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发表于 2009-4-23 20:46:54 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 laolituo 于 2009-4-23 20:48 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-4-23 22:05:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-4-26 17:47:02 | 显示全部楼层

Ezequiel Muñoz  1990.10.8  身高185cm,体重84kg,入选本土国家队


[ 本帖最后由 laolituo 于 2009-4-26 17:48 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-5-18 15:49:10 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-5-18 18:55:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-10 12:50:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-6-13 13:07:21 | 显示全部楼层

Francisco Di Franco

[ 本帖最后由 laolituo 于 2009-6-13 13:08 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-6-13 13:09:27 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 laolituo 于 2009-6-13 13:11 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-6-28 12:57:02 | 显示全部楼层
A new trio in the Reserve

By Nicolas Fili

They say that it is not expected, but one that has been following for quite some saw was coming. We are talking about the huge leap that gave the three boys team colorado Regenhardt. The 92 'were reported through the coordinator of amateur football for Boca Juniors, Malleo Mr Joseph, who passed between Monday and Tuesday that they had to train with the club's reserve Xeneize.
Sergio Araujo, Villa Crespo, Leandro Marin, Neuquén, and Nicholas Gonzalez, Caseros are going through a great moment for a long time.
On Wednesday June 24, after one or two training with the reserve, the kids could play on the team that usually lead Abel Alves. The set Xeneize faced Gimnasia La Plata Neuquen Marin and played from the start. Instead Nicolás González and Sergio Araujo entered the second stage. The guy from Villa Crespo scored a goal and two incomes were the keys to the reservation and return the result can achieve the three points.
The coupling Nicolás González, Sergio Araujo striker and defender Leandro Marin talked about this big moment.

[ 本帖最后由 laolituo 于 2009-6-28 13:00 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-6-28 13:02:27 | 显示全部楼层

Nicolás González

Me fui a probar a River y no quedé, fui a Boca entrené 15 minutos y Ramón me dijo que ya había quedado, al mes me llamaron de River para que vuelva, pero me quede con Ramón Madoni.”

“Juego de enganche, mi función es hacer jugar al equipo, manejar los tiempos, pases en profundidad, pegada al arco.”
“Siempre me tuve mucha fé y confianza, Siempre entrené y entreno con todo para poder llegar a cumplir mi sueño.”
“ Trato de estar tranquilo de no marearme, de ser siempre el mismo y no escuchar mucho esas cosas que dicen, aunque a uno siempre le gustan que digan esas cosas.”      “Una alegría enorme cuando me enteré eso, no lo podía creer que el Inter se había interesado en mi, pero bueno hay que estar tranquilo y seguir trabajando.”
“Mi objetivo es jugar en la primera de Boca, en europa y en la selección mayor.”
“Ojalá dios quiera  que vuelva  a la selección, pero igual estoy muy bien entrenando en el club.”
“En estas dieciséis por suerte en el equipo pude dejar todo de mi y quiero seguir así dejando todo.”
“El llamado a reserva no me lo esperaba, cuando me avisaron que tenia que entrenar con reserva no lo podía creer.”
“Por suerte, jugué todo el segundo tiempo en la reserva  y pudimos ganar.”
“Hace mucho venia soñando con jugar con los mas grandes y por suerte se me dio.”
“Yo me tengo mucha fé, pero tengo que seguir entrenando con todo y no aflojar.”
“Si, me encantaría jugar el super, estoy esperando ese día para jugarlo. Para mi hay que ganarlo como sea.”
“Estuvimos hablando algo de apuestas con Pirez el que juega en River, pero todavía estamos viendo.”
“Para mi lo mejor está por venir.”
“Esto sigue trabajando mucho día a día para lograr mi objetivo y estar
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发表于 2009-6-28 13:03:34 | 显示全部楼层

