
标题: 2011/12赛季后半程马竞新闻八卦专帖 [打印本页]

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-27 21:49
标题: 2011/12赛季后半程马竞新闻八卦专帖
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-27 22:04

Simeone is already in Madrid and on Tuesday the 27th will be presented at the Calderon at 12:30 pm

"I come with joy and enthusiasm"

Diego Pablo Simeone is already in Madrid. The new coach of Atletico Madrid arrived from Buenos Aires on the flight IBE6844 to Terminal 4 at Barajas Airport, where a swarm of reporters were waiting for him in order to have their first words on his return to Atletico Madrid, which was his home for two different periods as a player. He was accompanied by his wife, Carolina, and their three children, Giovanni, Gianluca and Giuliano, as well as his his sister and agent, Natalia, and his press secretary, José Luis Pasquet.

On Tuesday he will be presented at the VIP room of the Vicente Calderon Stadium at 12:30 pm and on Thursday 29 he will take his first training session with his new squad in the Ciudad Deportiva de Majadahonda

He left a message for the fans, who expect a lot from his job as coach. "We ask the fans to be calm. We have to work and obviously what we always said when we played: we’ll be clear and take each game as it comes. There is always hope, "he said.

He acknowledged that he’s "very happy to return. The important thing now is to work hard, the words are of little use now, it’s time for actions”.

简言之,就是他拖家带口的在老婆孩子妹妹和助理的陪伴下到达马德里(连大儿子都带来了,小盆友难道不用在小鸡家训练吗 ),于板鸭时间29号中午12点半亮相卡尔德隆球场并开始第一堂训练课。
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-27 22:06
本帖最后由 幻樱 于 2011-12-27 22:08 编辑

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-27 22:10
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-27 22:17

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-27 22:21
风中的风之子 发表于 2011-12-27 22:10


作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-27 22:28

作者: 岁月的歌    时间: 2011-12-27 22:31
作者: 岁月的歌    时间: 2011-12-27 22:33
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-27 22:34

PS:记得某人上次去卡塔尼亚时没听说有带家属,看样子这次是准备赖在马德里打长工了 ...
幻樱 发表于 2011-12-27 22:21


作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-27 22:36
岁月的歌 发表于 2011-12-27 22:33

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-27 22:46
风中的风之子 发表于 2011-12-27 22:34

作者: no_forever    时间: 2011-12-28 09:19

PS:记得某人上次去卡塔尼亚时没听说有带家属,看样子这次是准备赖在马德里打长工了 ...
幻樱 发表于 2011-12-27 22:21

作者: no_forever    时间: 2011-12-28 09:23
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-28 22:57
某人已经在床单球迷中被供起来了,亮相的时候专门拍了一堆球迷唱属于他的歌。。。大家对他期望不是一般地高啊。。。要是弄得不好这可咋办噗。。。 ...
no_forever 发表于 2011-12-28 09:23

作者: easonf    时间: 2011-12-28 22:58
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-28 23:03
某人已经在床单球迷中被供起来了,亮相的时候专门拍了一堆球迷唱属于他的歌。。。大家对他期望不是一般地高啊。。。要是弄得不好这可咋办噗。。。 ...
no_forever 发表于 2011-12-28 09:23


作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-28 23:08
本帖最后由 幻樱 于 2011-12-28 23:35 编辑


Simeone: "I would like to see a strong, courageous, fast and counterattacking side"

The Argentine was introduced as new coach of Atletico Madrid

Diego Pablo Simeone is now the coach of Atletico Madrid. Enrique Cerezo, the President of the club, introduced the new coach at a ceremony in which he was accompanied by Jose Luis Perez Caminero, the Sporting director. The presentation took place in the VIP Lounge of the Vicente Calderon Stadium and began at 12:40. Earlier, the new Atletico coach signed his name with Miguel Angel Gil Marin, CEO, and Jose Luis Perez Caminero, in the contract that will link him to Atletico Madrid for the remainder of the season and the next season, until the June 30, 2013.

Simeone appeared with the president and sporting director while his children, Giovanni, Gianluca and Giuliano along with his sister, Natalia were present with his press chief, José Luis Pasquet, and his assistant, Germain 'Mono' Burgos. Directed by Antonio Alonso, vice president of commercial, Clemente Villaverde, General manager and Miguel Perez, a major shareholder. Also, in attendance was Carlos Aguilera, director of Grassroots, Antonio Rivera, technical secretary Grassroots, Veremundo Mariblanca  Atletico president, Carlos Pena, field representative of the Vicente Calderon, Enrique Collar, honorary president of the Foundation, Guillermo Moraleda, commercial director Rafael Alique, director of sports communication, and Julio de las Heras, of the Association of Peñas.

