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11-12 ZM专贴(拜仁1-1蓝军:客队赢得点球大战)

发表于 2011-8-10 09:20:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-10 09:28:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-8-10 09:36 编辑

Bielsa set to thrive in Bilbao

August 8, 2011

Marcelo Bielsa in his Chile days

It has been 13 years since Marcelo Bielsa has managed a club side. Six years as coach of Argentina and four in charge of Chile endeared him to the world, but with international football placing obvious restrictions on how much a manager can shape his team, there has always been a lingering question – what would Bielsa do with a club side?

His previous experience, with Espanyol, was rather unsuccessful. He only lasted six games before he left for the Argentina job, leaving the club in 18th position in La Liga. The players struggled to adapt to his methods, he struggled to adapt to the demands of European football. Back in Argentina, however, he’d been a successful club manager with his hometown club Newell’s Old Boys, as well as Velez Sarsfield.

His arrival in Spain as the new Athletic Bilbao manager is one of the most exciting developments of the summer. At one point, it seemed that he would become the new Inter coach – but he had promised Josu Urrutia, a candidate for Bilbao’s presidential election, that he would take over at Bilbao if Urrutia won. He did, and true to his word, Bielsa came.

The suspicion is that Bilbao is a better home for him than Milan, on various levels. These range from the very basic details (Spanish-speaking manager will immediately be able to communicate in Spain rather than in Italy) to the composition of the side. Bilbao are a young, energetic team who played high-tempo, vibrant, Bielsa-style football under his predecessor Joaquin Caparros, whereas Inter are used to playing slow football and defending deep, and also have an elderly side.

There is more to it than that, however, because Bilbao are no ordinary club. Their policy of using only Basque players gives them a defined identity that few clubs can match. Their insistence on bringing through youth players has already been embraced by Bielsa, who has not asked for any specific new signings. As an incredibly thorough coach, he should, in theory, thrive in an environment that encourages cohesiveness - and on another note, a club that doesn’t see winning as the be-all and end-all of being a football club.

There’s possibly an ever deeper link than that, though, when one considers the history of Bilbao as a club. It is 100 years since Rafael Moreno Aranzadi – aka Pichichi – made his debut for the club. As Phil Ball recounts in the excellent <A style="BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: none; BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none" href='http://www.zonalmarking.net/2011/08/08/marcelo-bielsa-tactics-athletic-bilbao/[img][/img]‘Morbo’:

“Pichichi began a tradition at Bilbao of goalscoring centre-forwards who were to benefit (allegedly) from the club’s allegiance to la manera inglesa (the English way), as taught to them by a succession of British managers and embarrassingly referred to as ‘the old 1-2-3′. This meant three touches from goalkeeper to centre-forward, who would then of course unfailing bang the leather mercilessly into the onion bag.”

Specific tactics don’t survive for a century – thankfully – but general style can. Ever since those days, Bilbao have been regarded as a side that play direct football, particularly in contrast to the tiki-taka style of the national side. That reputation survives to this day – to the point where, when Spain need to switch to a direct style of play, they bring on Bilbao’s striker, Fernando Llorente. Bielsa, a man notorious the speed and directness he demands from his players in possession, is surely at the right club.

Formation and positioning

Bilbao's starting shape

So, what exactly is he going to do at Bilbao? Let’s start with the formation. Bielsa is most famous for the unusual 3-3-1-3 shape he’s used with both Argentina and Chile, although there is a caveat to this – and therefore a reason why he probably won’t use it as his first-choice system in Spain. With Chile, he always wanted a spare man at the back – a back three against two strikers, a back four against one striker (with the full-backs pushing high up into midfield, effectively leaving 2 v 1 at the back). This meant a switch between 3-3-1-3 and 4-2-1-3 depending upon the opposition – note the World Cup game against Honduras, where he responded immediately to Honduras’ tactical switches to keep his cover at the back.

South America is still – largely – based around two-striker formations, which meant that the 3-3-1-3 was his favoured formation. Spain is overwhelmingly dominated by 4-2-3-1, which makes the situation more complex.

All this might turn out to be irrelevant, however, because so far Bielsa has favoured something called a 4-1-4-1 in much of the Spanish press, although it retains many of the characteristics of the 4-2-1-3. ZM was at the friendly against Tottenham on Saturday to see the side in action, and Bilbao lined up with the system on the right.

The two most interesting roles on that teamsheet are the two defenders on the left-hand side – Javi Martinez and Oscar de Marcos. Neither are defenders. Martinez is naturally a holding midfielder, and has played for the national side in that position, whilst De Marcos is a young winger/forward who wears the number ten shirt.

Bielsa often used midfielders in the defensive line for Chile, believing they were more mobile than some of his centre-backs, and also better at starting moves. The shift for Martinez is perhaps not surprising, because Bielsa always wants a very defensive-minded holding midfielder – a pure stopper, like Gary Medel. Martinez is more of a ball-player, and therefore, whilst it may seem strange to move a player into the defence because his strengths lie in playing the ball rather than winning it back, it’s not completely unexpected. At 6′3 he has the ability to challenge in the air, although in this friendly Roman Pavlychenko got the better of him with high balls.

