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【新闻集帖一】 2006-11 至 2007-03 新闻集

发表于 2006-12-31 19:56:00 | 显示全部楼层






[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-31 20:02:24编辑过]
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发表于 2006-12-31 21:30:00 | 显示全部楼层

Mascherano issues quit threat


Javier Mascherano admits he will leave West Ham if he stays out of the team any longer as his career is more important.


The Argentine international midfielder is puzzled as to why he has not been given a chance at Upton Park following his shock transfer in August.


Mascherano moved to the club along with Carlos Tevez when both were expected to move to one of Europe's top clubs following their impressive performances at the World Cup.


But the 22-year-old is clearly getting fed up, having played a measly 235 Premiership minutes this season.


"It is normal that if I am not in the team at West Ham then I will have to leave to continue my career elsewhere," Mascherano told the People.


"At my age I cannot afford to let my career stay on hold. I came to England to succeed but I have not had the necessary opportunities to succeed."


Juventus are known to be very interested in his signature, while Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez is also monitoring his situation closely.


However, Mascherano believes his fellow countryman Carlos Tevez may stay at Upton Park despite also struggling to make an impact.


"I don't think Tevez will leave because some days ago he said to everyone that for him the word 'fail' did not exist," added Mascherano.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-31 21:46:27编辑过]
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发表于 2006-12-31 21:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-1-21 08:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
West Ham are expected to finalise the loan signing of Sevilla striker Kepa Blanco, 22,tomorrow. A club official said Manchester City had shown interest but West Ham’s offer was the best. He said: "Kepa is excited about playing alongside Carlos Tevez."
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发表于 2007-1-21 10:14:00 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2007-1-27 12:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
Inter Milan eyeing West Ham striker Tevez
tribalfooball.com - January 22, 2007

Inter Milan president Massimo Moratti wants to bring West Ham striker Carlos Tevez to Italy in the summer.

Moratti has been weighing up the pros and cons of signing one striker between the choices of Tevez and Real Madrid firebrand Antonio Cassano, says Controcampo.

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发表于 2007-1-30 22:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
By Plymouth_hammer
Tuesday 30th January 2007



“我们将先同他签订18个月的租借协议;之后可能签订正式转会协议。 ”  贝尼特斯对每日邮报说。

“他是一个顶级的球员,在世界杯上有着惊人的发挥。 他在河床队的时候我们就开始关注他了。 问题的关键是他在英超的土壤上是不是还有这样的表现,不过我们相信他能比在西汉姆的时候好多了。

“利物浦应该对他来说是一个不错的选择。我们都说西班牙语,而且我们球队的打法更适合他一点。可林蒂安和河床都是顶级俱乐部,经常赢得荣誉。和我们在一起,贾维尔的机会更多! ”

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发表于 2007-2-2 21:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
West Ham's Tevez: Mascherano exit good for me
tribalfooball.com - February 01, 2007

Carlos Tevez believes it will be better for his West Ham career that Javier Mascherano has now moved to Liverpool.

27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" style="WIDTH: 22px; HEIGHT: 14px;">
Striker Tevez, 22, has started just one eague game for the struggling Hammers since Alan Curbishley took over from Alan Pardew in December.

But he believes midfielder Mascherano's departure will now make critics judge him on his own and not as part of a double act.

He said: "In a way, Javier going to Liverpool could be a good thing as people will stop thinking of us as a pair and we can both get on and try to be successful in England.

"Mascherano already said we are not Siamese twins who always need to stick together. So now he is going to Liverpool, it's problem solved.

"I know we both can play in England with no problem if we are given the chance to play on a regular basis."


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发表于 2007-2-3 22:26:00 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2007-2-9 21:01:00 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2007-2-9 21:17:00 | 显示全部楼层

小马犯了个小错误把利物浦成为红魔(red devil)了。

问个小问题,利物浦的昵称是什么?red army?