Simeone's presentation raised a great excitement among the media, there were 22 television cameras and countries from different continents were represented in the room, both television, radio and newspapers.

Enrique Cerezo was in charge of presenting the event. The president of the organisation said, "I was lucky to bid farewell to Diego in this same stadium and I have the luck to welcome him back as new coach of Atletico Madrid. Welcome back to his home.” The president went on to say that "he lived a glorious period in the clubs history, as one of the heroes of the double and, above all, we believe that his great character served to make a great team and that can take us where we all want to be, in the best of Spanish football. Diego knows everyone is excited and since we got in touch with him it has all been easy. He is a person who wants to be here and that, for us, is essential. Diego, I wish you luck in this new stage in the club and I am convinced that, with you, we will move forward."

Jose Luis Perez Caminero on the new coach said that "I welcome you and wish you luck, because you luck is ours."

Before the round of questions, Simeone said "I’m living a very nice moment personally. Germanus Burgos will accompany me and I want to thank all the people who have entrusted us. When we retired from football we decided to go back to Argentina to finish our careers. But we knew that one of the objectives was to return to Atletico Madrid as coach and this has come about. We’re here to bring back some illusion and will do so with the characteristics that have always marked us as players and, above...
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-28 23:09


作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-28 23:10

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-28 23:11

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-28 23:21

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-28 23:24
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-28 23:33
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-28 23:48
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-28 23:51
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-29 20:55



作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-29 21:57

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-29 23:58

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-30 00:01
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-30 20:04

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-30 20:07
http://www.clubatleticodemadrid. ... =30414&previo=1


5.000 aficionados vitorearon a Simeone en su estreno al frente del Atlético de Madrid

Noguera y Javi Manquillo fueron los canteranos que participaron

Diego Pablo Simeone se puso el chándal y dirigió su primer entrenamiento de la primera plantilla rojiblanca en la vuelta al trabajo del equipo tras las vacaciones de Navidad. Y lo hizo ante unos 5.000 aficionados entregados a la causa en el regreso a casa de uno de los héroes del Doblete del 96.

Primero saltaron al terreno de juego los jugadores para después hacerlo el cuerpo técnico y, finalmente, el nuevo entrenador. Los aficionados, que algunos esperaron en la puerta 26 desde las cinco de la tarde, hora y media antes del inicio de la sesión, vitorearon al nuevo entrenador cuando apareció por la bocana de vestuarios y éste se vio obligado a corresponder a la grada con gestos de agradecimiento.

Hubo dos canteranos en la sesión, Noguera y Javi Manquillo, del Atlético B, mientras que Silvio y Diego Costa comparecieron en el terreno de juego con Oscar Pitillas para realizar trabajo alternativo. Diego Ribas que salió al terreno de juego para trabajar con todos, se tuvo que retirar por un proceso febril.

Diego Pablo Simeone trabajó en esta primera sesión con Germán Burgos y Juan Vizcaíno como ayudantes, además de Oscar Ortega como preparador físico. Para empezar, la primera sesión tuvo mucho trabajo físico con balón. El nuevo técnico rojiblanco hizo hincapié en la presión al rival en todos los ejercicios, ya fueran rondos tradicionales o más grandes, cuando hizo tres grupos en una banda en la mitad del terreno de juego y uno era el que tenía que presionar al rival.

Uno de los momentos que más deseaban los aficionados fue el partidillo que disputaron los jugadores en espacio reducido, en el que se pudieron ver jugadas muy rápidas y con calidad tanto por los porteros como por los rematadores.
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-30 20:10

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-30 20:13

ps  32楼那两只?吉奥瓦尼和小二或小三?
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-30 20:23

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-30 20:39

幻樱 发表于 2011-12-30 20:23

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-30 20:41

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-30 20:44

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-30 20:46

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-30 20:50

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-30 22:27
风中的风之子 发表于 2011-12-30 20:46

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-30 22:41
幻樱 发表于 2011-12-30 22:27

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-30 23:04
风中的风之子 发表于 2011-12-30 20:39

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2011-12-30 23:48
幻樱 发表于 2011-12-30 23:04