Bilbao's second half line-up

The use of De Marcos at left-back was more surprising. He performed reasonably well, seemingly having a good relationship with the left-winger, Igor Gabilondo. Like wingers in many of Bielsa’s teams, Gabilondo stretched the play and stayed wide, meaning that De Marcos’ runs were often diagonal, towards goal rather than down the line, as the space was on the inside of Gabilondo, rather than the outside. This helped De Marcos, as he is right-footed, and therefore wanted to come inside anyway.

On the other flank, Iker Muniain was the brightest player. He usually went down the line, but also came inside to the middle of the pitch, and sometimes switched with Ander Herrera, the playmaker. Again, this is classic Bielsa – he doesn’t want to burden one player with the sole playmaking responsibility, which can become a problem with the basic shape of his preferred 3-3-1-3 / 4-2-1-3. By coming inside, Muniain became another source of creativity. Andoni Iraola generally overlapped, though played more conservatively than De Marcos.

Herrera was the player with the most unpredictable movement. As well as moving wide, he also made forward runs to go beyond Llorente – indeed, he had a good chance in the opening minute from a ball over the top after Llorente had dragged defenders away. Herrera found space wherever he could – sometimes he moved deeper than Ander Iturraspe, to add some element of surprise to the way Bilbao played in the middle.

At half time, Tottenham switched to a 4-4-2 having played Pavlyuchenko upfront alone in the first half. This meant Bielsa switched to three at the back – more specifically, it was pretty much the 3-3-1-3. Gurpegi became the right-sided centre-back, and there were substitutions at left-back and right wing – everything else largely stayed the same.

Bilbao were much less comfortable in this system, however. The main problem seemed to be the wing-backs (or the players on the outside of the diamond, if you like) – who played too deep, forced back by Aaron Lennon and Gareth Bale. This meant Bilbao looked like a 5-2-3 too often, conceding the midfield ground and being completely overrun in the second half. This supports the idea that 3-3-1-3 might be unworkable in Spain – a country home to many tricky wingers. In comparison, as the Copa America showed, South America is not currently the place to go for top-quality wide players, at least at international level, so that is something of a new problem for Bielsa.

With the ball

Bilbao were more patient in possession than we have come to expect from Chile – they were happy to hold the ball in midfield in the first half, and knock it back to the centre-backs to start moves from deep. There was more of an emphasis on changing the tempo of attacks rather than being direct straight away – they would work the ball into an area of the pitch where 2 v 1 situations could be created, and then charge towards goal. Creating overloads in specific zones has always been one of Bielsa’s main priorities – even a five-minute stretch of Bilbao’s warm-up consisted of players practicing give-and-goes at high speed.

There was a focus on passing out from the back, with the two centre-backs coming deep to collect the ball and the full-backs pushing wide. The full-backs look as if they charge forward constantly, but actually they’re simply intelligent with the timing of their runs – only moving forward when there’s space to exploit (whether on the outside or the inside of the winger ahead of them).

The focus on possession means that a three-man central midfield is probably necessary. The first half featured a holder (Gurpegi), a runner (Iturraspe) and a playmaker (Herrera) and things went well. When the runner was removed in the second half – or rather, when the runner became the holder – Bilbao looked disjointed. Herrera had to come deeper to get the ball, Llorente was starved of service and couldn’t become involved. The removal of Muniain, who picked up a knock in the first period, also meant their best out-ball was no longer an option.

Without the ball

Pressing was, of course, high on the agenda – although it was not as frantic as we often saw with Chile. Bilbao seemed happy to let Tottenham’s deepest man (often Michael Dawson) to have time on the ball, and Llorente would focus on cutting off the passing angles, as would the midfielders in deeper positions. Tottenham constantly conceded possession in the first half, largely because of the pressure in midfield.

The second half collapse was probably also due to Bilbao not being at full fitness, and therefore unable to press for the duration.

As mentioned previously, Bilbao were extremely prone to pace down the flanks. The two goals they conceded were assisted by Bale and Lennon, and the latter also won a penalty which Niko Kranjcar missed. That was most evident in the second half, but was also a problem in the first – and Bielsa may need to drop his ‘runner’ in midfield deeper to give the full-backs extra protection if this continues to be an issue, which would make the system very much the 4-2-1-3.


Despite the eventual defeat, this was an encouraging performance from Bilbao. They controlled the game in the first half, passing and pressing well. There are too many variables to accurately judge why they fared so poorly in the second half – Bielsa changed shape but Tottenham did too, introducing their two most valuable players (Modric and Bale) in the process. On this evidence, however, the first half system is better for Bilbao – it gave more midfield options and the side was less compartmentalized. The 3-3-1-3 would need much more positional work.