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发表于 2007-2-10 13:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-2-12 20:55:00 | 显示全部楼层

西汉姆门将披露:马斯切拉诺从来没有过机会 (2007/2/12)







West Ham's Walker: Mascherano never had a chance!
tribalfooball.com - February 12, 2007

West Ham goalkeeper Jimmy Walker has revealed why Javier Mascherano feels his move to Upton Park just wasn't meant to be.

Mascherano is sweating on a loan deal with Liverpool to be rubberstamped and Walker, in his column for West Ham's match programme, revealed how one day everything conspired to work against the Argie.

Walker wrote: "I have to tell you about his day from hell when his interpreter Ciaran had forgotten to tell him the team had the day off.

"Javier drove to the training ground but broke down as he had run out of petrol so he walked to the nearest petrol station but realised he had no money.

"He had to ring Ciaran and ask him to speak to the petrol station manager, but they were not having any of it and just said 'if he does not have any money he is not getting any petrol'.

"He had to walk to the training ground to borrow some money off Anton, who was in for treatment, and also discovered the team were not in. He walked back, filled the petrol can up, walked to his car put the petrol in and set off back home. Then half a mile up the road a taxi crashed into the back of him. When he was telling me about it in his broken English he finished the story by saying, 'Jimmy, I get home, I shut the curtains and I sleep'."

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-12 20:56:24编辑过]
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发表于 2007-2-12 21:20:00 | 显示全部楼层


西汉姆0:1 沃特福德



当这个阿根廷人坐在替补席上观看这场保级大战时,他看到了一支因紧张而痉挛的球队。 但是铁锤制作室在播放哪部电影呢?是恐惧之吻,深渊护卫?也许,考虑到铁锤帮似是而非的拙劣表现,我们看到的更像是《电车叛乱(英国电影名)》



直到下半场特维斯替换上场,西汉姆才如梦初醒。特维斯充满了活力,像一个性急的牧童一样指挥着他反应迟钝的羊群在草原上游荡。当那些怀疑特维斯的热诚和适应能力的声音烟消云散之后,西汉姆还怎敢如此使用这样一个三夺南美足球先生的人?(原话:  With questions over Tevez's commitment and fitness now seemingly gone, how can West Ham seem reluctant to play a man three times voted the South American player of the year? 一点点都没添油加醋)




Goal: Henderson pen (12) 0-1.

West Ham United (4-4-2): Green; Neill (Spector, 32), Ferdinand, Davenport, McCartney; Benayoun, Reo-Coker, Quashie (Boa Morte, 80), Etherington; Harewood, Zamora (Tevez, h-t). Substitutes not used: Carroll (gk), Dailly.

Watford (4-4-2): Foster; Mariappa, DeMerit, Mackay, Stewart; Smith, Mahon, Francis, Cavalli (Bangura, 75); Henderson (Shittu, 90), Kabba (Ashikodi, 79). Substitutes not used: Priskin, Hoskins.

Referee: A Wiley (Staffordshire).

Booked: West Ham United Davenport, Spector, Benayoun, Reo-Coker; Watford Mariappa, Ashikodi.

Man of the match: Mackay.

Attendance: 34,625

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-12 22:26:15编辑过]
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发表于 2007-2-13 22:37:00 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2007-2-14 19:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
West Ham's Tevez set for Corinthians return
tribalfooball.com - February 13, 2007

Carlos Tevez could quit West Ham and return to Brazil.

Iranian businessman Kia Joorabchian announced yesterday that he wants to return as director of football at Corinthians and would love to see striker Tevez playing for the South American club again.

Despite a fall-out with Corinthians president Alberto Dualib, Joorabchian - whose MSI company part-owns the club - has had a change of heart and would love to see Tevez head back to South America with him.

Joorabchian said: "The supporters of Corinthians are inside my heart all of the time.

"This is a long-term dream and not something that will happen in the immediate future."


