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发表于 2006-10-27 15:28:00 | 显示全部楼层

谢谢楼上 大头的那个任意球看了,不够漂亮, 不过好在来萨拉格萨进球了 继续努力吧, 另外也希望艾马早点好.

马德里竞技的两翼折了, 其实最重要的损失是马克西 罗德里格斯,不仅边路打得活 而且和前场配合也很好, 可以起到一定的组织作用.马德里竞技前场好手很多,需要的能够串联的好球员. 另外米斯塔的受伤对他们影响比较大, 我认为托雷斯的进球能力的确该遭到质疑. 虽然他个人技术不错。 


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-29 19:24:31编辑过]
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发表于 2006-10-29 18:05:00 | 显示全部楼层

本场不不利消息  艾马不上场    相对来说防守能力在目前这支萨拉格萨还是比较好的后腰 塞贰德斯没法上场 会对本来就不够强悍的萨拉格萨后防造成不利影响. 

希望大头好好表现 证明自己.

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发表于 2006-10-30 06:07:00 | 显示全部楼层

1:0  八十几分钟替补大头上场的oscar打进制胜一球   萨拉搁萨应该是西甲第3名了.

双方控球比萨拉个萨百分之30多,萨拉格萨更多是打的稳固防守后的反击,不追求控球时间,  不过威胁区域的传球双方差不多,  马德里竞技的边路起球比较多,有效的攻门次数不多,托雷斯顶在前面威胁不大. 感觉他不是那种门前杀手类型. 马德里竞技现在少个稳定高效的得分手。 托雷斯更多能起到搅和的作用,最后一脚效率不高.   

大头的发挥表现一般,  中场组织时在更需要分球的时候却带球过多,  导致下半场体力有点透支. 而且又一次自动领黄牌. ,  对他表现不够满意.尤其是体力的确差.     

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-30 06:12:06编辑过]
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发表于 2006-10-30 06:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用紫娟在2006-10-30 02:27:00的发言:



生日快乐!    今天是个好日子,     萨拉戈萨也获取胜利了

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发表于 2006-10-30 16:12:00 | 显示全部楼层

奥莱评分6分 ,中规中矩  

大米7.5分  助攻一球

小米7分 防守中的定海神针

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发表于 2006-10-31 02:13:00 | 显示全部楼层

评分出来了 3分.

List of credits

0 - Athletic: Leo Franco; Seitaridis (Valera, m.88), Pablo, Perea, Antonio Lopez; Luccin, Costinha (Sworn, m.60), Maniche; Galletti, Brave Victor (Omen, m.70); Fernando Torres
1. Real Zaragoza: Caesar Sanchez; Diogo, Sergio, Gaby Milito, Juanfran; D'Alessandro (Oscar, m.83), Zapater, Movilla, Lafita (Ponzio, m.80); Diego I militate, Ewerthon (Sergio Garci'a, m.66).
Goals: 0-1. m.87: Oscar
Referee: Caesar Muñiz Fernandez (Asturian Committee). He admonished to the athletic Omen (m.90) and to the zaragocistas Diogo (m.30), D'Alessandro (m.41).
Incidences: Party of the ninth day of First Division disputed in the stage Vicente Calderón before about 50,000 spectators

By Jose Carlos Franco (JOCA)

Today he is one of those days in which he gives me just as the Zaragoza he did not make a good party, that to be right in the first part a pepper did not play and in second played better but little, does not matter to me that in Madrid and the press of Madrid says that the Aragonese equipment took too much booty of the Calderón, concerns carajo to me that Movilla was horizontal and lost many balls some of them it jeopardize or who exceeded Diogo outside and almost marked to us for that reason, he gives me just as they say that the goal of just incorporated Oscar was churro,… give equal all those things, and some me more than I shut up myself by respect, and because he is very simple. Because my equipment, my Real Zaragoza is in positions of champions.

The truth that either does not do so much that the Aragonese equipment was in those positions, concretely two years except a day. The 31 of October of 2004 after winning to Seville in the Romareda, the Aragonese equipment then trained by Victor Muñoz was one week whole in positions of champions, but he was something so ephemeral.

Now the thing is different, is attitude and aptitude to obtain a feat and, as Fernandez in press conference said to Victor, to be able to bother to the equipment in the high positions of the classification. And the best thing of everything is than there are desire to obtain it, sufficient wickers and people in clothes enabled for it.

But all this is thanks to that in the first part, in spite of torrija of extraordinary size, of that there was human nor no divine form to spin a play and of which the rival did not take advantage of the multiple errors defensive character, the Real Zaragoza it did not fit any goal. And to point it was to obtain it Luccin of head after a spectacular center of out of position a Fernando Torres, who was all the lost and unfortunate encounter. Also Galletti, very hard tried by the way the Argentinean in a desconmunal entered Juanfran that the referee did not want to sanction. The Argentinean ended point-blank and a providencial hand of Caesar saved the furniture of an obtuse Zaragoza and without possibility of reaction. So bad it was the situation of the Aragonese equipment in the first part that not disaró to door.

The white fans we had to hope until the thirteen of the second part to see a firing of the Real Zaragoza between three woods. And the newcomer Ángelito Lafita did shot of innocent form on portería of Leo Franco. But the Zaragoza had left better in the second part. More small change played, with more control of stuck ball although without excessive above. Ewerthon in a center-chut or córner foundling by D'Alessandro that Sergio combed was the clearest expressions of the best starting of the Zaragoza in second half.