Still, his job at Bilbao is hugely exciting. Often seen as an inflexible manager who sticks to his methods even when they aren’t the logical option, he’ll have to show that he’s adaptable enough to incorporate the qualities and attributes that took Bilbao to sixth in La Liga last year. That might mean an back four and more patient build-up play. Whatever happens, it will be a fascinating season for Bilbao.
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发表于 2011-8-10 09:29:56 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-9-26 23:57 编辑



由 kicervalen 发表在GoalHi足球








但当考虑到毕尔巴鄂竞技俱乐部的历史时,贝尔萨和俱乐部之间也许有着更为深层的联系。自从拉斐尔-阿兰萨迪(又名Pichichi)在毕尔巴鄂竞技首秀之后已经100年了。就像Phil Ball在“Marbo”里叙述的那样:


某种特定的战术都不会持续流行一个世纪,真是谢天谢地,但一般的笼统战术却可以。 从那个时候(Pichichi时代)开始,毕尔巴鄂竞技就被认为是踢法相当直接的球队,尤其与西班牙国家队的“tiki-taka”踢法形成强烈对比。毕尔巴鄂竞技的这种踢法一直延续到现在,甚至当斗牛士们需要采取更为直接的踢法的时候,他们会直接换上毕尔巴鄂竞技的中锋射手费尔南多-略伦特。贝尔萨,一个在麾下队员控球时强调速度和直接性而名闻天下的教练,确实来到了一家适合的俱乐部。





以上全部的讨论也许到最后和现实完全无关,然而,迄今为止贝尔萨在很多西班牙的比赛中喜欢使用一种4-1-4-1的阵式,尽管这套阵型还保留着很多4-2-1-3的特点。为了观察毕尔巴鄂竞技的表现,Zonal Marking前往托特纳姆观看了周六的热刺和毕尔巴鄂竞技的热身赛, 而巴斯克雄狮的首发阵容就如图1所示。




德马科斯的使用是更让球迷觉得意外的。他表现得还不错,似乎和左翼的加比隆多配合得很好。 和其他在贝尔萨球队的边锋一样,加比隆多经常把战线拉宽,而且站位非常靠边。这意味着德马科斯经常要斜线内切,向着球门跑动而不是沿着边线下底。他的跑动线路是内线,而不是被加比隆多占据的外线。这对德马科斯有一定的帮助,因为它是右脚球员,因此切内线对他而言比较适合。




但是,毕尔巴鄂竞技在这个新阵型下却显得没有那么适应。主要问题似乎出在两个边卫身上(或者指代两个位于后场菱形站位之外的两个球员),他们两个站位太靠前,以至于经常被阿朗-列侬和加雷斯-贝尔逼迫他们回防。 这意味着毕尔巴鄂竞技的阵型在大部分时间内更像是5-2-3,他们在下半场由于热刺的占尽优势而丢掉中场。这也说明了3-3-1-3的思路在西班牙是行不通的,因为那是一个边路奇才超多的国家。相比之下,在正如美洲杯所显示的那样,南美现在并不是一个顶级边锋聚集的地方,至少在国家队是这种情况。因此,这对贝尔萨而言是一个新的课题。












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发表于 2011-8-10 11:08:49 | 显示全部楼层
两张图里只有San Jose是正牌中卫,Martinez和Gurpegi都是中场,以B8的实力,只靠一名中卫和两个客串中卫来实施全场压迫的战术冒险性太太太大,贝尔萨不可能将此 ...
午时靡深蓝 发表于 2011-8-10 09:58

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发表于 2011-8-11 20:04:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-11 20:05:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-8-11 20:06 编辑

Italian National Team Moves Into the Future

by Cristiano Acconci at Tuesday, Aug 9 2011 11:46

Former champions Italy battle current world champions Spain in a match that will potentially show how far the Azzurri have come under Cesare Prandelli. When new coach Prandelli was appointed after Italy’s horrendous WC 2010 display, he vowed to rejuvenate and improve his side’s style of play. So far he has stuck to his words by giving players like Giovinco, Guiseppe Rossi, Ranocchia and Balotelli chances as well as a more an adventurous formation.

Prandelli also went through a phase of “multiculturalism” in the beginning as he gave debuts to Amauri (Brazil), Cristian Ledesma (Argentina), and Thiago Motta (Brazil), all of whom were not Italian by birth.

So it is clear that Prandelli is being positive and trying to make the Italian national team a more “modern” team. All that is left are the results. Friendly matches a sided, no one can complain as Italy top their group and look set to qualify for Euro 2012 without too much trouble.

Looking back at last season, these are the best Italian players to fit Italy’s current 4-3-1-2 formation sorted by WhoScored.com performance based ratings:

Overall, this team is a technical one. Lots of assists and key passes scattered around the pitch. The defence is young, but the attack is old, very old. Italy has faced this problem for many years, quality old forwards still producing the goods keeping out younger talent. This is why Prandelli is a good change for the Azzurri, he will give talent the chance.

Predicted line-up vs Spain:

Six new players feature in Prandelli’s line-up when compared to the WhoScored.com XI. In reality Buffon, Pirlo, and De Rossi were missing a lot last year with injuries and off the pitch problems (De Rossi), and arguably they would have been selected, as they are one of the best in their positions.

