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发表于 2007-7-24 23:22:00 | 显示全部楼层


Fifa has recommended that the Carlos Tevez dispute should go to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

West Ham United and Manchester United had asked Fifa to arbitrate on Tevez's contractual situation as the Premier League champions look to bring the Argentine to Old Trafford.

Tevez's proposed move to Manchester United has been held up after a dispute between West Ham, Manchester United and Tevez's agent Kia Joorabchian.

The wrangle over his ownership rights continues with West Ham claiming they own Tevez's registration, while Joorabchian's Media Sports Investment group say they own the economic rights of the player.

Fifa officials met with counterparts from the FA and the Premier League this week to discuss the matter and the football's world governing body have decided they will not make any ruling on Tevez's future.

Fifa spokesman Andreas Herren said: "The recommendation from Fifa to the FA and the Premier League is to go to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

"Under the circumstances it was felt it would be in the best interest of all parties to take this course.

"It looks like being the fastest way of resolving this matter.

"It is not a refusal by Fifa to get involved, quite the contrary. It is a recommendation by Fifa to opt for this way."

West Ham have reacted to the news by revealing they are happy for the matter to go to the Court of Arbitration for Sport if it is to the agreement of all parties.

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发表于 2007-7-25 06:06:00 | 显示全部楼层


Media Sports Investments, the company who claim to own Carlos Tevez's economic rights, have issued a High Court writ against West Ham United.

MSI are trying to broker Tevez's proposed move to Manchester United, but the Premier League have insisted that West Ham must receive any transfer fee.

The Hammers insist they still own Tevez's registration and that has led to the latest action from the player's representative Kia Joorabchian.

Solicitor Graham Shear of lawyers Teacher Stern Selby confirmed in a statement that Joorabchian's companies MSI and Just Sports had launched a case against The Hammers.

"I can confirm the companies (MSI and Just Sports Inc) have begun High Court proceedings against West Ham," said Shear.

"This afternoon [Tuesday] a High Court writ was served on the football club's solicitors.

"The companies seek the court's intervention to compel West Ham to release the registration of Carlos Tevez in accordance with contracts entered into between the parties.

"We are asking the court to intervene so that Carlos Tevez can be registered to play with Manchester United as soon as possible."

The whole Tevez saga was taken to Fifa last week and they ruled on Tuesday that the case would be best heard by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

MSI are desperate for the case to be resolved as soon as possible and they feel High Court action is the best avenue for them to take.

In response West Ham issued a statement, saying: "West Ham United is led to believe that MSI and Just Sports Inc. have issued a writ against the club this evening, although we are yet to receive this officially.

"We will liaise with our lawyers and a further statement will be made when appropriate."

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发表于 2007-7-25 06:09:00 | 显示全部楼层


West Ham boss Alan Curbishley admits he is desperate to see the Carlos Tevez situation resolved.

The Tevez case took a couple of fresh twists on Tuesday when Fifa recommended that the Court of Arbitration for Sports should arbitrate on the issue rather than them, before MSI issued a High Court writ against West Ham over the player's proposed move to Manchester United.

Curbishley, who saw his side claim a 1-1 pre-season draw at Leyton Orient, just wants the Tevez saga to come to a close.

"Everyday seems to be a Tevez day and it is just as if we can't get out the headlines, it will get resolved I'am sure one way or another," he told Sky Sports News.

"It needed sorting a long time ago, but obviously it wasn't and still hasn't but it has to come to conclusion at some point."

Curbishley refused to rule out of the possibility of Tevez returning to The Hammers fold, but he said the situation needed to be resolved first.

"He is still our player, but we will have to wait to see what the conclusion is," he added.

On the transfer front, Curbishley says he is still looking at making further plunges into the transfer market - despite the recent arrival of Freddie Ljungberg from Arsenal.

"Yeah I would [make more signings], I think most clubs are [looking]," Curbishley continued.

"If you look at what we have done, we have replaced some people and I have been at pains to tell people we have probably took as much in as we have spent.

"I am a bit skinny in certain areas, and I was interested in Freddie before Julien [Faubert] got injured and the same thing if Freddie gets injured now."

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发表于 2007-7-25 06:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
Here is the Times...


West Ham in crisis after Tevez agents launch £20m legal battleGary Jacob and James Ducker
West Ham United were last night facing a courtroom battle over the future of Carlos Tévez after the player’s agents issued a writ against the London club. Legal proceedings began after Fifa refused to rule on the player’s potential transfer to Manchester United, referring the case to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne.