Sergio Araujo

“Llegué a Boca por Ramón Madoni. Jugaba al papi fútbol y en un partido de copas de campeones que jugué contra Nicolás González, Nico fue quien le habló a Ramón de mi y me trajeron.”
“Juego de delantero y mis condiciones son manejar la pelota.”
“Nunca pensé que Boca me iba a dar tantas cosas y  muy lindas.”
“Estoy tranquilo siempre igual, no tengo que cambiar nada, la gente puede decir lo quiera.”
“Creo que como todo jugador el gran sueño es jugar en la primera.”
“Dos años estuve en el sub. 15 entrenando todo, y después gracias a diós en el sub. 17, Significa todo usar la celeste y blanca.”
“Quiero hacer las cosas bien en el club.”
“No me lo espéraba el llamado a la reserva, pero fue otra linda noticia.” “Bianchi me dijo que siga así, que iba por un muy buen camino.”
“Me lo dijeron el mismo martes,  después del entrenamiento de reserva dieron los citados.”
“Muy contento puede entrar y convertir, lo mejor.”
“Todo llega cuando tiene q llegar.”
“Quiero jugar el super, esos partidos se ganan con humildad y huevos

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发表于 2009-6-28 13:04:23 | 显示全部楼层

Leandro Marín

“En el 2007 me fui a probar por medio de Oscar Craviotto y Raúl Cascini, y empecé en Boca en enero del 2008.”
“Juego de cuatro, o sea lateral derecho y me dicen que me caracterizo por tener potencia.”
“Siempre el principal objetivo que tiene cada jugador es llegar a primera  y después salir campeón en la categoría en la que estas jugando.”
“La primera vez q fui a entrenar en la selección fue en noviembre del año pasado, para mi es muy importante jugar en la selección porque estás representando al país y estás dentro de los mejores jugadores.”
     “La categoría tiene muy buenos jugadores, no le esta yendo muy bien por ahora, pero tenemos muchas posibilidades de salir campeones.”
“La citación a reserva me sorprendió mucho, y lo que  mas me sorprendió fue haber jugado de titular,  la verdad q no me lo esperaba.”
“El lunes yo llegué de entrenar de la selección y me avisaron que tenia que ir a entrenar con reserva el martes y ese mismo día fue que me citaron para jugar el miércoles contra Gimnasia de La Plata.”
“Por suerte se ganó y fue muy lindo por el tema que se jugó en la Bombonera que fue la primera vez que piso esa cancha.”
“Es muy importante para mi esto de estar en este momento en reserva por el roce que agarrás jugando con jugadores mas grandes y con mas experiencia.”
“Siempre uno quiere jugar en reserva para después dar el salto a primera.”
“Yo lo vivo tranquilo y si me dan la oportunidad la voy a aprovechar al máximo.”
“Al super clásico le tengo muchas ganas de jugarlo.”
“Lo único que se, es que el lunes tengo que ir a entrenar con reserva a la mañana y a la tarde con la selección, lo demás se vera.”   
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发表于 2009-7-6 13:08:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-24 17:57:54 | 显示全部楼层

Francisco Di Franco (9na)
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发表于 2009-7-24 18:01:59 | 显示全部楼层

Federico Martínez (8va) - Leo Paredes (8va)

本帖最后由 laolituo 于 2009-7-24 18:03 编辑

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发表于 2009-7-24 18:03:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-30 13:01:55 | 显示全部楼层

OS.jpg (174.33 KB, 下载次数: 18)

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发表于 2009-9-2 18:07:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 laolituo 于 2009-9-2 18:11 编辑

Difranco.jpg (82.8 KB, 下载次数: 13)

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发表于 2009-9-2 18:10:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-10-13 16:01:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 laolituo 于 2009-10-13 20:15 编辑


Gonzalo Escalante  1993.3.27  博卡七线队, 后腰
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发表于 2009-10-22 16:58:38 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2009-11-10 10:03:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-12-1 13:17:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 laolituo 于 2009-12-1 13:19 编辑


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发表于 2009-12-1 13:20:47 | 显示全部楼层
This time we will try to describe this promise of our inferiors with whom we had the opportunity to talk a few days ago. This is Francisco Di Franco, best known for his family, friends and the world Mouth as "Fran", who is the star player, striker and recent winner of the ninth division formed by the '95 class of Boca Juniors.

His beginnings were round with the Sociedad de Fomento Rafael Obligado the village of Bella Vista, in the province of Bs As, when she was only 5 years old. He was seen by the finder Ramón Maddoni who took him to play the Park and the Children's Club of Boca with only 9 years.

