have finished in this way," said Javier Zanetti on Inter Channel after the 2-1 defeat to Juventus. "They were luckier than us and won a match that we didn't deserve to lose."

The Inter captain continued: "It wasn't a foul which led to the free kick that decided the game. Nedved dived after Cordoba made the slightest of contact.

"Now we must look ahead and think about the next match, we want to make the best possible finish to this championship. Conclusions are always made at the end of the season, and we're still in the running in other important competitions.

"We're also disappointed for the fans because they didn't deserve this result. We gave everything we had to win this match, we finished the game with our heads held high even if this defeat is very hard to accept."





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发表于 2006-3-22 21:54:00 | 显示全部楼层

2006年3月21日 萨内蒂:雷科巴和菲戈,水平毋庸质疑


MILAN - Part one of Javier Zanetti's interview with GR Parlamento radio programme Lo Sport nel Pallone:

It was an important victory yesterday against Lazio, a team you hadn't beaten at the Meazza for thirteen years...
"We played a great match yesterday. You could see we wanted to win right from the start and we showed it. It was a deserved victory."

Yesterday we saw some extraordinary plays from Recoba.
"We're pleased with his two goals. They came after an injury that kept him out for quite a few games. His return is important and yesterday he showed all his value."

Do you think Recoba could go to Palermo with Novellino next year and become a leader at a smaller club?
"Chino is a complete player with excellent talents. What with injuries and misunderstandings he has never managed to express his full potential. He's the kind of player who can decide a match at any point. It's a pleasure to have him as a team-mate."

Are you surprised by Luis Figo , who scored a great goal yesterday?
"No, we're not surprised. We see Figo 's class in every match. He's an important element for our team."

At what point is Adriano? Is he making progress in training?
"I hope he soon manages to show his full potential. He's working hard and seriously. He's trying to regain the form he was in at the start of the season and he can return to top form in this final phase of the season. The matches that count come now and it is important for him to play at his level. We have many matches to play and we need everyone."

Pierre Wome has played the last few matches at an excellent level...
"We're pleased for Pierre. He's an intelligent lad. He had a few problems settling in at the start but he's calmer now and has been playing great for a few matches."

Toldo is a protagonist again...
"There's no doubt about his talent. Mancini made a choice at the start of the season, Julio Cesar started off very well then got injured and Francesco gave a great reply. We're talking about two great goalkeepers."

Perhaps you need an alternative in attack...
"We have very good strikers. In the future the club will do its best to reinforce the squad where needed."

Veron hinted at a pact in the dressing room to recreate harmony. Was there any friction?
"No, there was no friction. When we argue we always do it for the good of the team. However, there has always been harmony."

What will Veron do next year?
"I think that these are personal decisions. We all want him to stay. Juan is very important for the team."

And if he leaves?
"We also have Pizarro. A champion."
























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发表于 2006-3-22 21:57:00 | 显示全部楼层


Monday, 20 March 2006 15:54:52

MILAN - Part two of Javier Zanetti's interview with GR Parlamento radio programme Lo Sport nel Pallone:

Your opinion of Inter's Serie A season?
"We have collected twelve more points than last year. We have certainly had an excellent season. Juve have definitely exceeded all expectations."

There could be a long derby with Milan for second place, but it could also continue in Europe...
"It will be a long battle until the end. Let's hope we win it. We will certainly do our best."

What's your relationship with Roberto Mancini like?
"Personally I have a good relationship with him, but he has a good relationship with everyone. He came to Milan to achieve great results and last year we laid the foundations of an important project with two triumphs in the Coppa Italia and the Super Cup. Let's hope we continue to win in the future."

Would you like to end your career at Inter?
"Inter is my second home."

Samuel's arrival has reinforced the defence, which has conceded twelve goals less than last year...
"We have a very good defence that has definitely been reinforced through the arrival of a great player like Walter. With him we are many Argentines who battle for the good of Inter."

What do you think about a return of Ronaldo to Inter? Dr Moratti said he's tired of hearing about this matter...
"Moratti said the right thing. It's not the right moment to talk about the transfer market. First we have to finish this season then the club will make its decisions."

You face Villarreal in the Champions League quarter-finals. What kind of match are you expecting?
"It will be a tough game. They deserve to be at this stage of the competition and shouldn't be underestimated. We will have to be very careful."

Cambiasso continues to play at a high level...
"He is a very useful player for the team. He has given confirmation of the good work he did last year. He is a very important player for us."

















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