作者: 幻樱    时间: 2011-12-31 21:33

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-1-2 17:54

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-1-2 18:53

PS:如果真是小大,这娃老在马竞晃荡就不怕小鸡家吃醋吗,小心回去以后他梅达叔打PP ...
幻樱 发表于 2011-12-31 21:33

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-1-2 19:38

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-1-3 19:43

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-1-4 20:47
http://www.clubatleticodemadrid. ... =30457&previo=0

Simeone: "Atletico de Madrid is more important than individuals"  
Atletico coach commitment to "be a team" to start well in 2012  

Diego Pablo Simeone appeared at a news conference after the first Training at Sports City,  Majadahonda. The Argentine coach summed up his goals as: "Being a team. That's what I want." The Atletico coach believes that "Atletico Madrid is more important than individuals", in relation to Reyes, he confessed that "we are in a difficult situation. The first day he arrived two hours before practice and told us he wanted to leave. He is a major player, we would have liked to have him, but there is no time to wait for anybody," he said.

The Argentine stressed the importance of working together, with intensity, and to put behind them the bad results achieved in the last two game of 2011 against Betis and Albacete."From now we just have to think about the game we have and this is a strength to go on. We can not look back, that's over. We must look to the future," he said.

The technical formula is clear: "Much excitement, great disposition, eager to help to re-excite the team." For this he has a squad with great players. "We try to help with the players that are most important: Arda, Diego, Pizzi, Falcao, Koke, to see how they can play together," he said.

Now  "a new season begins" and he aims to make the best of each of his players. "There are players here who have played for great teams to get to Atletico. I'll have to give them tools and solutions to demonstrate what they are," he added.

On the eleven for the next game he declined to give names. "We have to see what happens on the field to make the best decisions," he said. However, he did comment on his preferred defensive shape. "We’ll always play with four at the back, I like the effort, the balance, the word team," he said.

The Argentine is convinced that by working together "the results will come." It is the moral of his experience in the club: "Atletico taught me something very good. In times of difficulty you have to pull together."
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-1-4 20:48

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-1-6 20:25
风中的风之子 发表于 2011-12-30 20:46


作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-1-11 19:37
http://www.clubatleticodemadrid. ... icia=30581&previo=0

Courtois, "Simeone wants us to work with a lot of dynamics and intensity like we did in Malaga"

"It's good to do a good job defensively because we had conceded a lot of goals and Malaga only created two chances"

Thibaut Courtois was asked to appear before the media after the morning session on Tuesday at the Ciudad Deportiva de Majadahonda. The Belgian goalkeeper spoke of the team's defensive work, new methods of Simeone and the possibility of winning the Ballon d'Or in Belgium, after having a great season with Genk, together with the former champions in his country.

For starters, he was asked about the new coach Simeone. The Atletico keeper said "the coach wants the team to work with a lot of dynamics and intensity, with good organisation like we did against Malaga."

Regarding the strong physical work being carried out in this new phase with the Argentine coach, Courtois says that "there are many games and we need to be strong for the games to play one hundred percent."

Regarding the defensive work, a topic that is the new coach is focusing on, Courtois says, "I think it's good because we had conceded a lot of goals in recent games and against Malaga they only created two chances. I think it's better that way because if we do not conceded a goal at any time, we win by scoring one goal."

He then spoke about his future. He is on loan from Chelsea and the keeper points out that "if I want a second year, Chelsea will ask me. But now we are in January and have time to decide if I want a second year or not. I like Madrid and Atletico Madrid, it’s a very good club and I have made many friends. If I could play a second year here, for me it would be good."

As for Chelsea, he said: "Chelsea facilities are new and are very good, but I think Atletico will have a new stadium and a new Sports City. Everything will be fine here too."

The Atletico goalkeeper is looking to win the Belgian Golden Ball. Courtois said that "I can win a prize because it is valued around the year 2011. I played part of this year in Belgium, the first half of the year I played very good.”
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-1-11 19:42

作者: 续梦    时间: 2012-2-10 22:09
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-2-10 23:57
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-2-11 16:02
续梦 发表于 2012-2-10 22:09


作者: no_forever    时间: 2012-2-26 07:29
作者: no_forever    时间: 2012-2-26 07:38

作者: no_forever    时间: 2012-2-26 07:52
本帖最后由 no_forever 于 2012-2-26 07:55 编辑

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-2-26 13:30
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-2-26 13:35
然后他们爹没理他就蹭蹭地滚走了no_forever 发表于 2012-2-26 07:29


作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-2-26 13:47
no_forever 发表于 2012-2-26 07:52