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发表于 2007-2-25 20:34:00 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2007-4-1 23:24:00 | 显示全部楼层

King Carlos has Hammers hoping

Tevez: One goal, one assist
Posted 31/03/07 17:28

Carlos Tevez scored one and made another as West Ham won 2-0 at home to Middlesbrough to keep alive their hopes of Premiership survival. The mathematics may be against them beating the drop but Tevez is at least trying his level best to give the Hammers a chance, this win only the second time they have recorded back-to-back victories this season.

He crossed for Bobby Zamora to open the scoring at Upton Park before doubling the lead on the stroke of half-time, but it is also his tireless work on the flanks that has endeared him to Hammers fans.

It was all too much for Emanuel Pogatetz, who was cautioned for hacking down Tevez after getting embarrassed with a nutmeg, and the Boro defender was substituted soon after.

Tevez was given a rest himself with nine minutes to go and received a standing ovation.

In contrast, Boro were toothless in attack and their season is in danger of fizzling out as they creep over the 40-point mark.

Hammers boss Alan Curbishley was among the managers disappointed with Gareth Southgate for fielding a weakened team against struggling Manchester City in Boro's last Premiership game.

Two weeks had passed since, with Boro losing their FA Cup quarter-final clash that they were saving players for, and Southgate selected his strongest available XI this time around.

Curbishley has never had the luxury of resting players in his short tenure as Hammers boss, the urgency for points meaning he made only one change from the team that defeated Blackburn last time out.

Zamora was brought in for Marlon Harewood, who was not in the matchday squad, and the decision was vindicated with less than two minutes gone.

Mark Noble caught Fabio Rochemback dwelling in possession, with the ball falling to Tevez on the right flank. The Argentina forward's cross ricocheted off Pogatetz and Andrew Taylor before Zamora finished from close range.

It was his ninth of the season and set the tone for the Hammers, who were full of energy and galvanised by Noble's efforts in the centre of midfield.

Tevez was just as impressive with his work-rate and he was in the thick of the action, crossing for Matthew Etherington in the fifth minute before going on a mazy run which only ended when Abel Xavier nipped in as he was about to shoot.

He then drifted a ball to the far post where Zamora's shot was saved at point-blank range by Mark Schwarzer.

Such a bright opening was inevitably difficult to sustain and Boro had a few half-chances, Ayegbeni Yakubu giving them a warning with a shot George McCartney had to block for a corner.

Mark Viduka also had a scissor-kick which dropped wide, while skipper George Boateng had an effort from 25 yards just after the half-hour mark which goalkeeper Robert Green held easily.

Stewart Downing, who was jeered by fans for his part in England's lacklustre displays in the international break, earned a free-kick on the edge of the area but Viduka's woeful set-piece almost reached the second tier of Upton Park.

Despite Boro's attempts, they never looked like they had the cutting edge of West Ham and it was the hosts who looked dangerous.

Etherington forced Schwarzer into a save with a shot from long distance late in the first half, and the Australia goalkeeper also held onto an effort from Tevez.

Tevez, though, doubled the lead in the 45th minute, McCartney's deep cross hitting Taylor's knee and the West Ham forward finished from close range for his third in three matches after taking more than six months to open his account in England.

He may not have stripped to the waist and jumped into the crowd as he did when he scored against Tottenham, but the way he wheeled away in celebration was another example of why Hammers fans have taken him into their hearts.

The start of the second half lacked the pace and intensity of the first, with Boro still struggling to break down a West Ham defence led by Anton Ferdinand.

Whereas confidence was so brittle just two games ago, Ferdinand was now among the players who were first to the ball consistently.

Tevez thought he should have had a penalty when his cross appeared to strike Taylor, while Noble's determination almost came at a price as he threw himself at a Boateng shot and took the ball in the face.

The midfielder was able to carry on and the Hammers went in search of their third, with only Schwarzer denying them.

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