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发表于 2007-3-26 23:52:00 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<p><font face="Trebuchet MS" color="#333333" size="5"><font face="Arial">Saviola: “I In Barcelona am not going to him to put a revolver in the head to anybody to have left”</font></font></p><p><font face="Trebuchet MS" color="#333333" size="5"><font face="Arial">来源:<a href="http://www.elciudadano.net/NOTAS/HINCH-26-03-002.htm">http://www.elciudadano.net/NOTAS/HINCH-26-03-002.htm</a></font><strong><br/><br/></strong></font></p><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="440" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0"><tbody><tr><td></td><td><img height="9" src="http://www.as.com/imgs/generales/0.gif" width="15" border="0" alt=""/></td></tr></tbody></table></td><td valign="bottom"><a title="Ampliar imagen" href=";langpair=es%7Cen&amp;u=http://www.as.com/foto.html%3Fxref%3D20070326dasdasftb_15%26fref%3D20070326dasdasftb_9.Ies%26type%3DTes%26anchor%3Ddasftb%26d_date%3D20070326" target="foto"><img height="10" alt="AMPLIAR" src="http://www.as.com/imgs/noticia/ampliar.gif" width="85" border="0"/><br/><img src="http://www.as.com/recorte.php?xref=20070326dasdasftb_9&amp;id=SCO&amp;type=Ies" border="1" alt=""/></a> </td></tr></tbody></table><br/><font face="Arial,Helvetica,SunSans-Regular" size="2"><p>Javier Saviola returned to assure today that Barcelona still has not offered him any supply of renovation and recognized its restlessness whenever it sees published in the press the possible draftees who could reinforce the equipment the next season.</p><p>萨维奥拉重申巴萨至今还没有给他提供续约的合同,他留在巴萨的可能性几乎等于零。</p><p>“I have not received anything, we followed with silence, he himself who comes repeating until now. I have not had approach on the part of the club nor of the director”, commented the Conejito after the today training.</p><p>“我什么都没有收到,大家一直沉默着。俱乐部职员或者教练都没有和我谈过这事。”兔子今天训练的时候说。</p><p>Saviola said not to be gotten upset with the club, but anxious so that a proposal does not arrive from renovation. “Not cabrea me (sic) silence, the problem is not mine but of them, perhaps if the thing were more frontal nobody is going away to get upset, the only thing who I request is an approach and knowledge that think. I will not put to turn around in the head of anybody to remain”, explained.</p><p>萨维奥拉还说,他不会因此感到沮丧,反而只是希望得到一个结果,即使是俱乐部决定不续约的结果:“不要这样一直沉默,这并不是我的问题,或者他们的问题。如果这件事情处理得更直接的话,没有人会感到沮丧的。我要求的只是他们来和我说一句,他们是怎么想的。我不希望改变他们的想法,我不会逼他们和我续约。”</p><p>“Now game and we did not follow in the same situation. I do not know what they think, but do not want that it happens what already it spent the other years here”, in reference to his happens to loan to last hour to the Monaco and Seville.</p><p>“现在俱乐部和我的处境并不一样。我不知道他们怎么想的,我不希望再过上像我前两年所过的那样的日子。”之前,萨维奥拉被租借到摩纳哥和塞维利亚。</p><p>On the possible draftees of the team of Frank Rijkaard for the next season, Saviola was bothered by the filtrations appeared in mass media, in clear reference to the technical secretary of the club, Aitor Begiristain. “When they leave things in the press, the 23 players that that way they have thought to bring and what they think to remove by each player, become more difficult, but these questions are for Txiki, that threw these names”, Saviola said.</p><p>关于里杰卡尔德未来赛季可能的引员,萨维奥拉承认被最近媒体的报道所困扰:“当他们接受媒体采访的时候,关于23个球员谁去谁留的问题越来越困难,最后谁要离开,是贝基利斯坦的问题。”</p><p>With respect to his future, it said that it does not keep “resentment to him to anybody”, did not want to give names, but it advanced that one is moving by his account. “By respect I will not speak of any club, since I am in Barcelona. I do not know if I will have myself to go, but am arranged to listen to any supply. I come moving me by my side, and important clubs have approached”, advanced.</p><p>关于他的未来,兔子说他并不是对每个俱乐部的态度都一样。他不想谈论过多,因为现在他还是巴塞罗那的人。“我不知道我会不会走,但是我愿意和每个提供合约的俱乐部坐下来谈。有一些很好的俱乐部已经接触过我。”</p><p>“Regreted I to have had left, Never made this decision, I I wanted to finish the season here, that was to me well, play the maximum and, if it is finished and I must myself go, I will make it with the high head”, said soon with pride. </p><p>“要离开的话我很遗憾。现在还没有做决定,我希望在这里过完这个赛季。对于我来说,我会尽自己努力做到最好,如果最后我必须离开,我会昂着头离开。”萨维奥拉自信地说。</p></font>
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-26 23:53:00 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-26 23:54:00 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-27 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层

Angry rabbit


Javier Saviola not yet defined his future in Barcelona and he was annoying: “I Am not going to put to turn around in the head of anybody to have left”


BARCELONA (EFE). - The forward of Barcelona Javier Saviola returned to assure today that the azulgrana club still did not offer any supply to him of renovation and recognized its restlessness whenever it sees published in the press the possible reinforcements for the next season.

“I have not received anything, we followed with silence, he himself who comes repeating until now. I have not had approach on the part of the club nor of the director”, commented the Rabbit after the today training.

Saviola said not to be angered with the club for that reason, but anxious so that a proposal does not arrive from renovation. “Not cabrea me silence, the problem is not mine but of them, perhaps if the thing were more frontal nobody is going away to anger, the only thing who I request is an approach and knowledge that think. I will not put to turn around in the head of anybody to remain”, declared.

The Argentinean remembered that in the last press conference already he made clear that its desire is to solve its future as soon as possible. “Now game and we did not follow in the same situation. I do not know what they think, but do not want that it happens what already it spent the other years here”, in reference to its cession to last hour to the Monaco and Seville.

The international albiceleste admitted that it is “a difficult” situation and that it does not know how to confront it. “In January it went well and it played, and now nongame, and not that to do so that they come to speak”.

On the possible draftees of the team of Frank Rijkaard for the next season, Saviola was annoying by the filtrations appeared in mass media, in clear reference to the technical secretary of the club, Aitor ´Txiki´ Begiristain.

“When they leave things in the press, the 23 players that that way they have thought to bring and what they think to remove by each player, become more difficult, but these questions are for Txiki, that threw these names”, Saviola said.

Interested others. “By respect I will not speak of any club, since I am in the Barça. I do not know if I will have myself to go, but am arranged to listen to any supply. I come moving me by my side, and important clubs have approached”.

Its decision to remain in Barcelona. “Never have to me sorry I to have had left, I made this decision, I I wanted to finish the season here, that was to me well, play the maximum and, if it is finished and I must myself go, I will make it with the high head”.

Permanent Link: http://www.lanacion.com.ar/894737
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-27 00:04:00 | 显示全部楼层






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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-27 00:08:00 | 显示全部楼层








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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-27 00:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用666666在2007-3-26 23:58:00的发言:

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-30 17:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
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