Di Franco is perhaps the most complete striker in our nursery, as it has several virtues that allow you to play in any position of the attack, although as we could tell in the talk he had with him, where it feels more comfortable " playing for the tips, especially coming to the area left. "

Right-handed player, amazed by its power, speed and ability taking into account his young age, is a highly destabilizing and sometimes player gets hit for his rivals to put him in several matches career high for the category even more inferior football girl .

Its features are not limited to individual large imbalance in the hand to hand, it is also a lethal striker, who has a very good header, striking a chill to set in the area and a great technique with the ball that allows you to define both right (working leg) and with the left foot. During that tournament in which he was captain of the 9th champion under a staggering 31 goals, obviously being the leading scorer of his team and the leading scorer in all divisions participating in the tournament below the AFA called Pedro Pompilio.

Fran knows wear with pride the glorious jersey No. 10 of Boca and that makes it clear that although a striker, his great driving lets dive a few meters back and attend as a real hook to his teammates.

His strong personality, but can sometimes play against you, is a hallmark of Fran, who you learn to use it in their favor achieved great professional growth and as leader of his football team. Clearly, his hunger for glory and is the typical player who leaves the soul in each party contesting every ball as if it were your last.

Fran is shown as a nice guy, very simple and with dreams of one day screaming goals in the very Bombonera. When we asked which player he admired, do not hesitate to mention that his favorite player and his mirror is Carlos Tevez, who has features similar to football such as how to protect the ball and the ability typical of pasture, but also has things Lavezzi when overflows to pure power and skill on any side and is comparable to Gonzalo Higuain or Boselli, obviously saving the differences in the coolness and certainty to the moment of facing the archers. Without doubt the Xeneize youth has much talent to become a great player.

As always, next to MuyBoca future xeneizes cracks undoubtedly our greatest asset and who we should support all the efforts made so small from defending the glorious blue and gold.

Hopefully, this promising jewel of our nursery, continue along this road, as always accompanied by his family and Maddoni containment and its working group.

From this side of Fran MuyBoca we thank you for your kindness and we wish him continued success.
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发表于 2009-12-1 13:23:38 | 显示全部楼层
Together they are dynamite
Francisco Di Franco and Yamil Romero, Tevez and Riquelme fans, put 50 of the 81 goals of the Ninth champion. And they had their rematch with River ...
HORACIO GARCIA | hgarcia@ole.com.ar

1 of 1
"There is no better defense than a good offense" is the favorite slogan of the Ninth and have to substantiate. For the kids who celebrated the title of champions relegated to second place in a River, base their football in the formidable firepower of its two points: Francisco Di Franco and Yamil Romero. Between the two became 50 of the 81 goals they did in all the kids who went Tito Pompei. Best not to confront them archers if you want ...

Di Franco, with 31 in 25 games, was crowned top scorer in the tournament year of AFA, basing his game on his technique and power. The rivals know him, he folded the flag, beat him, but ended up suffering. "It's nice to finish the year with a title. We know that we defend a major shirt and this time, we could achieve the goal we set," he told the kid to Olé. Romero, meanwhile, beyond his imposing physique, make difference with pure technique, with its tactical intelligence and their middle-distance shot. He scored 19 goals, but when the team needed to be pulled back to give a hand in the middle, it did so without problems. "All year we work to take us the final rematch against River lost to 08. And we got it. This is a close knit group and the idea was always to attack," Jamil told with emotion ... And happy for a rematch.

"My hope is to first and win. Another goal is the team", Di Franco were sincere. Romero is disarmed in praise for his colleague: "It's simple to play with Fran. We must get the ball and make it solves. But when you boot up the sides you have to get into the area because overflows and assist you. This explosive duo was formed three years ago and allowed Boca make a difference with the rest. Behind them, clearly, there is a team that plays well and supports and supplies. On the court will complement and strengthen. And so they did.

When choosing reference if they differ. "My model is Carlos Tevez. I like it for its aggressiveness and the desire to win which always shows," says Di Franco. While his friend Romero says, "I love Riquelme. For how reads the game for his punch, the way to lead the team." And yes, two idols of Boca elected for two who want to continue in their footsteps. If they do ...
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