Italy has an abundance of right back solutions, some to mention are Abate, Santon, Cassani, De Silvestri, and Marco Motta. Prandelli has vouched for Maggio this time, the Napoli wingback has strengths in aerial duels, key passes, concentration and tackling. His main weaknesses are holding on to the ball and crossing accuracy. Prandelli will likely continue with Maggio has he will be getting Champions League matches with Napoli this year.

The most notable change to this new Italy squad is in the midfield and attack. Prandelli stated that he wants to have ball playing midfields, as well as attackers. With the likes of Montolivo, Pirlo, Aquiliani, Rossi, and Cassano, Italy do possess the potential to control ball possession and link up with good combination play.

To outline this in the attacking department, Guiseppe Rossi and Cassano both have passing, key passes, and through balls as their individual strengths. Add to that, Villarreal forward Rossi possesses defensive contribution and dribbling’s strengths, which in La Liga is something to be proud off.

Italy’s future does look a lot brighter than last time around in the World Cup. With the likes of Giovinco breaking into Italy’s first team, Azzurri fans can brace themselves for some good football, and hopefully wave good bye to the old fashioned Catenaccio mentality.  
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发表于 2011-8-11 20:07:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-8-11 20:12 编辑

由 ccmaximus 发表在GoalHi足球








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发表于 2011-8-13 09:16:11 | 显示全部楼层
图片又挂了,肿么回事? 以前可以看的
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发表于 2011-8-19 01:14:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-9-19 15:49 编辑

由 余文乐 发表在GoalHi足球

阿森纳1-0 乌迪内斯: 沃尔科特的早早进球让阿森纳取得优势


















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发表于 2011-8-20 01:03:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-20 01:04:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-20 01:11:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-8-20 01:19 编辑

Mourinho tries to counter Messi’s false nine role by pushing Carvalho up the pitch

August 18, 2011

How Real tried to deal with Messi - Carvalho came out of the back, and his three fellow defenders had to narrow

One of the notable features from the second leg of the Spanish Supercopa was the positioning of Ricardo Carvalho, and his response to Lionel Messi’s movement into deep, slightly right-sided positions.

Messi tore Real apart in the 5-0 win last season, despite it being a rare occasion where he didn’t end up on the scoresheet. Real tried to play high up the pitch, but Messi played so deep that Jose Mourinho didn’t know how to deal with him – the two centre-backs stayed in position, but holding a high line. Therefore, Messi could receive the ball in space, turn, then send a ball through to one of the wide forwards coming inside. His two assists for David Villa’s goals were perfect, displaying exactly why Pep Guardiola wants to play Messi in that role.

As well as being a great goalscorer and a superb dribbler, Messi is fantastic at slipping the ball through the defence, particularly between full-back and centre-back, and stopping those balls becomes essential when he plays as a false nine.

The obvious answer is to push up a centre-back onto Messi – as Jonathan Wilson suggested before the Champions League final, to leave a bank of three at the back – two narrow full-backs tracking Villa and Pedro Rodriguez, a centre-back staying at home as a sweeper, and another playing high up the pitch on Messi.

Why has this become an issue now, when Real played Barcelona four times after the 5-0 last season? First, because in the four subsequent 2010/11 meetings, Real played very deep, leaving no space in behind and letting Barcelona come onto them. This made Messi’s role less dangerous (although not Messi himself less dangerous: he’s good enough to be a threat whatever the situation in the game) for various reasons.

First, because Real could focus on keeping it tight between the lines and deny him space that way. Second, because there was less space between Real’s defence and their goalline, for those balls in behind. Third, because playing deep seems to lend itself naturally to playing against a false nine – there’s simply less space for him to open up by dropping deep.

Mourinho’s decision to press from the front in this match meant Real had to stay compact and push up, to deny Barcelona space in midfield – and then the issue of tracking Messi arose. Carvalho spent much of the first half ahead of his other three defenders, closing Messi down before sprinting back into the defensive line.

The first goal showed that it didn’t quite work. Carvalho came out of defence and got beaten by Messi, who then played the ball through the gap between Pepe and Sergio Ramos (which had become artificially large, since Pepe had to cover two centre-back positions by himself) to Andres Iniesta.

Pepe, who became an aggressive midfield destroyer in the Clasicos last year, might have been the better man to play this role. Carvalho was beaten easily, and it may be that what he is good at – penalty box defending – isn’t useful in this situation. If this becomes the norm against a false nine (an advanced centre-back, covered by a sweeper ready to pick up runners from midfield and the wings), both players will need to be quick. The former needs to be able to turn quickly and get back in the defensive line, whilst the latter can’t be slow if he’s the last line of cover and is playing high up the pitch.

It is potentially another way the centre-back will evolve. On a related note, it was interesting that when Messi was playing as a false nine and tearing apart Arsenal in the Champions League in 2009/10 (at a time when Messi was relatively new to that role – Barca had played the majority of the campaign with him on the right and Zlatan Ibrahimovic upfront), when Arsene Wenger had to take off one of his centre-backs, Mikael Silvestre, he brought on another full-back, Emmanuel Eboue, rather than back-up centre-back Sol Campbell. He then had a defence of Eboue, Bacary Sagna, Thomas Vermaelen and Gael Clichy.