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-2-26 17:31

作者: no_forever    时间: 2012-2-26 20:08
作者: no_forever    时间: 2012-2-26 20:12
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-3-4 21:44
以及juliano真 ...
no_forever 发表于 2012-2-26 07:29


作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-3-4 21:48
作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-3-4 22:07

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-4-22 21:23

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-4-22 21:49
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-4-24 22:12


大战在即,三元老谈西蒙尼发布时间:2012-02-15 16:27:04 浏览:527   供稿:sycee




我认为马竞现在在西甲的表现一般,但是西蒙尼现在能把球队带到这个地步我觉得已经很不错了,要知道,他刚转行做教练没多久。他的性格就是那种风风火火的,所以我在西甲因为种种举动而遭到罚款,我一点也不惊讶。他就像个孩子,一旦认准了一件事,就铆足了进向前冲 这是他的优点,而且他这个类型的球员每支球队都必须要 有12个。西蒙尼回到他的老东家,并且带回了他的拼搏精神,因为这是他职业生涯的标志。






作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-4-24 22:15

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-4-24 22:28
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-4-24 22:38
幻樱 发表于 2012-4-24 22:28

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-4-25 23:47

作者: 岁月的歌    时间: 2012-4-27 18:41

法瓦利:现在他做了一个教练,这是他想要做的事业,我作为观众我会在周四给 ...
风中的风之子 发表于 2012-4-24 22:15


作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-4-27 19:54
岁月的歌 发表于 2012-4-27 18:41


首先偶跟迪马特奥不熟,切尔西的事道听途说了点。不过偶觉得衡量混得好不好的标准不只是知否执教了豪门(瓜迪奥拉之所以是名帅不是因为他做过巴萨教练,是因为他带巴萨拿了那么多冠军),也不只是打了几场经典的比赛,否则我觉得双杀他英头名大曼联的贝尔萨才是最好的。迪帅有个更nb的东家有个更高的起步平台,很好,不过外战大拜仁不好惹,内战……局面貌似也和我破床单差不了多少= =|||大家都自求多福吧

作者: 岁月的歌    时间: 2012-4-27 20:28
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-4-27 20:34
还有我说混的好的意思是在更高的平台.更好的球队执教.我也没说因为迪马特奥在切尔西执教就认为他水平高过西蒙尼.各自 ...
岁月的歌 发表于 2012-4-27 20:28

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-4-27 21:55
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-17 00:03
Juanfran, Adrian and Dominguez, called up for the national team

作者: 幻樱    时间: 2012-5-17 21:44
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-17 21:50
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 18:26
超级杯对手确定 托妞家切尔西

20/ 05/ 12
Atletico Madrid will play the European Super Cup against Chelsea
To be played at the Stade Louis II of Monaco for the last time as the fixed base

Atletico Madrid now knows their rival in the final of the UEFA Super Cup in which they will play as Champions of the Europa League. After the final of the Champions League final on Saturday 19 in Munich, Chelsea will be the opponent in the last Super Cup to be held in Monaco in August at the Stade Louis II in Monaco's capital.

Simeone forecasted from Cali that it will be a "big game" and analysed the English team."Chelsea started as underdog for some. In the build up to that game I said that they are a very hard, very organised team and that if Bayern in their ambition did not take their chances they would have problem. I think that in the first half Bayern deserved more than what they got," he said.

The team of Spaniard Fernando Torres and Juan Mata were crowned champions after the final whistle after playing extra-time and penalties. Müller put the Germans in front after 83 minutes with an accurate header after a cross from Robben and Drogba equalised with the head in the 89th minute.

In the first half of extra time Robben missed a penalty, a move that dogged the Bavarians. Despite the attempts of each other, the score did not budge was doomed to go to penalties. The Spaniard Juan Mata missed the first for his team and put the Germans ahead until Olic launched the fourth penalty for the Germans which Cech saved. Cole scored to make it 3-3 leaving it up to Schwensteiger and Drogba. The German crashed his shot into the post and the Ivorian smashed his away, giving the first Champions League to Chelsea and, lining up the English side as opponent for Atletico Madrid in the European Super Cup in August to be played in Monaco for the last time, as in 2013 it is expected to be played in Prague.

It will be the third clash between Atletico Madrid and Chelsea, as in the 2009-2010 season, both teams met in the Group Stage of the Champions League with a victory of the English (4-0) at Stamford Bridge, and with a draw (2-2) at the Vicente Calderon. The third game will be in late August in Monaco.