The two companies who hold Tévez’s “economic rights”, Media Sports Investment (MSI) and Just Sports Inc (JSI), turned the pressure up on West Ham after the club, who hold Tévez’s registration, declined to sanction a move to Old Trafford that could be worth more than £20 million to the Argentina forward’s agents.

The companies claim that West Ham unilaterally ripped up the contract that was agreed last summer when Tévez and Javier Mascherano, his Argentina teammate, arrived at Upton Park. Those deals were deemed to be in breach of FA Premier League rules by a commission that handed West Ham a £5.5 million fine in April.

As part of the punishment, the London club were forced to extricate themselves from the contract with MSI and JSI, a move that allowed Tévez to play in the final three games of the season. He scored the only goal at Old Trafford on the final day of the season to win their battle against relegation.

Richard Scudamore, the Premier League’s chief executive, said that West Ham would have to abide by the decision the club made in April, which allowed them to play Tévez. “They were given three options,” Scudamore said. “The one they chose has made it difficult for them but we will see that that choice is upheld. They could have gone a different way.”

Had West Ham chosen to maintain the contract with Tévez’s agents, the forward would not have been allowed to play for the club again. MSI and JSI argue that they still control the player because they never agreed to the contracts being terminated.

Graham Shear, who is representing the companies, said that the companies would also be seeking damages from West Ham. “A High Court writ was served on the West Ham United’s solicitors,” Shear, of Teacher Stern Selby, said. “The companies seek the court’s intervention to compel West Ham to release the registration of Carlos Tévez in accordance with contracts entered into between the parties. We are asking the court to intervene so that Carlos Tévez can be registered to play with Manchester United as soon as possible.”

The Premier League hoped that Fifa would mediate to resolve the situation but the world governing body backed away from making a ruling in a situation that could be a legal minefield. “It is not a matter of refusing to arbitrate but a recommendation in the interest of all parties involved in the complicated affair,” a Fifa spokesman said. “We believe that it is the quickest manner in which to sort out the impasse.”

The CAS could intervene only with the agreement of both parties, but only West Ham said that they would be willing for the court in Lausanne to consider the case.

MSI and JSI may not be keen to use the court because they may have no further legal recourse should a decision go against them. The companies also argue that the CAS could take too long to reach a verdict, although the court said yesterday that it would find a resolution before the end of the transfer window next month.

The CAS was set up to provide a forum for settling sports disputes quickly, fairly and inexpensively and considers about 200 disputes each year, half of them to do with football. The Football Association is also willing to begin an arbitration process to end the dispute, but no party has yet asked it to.
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发表于 2007-8-2 18:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-8-2 18:13:00 | 显示全部楼层


弗格森其实非常看重海哥,上个赛季对切尔西还让海哥当队长!海哥重伤一年弗格森也非常好的照顾了他。关键是重伤以后海哥的状态已经大不如前,在阿根廷队表现也是毛糙之极!而弗格森在上个赛季的打法非常强调速度和换位, 海哥作为一个中后卫出身的人,自然这方面能力远远不及埃弗拉。其实上个赛季末埃弗拉受伤以后已经被海哥把主力位置争夺回来了!海哥如果想要稳固自己的主力位置的话,没有必要铁心一定要去利物浦。这样很明显对自己原来的俱乐部不够尊重。记得弗格森说得一句话:我这辈子最大的成就就是把利物浦f*u*c*king从他的霸主位置上拉下来了。所有的曼联球员,只要一打利物浦就格外来劲。海哥在曼联呆了三年,应该能够感受的到!而且弗格森一直坚持说,我不相信海因策说这样的话,等他回来我要跟他好好谈谈。没想到海哥居然连谈都不想谈,直接把法律状书发到英超联盟去了,一点面子都不给弗格森!人家实在对你不薄啊!贝尼特斯的确需要左后卫,但是另一个重要原因自然很明显是想借挖海哥来打击曼联!我就是不明白,为什么海哥一定要去利物浦,皇马和尤文不是也需要左后卫吗?海哥应该学巴蒂和兔子,讲点阿根廷球员惯有的人情味和忠心度,转会去别的俱乐部吧!!

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-2 18:17:59编辑过]
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发表于 2007-8-3 16:39:00 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2007-8-4 06:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
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