Sagna isn’t a centre-back by any stretch of the imagination, but the logic was sound (even if Messi did grab another goal). Arsenal needed to play high up the pitch to get back in the game, and with Vermaelen stereotypically coming up the pitch towards Messi, an ageing Campbell would have been a nightmare as the covering defender. By having a quick full-back alongside Vermaelen, Arsenal were theoretically more able to deal with Messi, even if that meant overlooking a natural centre-back for a gap at centre-back.

That’s an extreme example – Campbell was, with respect, probably past the point where he should have been playing Champions League football. But it points to a situation where slow, rugged centre-backs may struggle – albeit in a very specific setting: (a) when needing to play high up the pitch, and (b) against a team playing a false nine.

Coming back to the specifics, it’s hard to justify Carvalho’s place in the side if Real were about to replay this game. With Sergio Ramos comfortable at centre-back, his pace would have been much more useful. Alvaro Arbeloa could be the replacement right-back.

It’s not until December 11th that the sides reconvene at the Bernabeu, but it will be interesting to see how Mourinho adapts.
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发表于 2011-8-20 01:20:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-9-19 15:52 编辑



胡美满 发表在GoalHi足球




答案很明显,就是将一名中卫提前,专门看防梅西。就像Jonathan Wilson在欧冠决赛之前说的那样,一名中卫提前看防梅西,其他三名后卫中两名边卫适当向中路回收,看防比利亚和佩德罗,剩下一名中卫拖后,负责大面积扫荡。








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发表于 2011-8-20 13:56:08 | 显示全部楼层
北极海 发表于 2011-8-20 13:07



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发表于 2011-8-20 18:53:34 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2011-8-21 07:29:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-8-21 07:37 编辑

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发表于 2011-8-21 11:34:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-8-21 11:38 编辑

Arsenal 0-2 Liverpool: Frimpong red card and Liverpool substitutions change the game

August 20, 2011

The starting line-ups

An Aaron Ramsey own goal and Luis Suarez’s tap-in gave Liverpool their first league win of the season.

Arsene Wenger was forced to play Samir Nasri despite his imminent transfer. Emmanuel Frimpong replaced the suspended Alex Song, and various injuries in defence meant that Carl Jenkinson started at right-back, with Bacary Sagna on the left.

Kenny Dalglish left out Luis Suarez for fitness reasons, so Dirk Kuyt started on the right. Behind him was Martin Kelly, chosen over John Flanagan.

Overall this was a match lacking in technical quality – the best chances came from mistakes and long-range efforts rather than clever creative play, and it was only after the red card that things opened up and Liverpool forced the issue – otherwise, it seemed we were heading for a 0-0.

Early stalemate

Dalglish had the flexibility to play either a 4-4-2 or a 4-3-3, depending on the positioning of Jordan Henderson and Dirk Kuyt. He went for the latter to prevent being overrun in the middle of the pitch, which meant we had a fairly stereotypical 4-2-3-1 v 4-3-3 battle, with the midfielder with the most time on the ball being Frimpong. He was Arsenal’s best player and yet was arguably the main reason they lost the match, dismissed for a reckless tackle on Lucas on 70 minutes, having picked up a needless yellow card after just seven.

The perils of a holding midfielder receiving an early caution have been discussed many times before (most notably during the Copa America, when this became a theme of the tournament), and in addition to Frimpong’s eventual dismissal, Arsenal were hampered because he spent much of the game pulling out of tackles, which meant Liverpool could often break through the centre.

On the other hand, in possession he was good. With Henderson usually picking up Ramsey, and Charlie Adam retreating to a position near Lucas, Frimpong had plenty of space in the midfield. And, a little like Santos midfielder Arouca in the Copa Libertadores final, he used this freedom in a deep position to storm forward and launch attacks, rather than just passing sideways. His passing (through sometimes inaccurate) was generally forward, and he came close to a goal with a good long-range shot after a powerful run.

by Guardian Chalkboards

Liverpool pressing

That was of particular help to Arsenal, because their passing from back to front was, like in the Newcastle game, extremely slow. The injury problems didn’t help – Sagna was uncomfortable bringing the ball forward on the left, and the same could be said for Thomas Vermaelen when he had to move to the right after Laurent Koscielny went off. With Sagna and Vermaelen out of position, plus Miquel and Jenkinson making their league debuts and understandably a little nervous, Arsenal’s passing from the back was poor.

Equally, Liverpool should be given credit for their pressing. Kuyt, Henderson and Stewart Downing all worked hard to pressure Arsenal players, whilst Adam is less mobile but had a good game without the ball, making five successful tackles and three interceptions.

Liverpool had a good amount of possession and worked the ball forward well, particularly through the full-backs, but there was no obvious approach to actually scoring a goal, other than by using the height of Carroll. Arsenal’s centre-backs should be commended for how they dealt with him, and whilst the Downing-Carroll combination works excellently in theory, the former is still yet to find the latter with a cross from open play in Liverpool’s league season so far. Downing’s only successful cross was a low one from the right, miscontrolled by Kuyt.