The merry-go-round of changes began and there the Aragonese equipment left winning. Because Victor gave to entrance to Sergio Garci'a by an anxious Ewerthon to mark there and the society Diego I militate - Sergio began to work and to create boarding schools and counterstrokes that, pitifully, did not take conclusion.

Nevertheless when everything aimed at that they were going away to sign tables in the Manzanares, Ponzio puts for Diego that without resistance puts by the center, sends an inner ball to him to Oscar who in first instance shoots and the ball bounces in Luccin, but the salmantino takes advantage of rejects and of empty head to portería it signs the 0 to 1 definitive one that it puts to the Zaragoza fourth in the table with 16 points, the double that those that took the season last at this point of competition.

Thus the things, we could say that, although the encounter was not good and the goal was not a very important party either, because a goal of Champions was obtained and it has been able to arrive in a superb situation to both confront next parties in the competition, before Getafe and Barça that, in case of leaving victorious, the Aragonese equipment could be located of almost definitive form in the noble positions of the table. Anyway, it is not moment for watching the future immediate but enjoying present the more candy of last the two years, a present that knows good, that it knows “champiñons”.

Scores (from 0 to 5)
Caesar: 4. He saved from the Zaragoza with two extraordinary interventions. In one of them he point-blank demonstrated to impressive reflections when stopping a blow on the head of Galletti and second in a lack hurled by the athletic one that had popcorn including for climb of the parish rojiblanca that, with very badly taste remembered its white past to him.
Diogo: 1. Of most loose of the defense. It lost very important balls and it gave you happen closely together of authentic vertigo of the frontal of the zaragocista area. In addition it was extended very little in attack. Condition for the South American.
Sergio Fernandez: 3. A day was more magnificent in the defense of aerial balls and forceful in the cut and the destruction of the game. Form with I militate one of the most forceful pairs of the league.
I militate: 2. He was correct in the cut and the preparation of the game from back. It made a very sober party and the degree of mutual understanding with Sergio notices.
Juanfran: 2. It had his more and his less with Galletti of which always it left victorious although in some occasion it hurt physically the struggle to him with the Argentinean who distributed packing to end up changing of band. Much in attack was not extended but he was forceful in defense.
Zapater: 3. Colossal the one of Ejea. It makes a dark work and gray of recovery in center of the field, that as they say well that way, its effort needs to be recognized by the very old one and I lack of criterion, Spanish selector.
Movilla: 1. A party to forget the Madrilenian. It was a horror in the distribution, was slow as the horse of the bad one and lost very dangerous balls. Neither it was not or in the first part nor either in second.
D'Alessandro: 3. Although it was not his party in the creative part and attacking of the equipment it is necessary to recognize a capacity to him of enormous defensive sacrifice. The Argentinean was in all and defended and pressed very many in disastrous the first zaragocista part.
Lafita: 3. It was the surprise in the titular alignment of the Real Zaragoza. The zaragozano lynx curró of pretty it, mainly by bands and defensively, and still it had left to desire and tactical displina as to add itself to the attack. Its party was outstanding by Victor in press conference. By something it will be.
Ewerthon: 2. Too anxious by the goal. It seems that after its 15 days in the drydock the powder has become damp him. The Brazilian did not have his party and was replaced.
Diego I militate: 3. It began to carburet specially in the second part and when to their side Oscar and Sergio were placed Garci'a. Although it still did not mark continues being pichichi of first with 7 morning calls obtained.
Sergio Garci'a: 3. It supported much to the zaragocista attack and in special to Diego I militate. Its entrance in the field revolutionized in encounter.
Oscar: 3. He obtained the goal of the white victory in the Calderón. The goal was not of beautiful invoice but it is most important. He contributed to freshness and speed to the attack.
Ponzio: 2. It took part in the zaragocista goal and for that reason it deserves to be scored and to be approved. It entered the skilful band to contribute to more arrival by that band and power to make diagonals with the forwards. And it goes if it did them. From one of them the goal came.
0 - Null
1 - Loose, suspended
2 - Approved scraped
3 - Well
4 - Notable
5 - Exceptional

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发表于 2006-11-1 15:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

客观来说后防的分数偏低    不过迪奥戈本场比赛的确玩火 1分到2分,   小米应该4分 后防多处救险. 大米应该4分,那个关键助攻非常重要. 

至于oscar怎么说也进球了,3分或 4分

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发表于 2006-11-1 17:15:00 | 显示全部楼层

这一轮球迷评选最佳:   守门员桑切斯当选的确没有争议, 而小米 oscar分居榜眼和探花  大米的就低了点.

 To stop Sanchez283 votes   4 Points

 Gaby Milito70 votes   2 Points


  Oscar51 votes   1 point

Other voted players:
Lafita 47 votes
Sergio Fernandez 46 votes
Zapater 32 votes
D'Alessandro 15 votes            表现如此一般竟然还有15个人选他最佳 , 虽然不够客观 但怎么说大头在萨拉戈萨有了自己的球迷.鼓励他.
Diego I militate 15 votes
Sergio Garci'a

 5 votes

Ponzio 3 votes
Ewerthon 2 votes
Diogo 1 vote
Movilla 1 vote

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