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发表于 2004-3-10 18:52:00 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2004-3-10 19:01:00 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2004-3-10 19:05:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2004-3-10 19:08:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2004-3-17 23:29:00 | 显示全部楼层



"I broke a little the soul"  

Cani feels that thanks to a great effort achieved the objective that had been proposed: to play in one of the large of Scotland. Today it debuts in the Champions with the Rangers.

Thus it celebrated on Saturday its goal al Anderlecht, in a friendly one.

To the 34 years, to have arrived at a large club as this, it do not I take like a revenge. But I say: I recovered, another to have fallen, would be disappeared person and in any tournament of crap. For me it is as that now I am able to say I am here and by something is, did nobody give me nothing. It is not that I had to begin again, but yes to do an effort extra. More to level of confidence of the others. Because if you do not they see to play is difficult that the people of outside maintain you the faith".

Claudio Caniggia comes to put four goals in the four friendly of pre-season that played for the Glasgow Rangers (together al Celtic one of the two largest teams of Scotland), that hired it after its good season in the Dundee FC, one of the smallest clubs. And today begins front al Maribor, in Slovenia, the prior phase of the Champions League.

-This should be one of the better phases of your career. It surprises that be to an age advanced for a player.
-Obviously that I am not a pendejo. It of the Rangers came me barbaric. It is not that did not expect it, although one itself fixed objectives and intent says. If it did all by money or tranquility remained in the Dundee and me relajaba. If considered a contract one more year and better al of the Atalanta, although not too much. Besides, I am friend of the technicians. But when arrived I adapted enough well and I proposed myself why not to try to arrive at one of the two large. The ambition and the hunger to seek new things and a strong team in Europe were latent in me. In January or February the data arrived that there was a large one continuing me and I enthused me. In March or April they called me to negotiate and in May I defined it. It of the Rangers is a pretty thing because I in the last three years had not had pre-season, had been without playing the League 98/99... Seemed difficult that was given me, but I broke a little the soul and... is not easy that to my age call me the Rangers. In the Dundee to the better was able relajar a moment in some party. Here not. I am in an impressive institution. To the court go 55.000 persons, has various foreigners...

-Is also a club with more pressure, ¿that pleases you?
-Clear. If not, it was going to play me to another country. It interests me me to to set me new objectives, to pass to better places, in clubs that have to gain all the parties. With the Rangers play the Champions, tenés another diffusion, there is an enormous... professionalism This was one of my goals and that pressure pleases me. If not the tenés, unconsciously you dejás to be a little bit one.

-In your career you were three seasons without playing. What cost you paid?
-I lost a great deal, logically. It is not that later did not I recover the time lost, but it was not easy. Did not it play and the others did not they know how walked, did not turn out to be simple me to find another team. Although it knew that had specific level, al not to play was done me more difficult.

-¿You continue without having contact with Bielsa?
-I did not have none.

-Then, should remain few hopes to return to the Selection...
-Always I have some hope. Is not easy, never swims has been easy for me. But do neither I consider it impossible and I am going to try it. To play the Champions League is an important injection. Would be spectacular to return to the Selection. It lacks a year for the World one, I have to do the possible things the best, to play in the highest level to show that I can occupy one of the positions of ahead in the team. Why Bielsa would be able not to call me if I walk well?

-¿Creés that to be in a large club can help you to to be called?
-Me do not present it. Is obvious that the repercussion of what hacés depends on the club in which be. But if sos a player al that knows himself and mantenés a level of play, would not see the difference. If it is a matter of a footballer of 20 years, podés to present you the doubt of how will react in the Selection. I that doubt it do not cause. Did neither I consider that to play in the Dundee could be an against. I am showing that I find myself well, also in the physical thing. And to this age is not easy to maintain the performance. Is undeniable that with the years perdés something, but ganás other things in your play.

-¿Crisp or Batistuta for the Selection?
-Depends on the moment. I would elect to any of the two. In a moment told you Batistuta, but Crisp improved a great deal and today I do not consider to none above the other.
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