Jose Enrique was arguably the best player on show, and Theo Walcott had no idea how to try and beat him – Enrique can match him for pace and is also solid positionally, and Walcott had no impact on the game. Walcott and Arshavin also need to come inside into goalscoring positions when the ball is on the opposite flank – Walcott says he wants to play more central, but on one occasion in the 28th minute, he was on his heels on the right when a run into the centre might have presented him with a tap-in.

70th minute

The game remained a stalemate until the 70th minute, when two things happened. First, Frimpong was sent off. Second, Raul Meireles replaced Kuyt and Suarez replaced Carroll. As these events happened simultaneously, it’s impossible to say which had a greater impact on the game – though it’s fair to say that they were both crucial.

The extra man meant that Liverpool dominated possession. Until the 70th minute, Arsenal completed 322 passes to Liverpool’s 281 – from the 71st onwards, it was Arsenal 105, and Liverpool 142. The momentum was clearly now with the away side.

That gave Liverpool the foundation to build moves, but Meireles and Suarez were the two who created the chances. With Arsenal reverting to a 4-4-1, the former found space between the lines to play clever passes, and Suarez offered fresher legs and better movement than Carroll. Meireles passes towards Suarez created both goals – the first fortunate, via Ramsey’s chest, the second excellently-worked. Suarez found plenty of time and space to complete passes in the final third.

by Guardian Chalkboards

Arsenal were exhausted late on – Nicklas Bendtner was introduced, but Arsenal were beaten.


A fairly poor game until the final twenty minutes – indiscipline cost Arsenal, but Dalglish’s tactics were spot on. He matched Arsenal at 11 v 11, then introduced players to exploit the holes at the back after the red card.

Arsenal were a long way off looking a competitive side. Lacking experience deep in the side and lacking creativity further up, their selection problems for the Manchester United game are even more serious because of Frimpong’s suspension, Koscielny’s likely absence, and Nasri’s transfer.
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发表于 2011-8-21 11:39:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-9-19 15:30 编辑



由 Rivaldinho 发表在GoalHi足球





















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发表于 2011-8-21 11:39:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-8-29 22:32 编辑


2011-12英超第2轮 阿森纳VS利物浦 (全场集锦,英语解说)


2011-12英超第2轮 阿森纳vs利物浦(全场集锦,国语解说)



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发表于 2011-8-21 11:40:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-8-29 12:07 编辑


Pass, Move, Goal – Victory Over Arsenal
Posted on August 21st, 2011
Posted by by Paul Tomkins

Strangely, there seemed to be a fair amount of negativity from a fair few fans after Liverpool’s victory over Arsenal. Perhaps the Gunners’ problems had been overplayed to the point where there was a sense that the Reds were going to face some mid-table side.
Of course, even going away to mid-table sides still favours the home team. Last season, Manchester United never won away at an above-average side, but still bagged the title. Away teams win all the time, of course, but the odds still heavily favour the team in its own arena.
Let’s remember that Arsenal still had their first choice keeper. They had their usual keeper, plus Sagna, Vermaelen, Koscielny (briefly), Nasri, Walcott, Ramsey, Arshavin and Van Persie; and remember, Liverpool went to the Emirates last season with an 18-year-old right-back and, before too long, a 17-year-old left-back. So it was a case of role reversal in terms of rookie defenders.
(The other week some numpty on the Sunday Supplement said that Liverpool “collapsed” at the end of last season; two defeats is now a collapse. According to TTT’s Andrew Beasley, Liverpool are averaging 1.85 points per game under Dalglish since his return, with 1.79 enough to guarantee 4th place in the last 16 years.)
Liverpool had no right to go and expect to win at the Emirates, but thankfully they did. By two clear goals, and for the first time since 2000. Pepe Reina leads the Premier League for clean sheets most seasons, but this was his first against the Gunners. The Reds had more shots, more possession and scored more goals. Not many teams do that at Arsenal, no matter what team the home side puts out. So, let’s appreciate that.
Liverpool also started the game without Suarez, due to his Copa America exertions (he wasn’t even ‘supposed’ to feature in the first two games of the season), as well as Glen Johnson and Steven Gerrard. Liverpool were bedding in four new players, and half of the outfield ten were not even at the club at the turn of the year.
So, while Arsenal clearly had greater problems, Liverpool were not at full-strength either, and after the disappointing draw on the opening day, the Reds could have found themselves in the bottom three had they lost; there seemed a little bit of pressure building around the fixture. After the sinkhole that was the start of last season, we know how that needed to be avoided.
Despite all this, I still saw plenty of criticism of Andy Carroll and Jordan Henderson after the game. I was actually more frustrated with Charlie Adam in the first half, after his bright opening 45 against Sunderland, but after the break he kept things ticking over nicely and didn’t misjudge all of his ‘killer’ passes (which, in the first half, mostly went into touch).
Last week, Henderson reminded me of Oyvind Leonhardsen: get the ball on the wing, stop, turn back, give it simple. And repeat. But it was the lad’s debut, against his boyhood club, and in those circumstances he can be forgiven playing it safe. He can play out wide, but he was much better against Arsenal in a roaming central role.
Across both games he had a passing success rate of an incredibly high 89%. Even against Arsenal he didn’t make many ambitious passes (Forward: 41% Backwards: 27% Left: 10% Right: 22% via @EPLIndex). But he was very good at finding space and then finding a red shirt with a first-time pass. If you can play quick, one-touch passing in the opposition half, you already have some Liverpool DNA.