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 18:27
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 18:29

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 18:30


作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 18:46

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 18:50
@LigaBBVA西班牙足球甲级联赛 #马德里竞技#队在结束了哥伦比亚之旅之后,返回了西班牙。至此,一个精彩跌宕的赛季对于床单军团来说正式结束,将士们可以享受难得的美妙假期。在机场,#马里奥-苏亚雷斯#接受了采访,回顾了球队一个赛季的表现,并对沸沸扬扬的转会传闻发表了自己的意见。 http://t.cn/zOBSUfE

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 18:52
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 18:57
@若茜Roxi #哥伦比亚之行总结#大家玩的各种嗨~~佩黑最后说,用这么完美的一个赛季结束自己的马竞生涯,好的不能再好了。。他永远不会忘记这里的。@马德里竞技中国官网 http://t.cn/zOB19T1

作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 18:58
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 18:59


作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-5-26 19:04



作者: 拉普拉塔巫女    时间: 2012-5-26 19:18
25/ 05/ 12
The end for ‘Neptunes best friend'

Antonio Lopez could not hold back tears during thefarewell ceremony • The captain had words for all club members
The Museum of Atletico Madrid witnessed the last words uttered by Antonio Lopez as an Atletico player. The captain was flanked the President, Enrique Cerezo, the sporting director Jose Luis Perez Caminero, and dozens of members from all areas of the Club in the farewell ceremony that Atletico Madrid he had prepared.

Accompanied by the two Europa Leagues and UEFA Super Cup that he won during his career at Atletico, Antonio Lopez could not hold back the tears and the applause that interrupted on several occasions during the ceremony.

"Neptune's Best Friend," is what he was called by Enrique Cerezo for being "one of the few who can boast as captains of lifting three European trophies." The President of the Atlético organization had only words of thanks for the player of Atletico's first team for ten seasons. "There are few players who, like him, can boast of having worn the shirt for many years and still fewer can boast of having worn the captains band for many seasons. You’ve been a fantastic player and an exemplary man in this club," he said.

Enrique Cerezo said the respect and responsibility of Antonio Lopez not only as captain but also as "a man of the house" because he "has been one of the main symbols of our academy. The player who best embodied the principles and values of our club. And because of his proximity, has been a model in which generations of children have aspired to become future Atletico Madrid's players," stressed the President on behalf of the entire Club, wishing him "all the best. You know that this house has always been yours, and always will be," he said.

The sporting director Jose Luis Perez Caminero, also devoted a few words of appreciation to Antonio Lopez. "We appreciate the behaviour you've had on and off the field. And even now that you aren’t continuing, everyone is going to have their memories. Thank you very much for being with us," he said.

But the surprise came when the club physiotherapist, Esteban Arévalo, read a letter that did touch the captain. "Daily life with you has been very simple, you are very friendly and it is difficult to see you in a bad mood. You will always be in my memory as hard times that we lived with the illness of your sister. Still, you never lost your sense of humor and your desire to do things with the team to keep it together forever. I never suspected that behind the cheerful and chatty front, was a man, a brother in suffering. You gave us all an example and a lesson in life," he said.

"You will always be with 'the blues', as you started to call us and we will keep calling you, OUR CAPTAIN, the best person to deal with us, we always thought of us as part of the team. It will be difficult to meet another captain like you. Thanks Beast!" He concluded.

After all these words of gratitude, it was the turn of the honouree. Antonio Lopez recalled his first...
作者: 拉普拉塔巫女    时间: 2012-5-26 19:19
25/ 05/ 12
Mario Suarez “It’s been a good season"

The midfielder said the European Super Cup is the next goal

Atletico Madrid arrived back in Madrid on Thursday after the tour of Colombia, having returned from the homeland of Falcao and Perea with three wins in Bogota, Cali and Neiva. Before leaving for holidays, Mario Suarez attended the media at the airport of Barajas.

The youth appreciated the season overall. The balance is "good because whenever you get a European title it is good. Falling to get in the the champiioins league on the last day is a blow, but we tried and it just couldn’t be” he stated.

Achieving the second Europa League title in Bucharest, means Atletico will play the Super Cup in Monaco. "We're going to win. It is another European title we can get. Would be the fourth in three years for Atletico, something that few teams can do," he said.

About possible signings, the midfielder sent the club plots dealing with these issues."That’s the managers decision, the coaching staff and management. As we always say, whoever comes will bring good things, positive and will improve the team, because we want to improve every year and we want to qualify for the Champions League and keep winning titles," he said.