Henderson vs Arsenal (first 60 mins) / vs Sunderland (subbed 60mins)

Henderson vs Arsenal, full 90 minutes (final 3rd emphasised)

Torres vs City (subbed on 78 minutes)

I’m also not sure what people expect of Andy Carroll; rather than viewing what he does well, it seems to be a constant case of “was that worthy of a £35m player?”, as if everything has to be remarkable.
He definitely has more to deliver, that’s for sure, but he’s done fairly well in the first two games, and for the most part Liverpool haven’t resorted to hitting long to find his head. Forget his price tag, and view his contribution as part of a team effort; if Liverpool win a lot of games with him in the side, then it’s working.

Carroll vs Arsenal

I only have to mention the name ‘Aguero’ on Twitter before I get a raft of messages saying that he cost the same as Carroll. In terms of the transfer fee, yes. Add wages and Aguero costs at least twice as much each week, and gets paid beyond the limit of Liverpool’s pay structure. Break that, and then you have to give pay rises to all your best players, and suddenly it’s costing £30m more per year in wages just to add one player. City can afford a massive wage bill; Liverpool can’t.
(Finally, Liverpool can’t offer the Champions League right now – and to players, that’s like the World Cup: they want to be there. It satisfies their professional desires, and it raises their profile. If they are also greedy for more money, being in the Champions League usually sorts that out, too.)
Against Arsenal, Carroll forced a fine save with a header. He showed presence of mind to lay the ball to Kelly for his shot that hit the post, after Adam’s clever ball had played the striker too wide. He set up Downing for a disallowed goal for a slight nudge that was penalised, as happened when he scored against Sunderland (and yet Arshavin was allowed to produce a two-arm push that sent Kelly flying! Refs, eh?)
Above all else, as the lone striker he went up against the superb Vermaelen and his various defensive partners, and gave them a good battle.
The 4-5-1 (morphing into 4-3-3) system that the Reds deployed hinged on runners playing off the spearhead striker. Carroll gives Dalglish that option.

Contrast this with the game precisely a year ago: going to Manchester City (another tough away match) in the second fixture of the season with a flat-fronted 4-4-2, which, in the build up, the now disgraced Andy Gray said would “really please the Liverpool fans”, as it was far more attack-minded than the teams Benítez used to select (when not getting beat there).
Liverpool had no control of the midfield, or any aspect of the game, and lost 3-0. In four wins and one draw since January against last season’s top four, Dalglish has yet to field a out-and-out front two, with Suarez, when paired with Carroll, drifting all over the pitch. Home victories over Manchester United and Manchester City, and away wins against Chelsea and Arsenal, plus another draw away at Arsenal, have been achieved without the need to go for an old-fashioned 4-4-2.
Yesterday, Carroll and Henderson (whose job it was to support the no.9) made 86 passes, 73 of which were successful. Against City 12 months ago, Torres and Ngog made just 39 passes, only 26 of which were successful.
At City, Torres was forced to play slightly deeper than Ngog, which, given his paltry seven successful passes, was a waste of time and space for a player who only comes to life in the final third. Come forward a year, and Henderson had 7.6 times as many successful touches at the Emirates, but get this – in exactly the same areas. (Torres had 73% of his touches in the City half, and 34% in their final third; Henderson had 72% of his touches in the Arsenal half, and 32% in their final third; virtually identical.)
At City, Ngog, the most forward of the two ‘similar’ strikers, had 78% of his touches in the City half, but yesterday Carroll had 84% of his in the Gunners’ half.
Obviously the game took on a different dynamic once Liverpool were behind at City in 2010, but it does highlight how 4-4-2 is often wrongly perceived to be more attacking; it’s not the number of strikers on the pitch that defines a team’s attacking intent and capabilities, but a whole host of factors.
The key thing about the victory over Arsenal was that Liverpool had more efforts at goal from within the area, whereas beyond the Arshavin push that led to Van Persie’s shot, the home side were reduced to shooting from distance (Frimpong, Nasri).
Both of Liverpool’s goals were from working their way into the six-yard box, while as well as two first-half headers (Carroll and Henderson) on target from around the penalty spot, Kelly and Downing went close from well inside the area. (Henderson’s was the weaker effort, but Kuyt’s clever lob into space had no pace on it, making it far harder to head at goal with power.)
‘Shots on goal’ remains a fairly meaningful stat – you need to shoot to score (or bounce the ball off an opposition player … ) – but working good goalscoring chances inside the area is far more encouraging for a team’s long-term chances than continually shooting from distance. (Quality, not quantity, being vital.)
After all, two of the Reds’ 15 efforts overall were from the halfway line, and as such were largely a waste of time. However, excluding the first goal, Liverpool had seven shots in the area (three forced good saves, one hit the post), to Arsenal’s four.
Even when Carroll didn’t win the ball, he did the next best thing, and made it difficult for the defenders to make perfect contact, and therefore harder for them to build their own attacks.
It can be frustrating watching Carroll try to chase a ball in behind defenders, as he’s obviously no Torres at his prime. As an individual, he’s a downgrade on the Spaniard at his best, but the deal allowed Liverpool to get the sublime Luis Suarez as well.
Liverpool now have more options, and between them, Carroll and Suarez can offer more than Torres on his own (especially the moody version we saw last year). In this game, Carroll wore the Arsenal defence down, and Suarez came on to take advantage of that, as well as the space an extra man gave the Reds. (It’s worth noting that, perhaps due to frequent experience of it, but also due to their possession-based approach, Arsenal often do well with ten men.)
Presumably the exclusion of Aquilani, Ngog, Poulsen and Cole means that they are likely to leave before the window closes. If they are not making the squad when the bench isn’t quite at full strength, then it may well be time to bid them all farewell.
Suarez and Meireles came off the bench, but Maxi and Skrtel remained unused subs, which shows that there is a lot more depth there now; even if one or two new additions would add extra weight.
For all the talk of the English (and Scottish) players being brought to the club, the two FSG/Comolli/Dalglish signings to most quickly impress have been Suarez and Enrique. Suarez is simply too good, and too determined, to stand much chance of failing, while Enrique, after a ropey start at Newcastle, has benefited from time to acclimatise to English football, and develop from a young full-back into an experienced 25-year-old who can excel at both ends of the pitch.
Of the new Brits, Downing has looked the most accomplished on the very early evidence, but it’s possible to see what the others offer, even if people will quibble about the fees.
Whatever the nationality, however, the key thing is that the squad is much better than last season, with only Raul Meireles remaining in the match-day 18 from the seven signings of last summer. (The two Englishmen, Cole and Konchesky, quickly fell by the wayside.)
Challenging for the title remains remote, but four points from the first two games, including an away win at Arsenal, is a good base to build an assault on the top four. I know I’d have gladly taken that two weeks ago, and suddenly the doom and gloom surrounding preseason results seems a distant memory.
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发表于 2011-8-21 11:40:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 colinfirth 于 2011-8-29 12:12 编辑


由 jessicaje 发表在GoalHi足球·翻译团-足球




(几周前,有些家伙在the Sunday Supplement上说利物浦在上赛季末已经“崩塌”了;两场败仗就已经是“崩溃”了。据TTT’s Andrew Beasley说,利物浦在达格利什手下场均积分1.85,而过去16年跻身四强需要的场均积分1.79。)






纵观两场比赛,他的传球成功率为89%,高得不可思议。即便是对阵阿森纳时他没有给出许多有想法的传球(向前41%,向后27%,向左10%,向右22% @EPLIndex提供的数据)。但是他非常擅长发现空间,然后一脚传球找到队友。如果你可以在对方半场给出快速的一脚触球,那你身上就有一点利物浦的DNA了。



注,防守三区,来自英文final third,即攻方前场三分之一区域,也是刘越俗称的“对方30米区域”。










对比一年之前的比赛:联赛第二轮客场挑战曼城(另一场艰难的客场比赛),利物浦排出了锋线扁平的442阵型,用安迪格雷当时的话来说,这个阵型“将让利物浦球迷非常满意” (如果没被横扫的话),因为它比贝尼特斯通常选取的阵型更具进攻性。


















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发表于 2011-8-31 14:28:41 | 显示全部楼层
其实巴萨这个343只可能偶尔为之,这也侧面看出瓜迪奥拉用兵大胆狠辣的一面。黄潜失去卡索拉之后,他们就没有了边路的攻击支点,博尔哈是伪边前卫真中场核心,卡尼也是个喜欢内收进攻的假边前卫,巴萨只需蒂亚戈稍稍 ...
午时靡深蓝 发表于 2011-8-31 14:11




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发表于 2011-9-14 16:44:26 | 显示全部楼层
题目:巴萨 2-2 ac米兰战术分析:米兰阵型狭窄化挫败巴萨



马克西·阿莱格里没有派上伊布,而是用帕托首发作突前单刀,卡萨诺在其后支持。安东尼奥· 诺切里诺和蒋禄卡·赞布罗塔也出现在首发阵容中。

分析起来,这是一个奇特的比赛 — — 米兰是如何做好战术工作的?某些方面(非常有效) — — 阵型狭窄化成尖刀状,这利用了巴萨后防缺乏速度的弱点 — — 果然一开场就奏效了,但也许巴塞罗那可以将比赛比分加以超脱。由于瓜迪奥拉大致使用他惯常阵型和战术 (中后卫放在一边,这个问题涵盖了很多最近出现的漏洞),故此还是让我们看看米兰的战术带劲些。
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