Mario was also asked about the possible outgoings of staff in the summer market, especially Falcao. The squad is calm and has been quoted. "I can tell he is very happy with us, we want him to stay and we are very happy with him. Now we need to go on holiday and on 4 July (day in which the first team return to work) I hope you see me with him, "he said.

The midfielder praised the work done by Simeone in the second half of the season."From the day he arrived he has brought us a lot. We had a very fast connection and it was very important to him and all the players and the entire coaching staff,” he concluded.
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-6-3 11:29
28/ 05/ 12
Gabi: "Atletico de Madrid is going strong"

"Winning titles is how players get to go with the national team"

Gabriel Fernandez Arenas, Gabi, was at the presentation of the Atletico Madrid Foundation's Campus with Adelard Rodriguez, president of the Foundation, Carlos Aguilera, director of Grassroots of Atletico Madrid, and Manolo Sanchez Delgado, Technical Director of the Foundation. At the end of it, he attended the media who had gathered at the Sports City in Majadahonda.

The inclusion of Juanfran in the list of Del Bosque to represent Spain at Euro was, for the Atletico captain, great news for the club and the player. "We though he had a chance of making the national side along with Dominguez, but ultimately only he has gone and I think that is the reward for his work and perseverance, something that has been shown throughout the year, and is a prize to the team, and thanks to the team he can be there."

Juanfran recognised the honour and said "I was delighted. It is the dream of any player, to get to the senior national team and play the European Championship with your team, the reigning world champions. Everyone dreams of that."

Adrian, who started and scored a goal against Serbia on Saturday but missed out on the final squad. Gabi says that "he who decides is the coach at the end. I think a person who has made our national side the world champion our can not do anything wrong. It is clear that Adrian is now a high level and he deserved to go with them, but instead he went with other great players, but he will be around for the next 10 years."

He noted that in terms ofplayers representing their countries, "Atletico is going strong. Winning titles is how players get to go with the national team. In these three years we have won three European titles and is the basis to start knocking on the door of the national team. This year there have been many Spanish players at Atletico Madrid who have performed at a good level and we are ready when the coach decides it appropriate for us to be there," he said.

About Falcao, he said "he is an important player for us, we want him to stay and the club and will make a big effort for him to stay because he is one of the foundations of this project and we have won this title."

When asked if Atletico Madrid can win the Europa League again, Gabi is ambitious in saying that "within the League, taking out Real Madrid and Barcelona, Atletico Madrid has to be champion. We have to enter the Champions League next season. I think that Atletico Madrid must play in the Champions League for the future of the club and its players and fight for the other two competitions, both the Copa del Rey and the Champions League."

现任(我为神马要说现任= =)14号加比队副(据说低压锅当队长了)说:我竞正在变得越来越强大
作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-6-3 11:33
Juanfran is going to the Euros

Representing Atletico Madrid in the national side

@runtosky 小跑童鞋你快出来!


作者: 风中的风之子    时间: 2012-6-3 11:36
30/ 05/ 12
Cristian Rodriguez: "Atletico de Madrid is a big opportunity in my career"

"I'm going to go there to give everything, like I’ve done in all my other teams"

Cristian Rodriguez, the new Atletico Madrid signing, spoke at the Uruguay national team base about joining the champions of the Europe League, the tournament he won with Porto last year with Radamel Falcao. The Uruguayan midfielder said: "Atletico Madrid is a big opportunity to make further progress in my career. I have not signed anything, but my agent told me that everything is arranged and that makes me very happy."

Known in football as 'Onion', the left-sided midfielder spoke of Atletico Madrid as "a very large team which will try I will try to fit in as quickly as possible." He said about Diego Pablo Simeone that "He has spoken very highly about me. He was a player and understands the environment of football, which is also important."

He commented on the upcoming season, saying that "I'm going to go there to give everything, like I’ve done in all my other teams" Rodriguez followed the success of his new club in the Europa League. "Atletico Madrid had a good year and I'm sure the next will be more difficult because everyone wants to beat the champion."

In his farewell to Oporto, Cristian said he only has "words of thanks. I'm glad I could celebrate several titles at Porto where they always treated me very well."

The player, 26, has 47 caps for Uruguay and was champion of the Copa America tournament held in Argentina in 2011. He has also won three league titles, three cups, three Super Cups and a UEFA Europa League with Porto. With Penarol, the team he started his career, he was proclaimed champion of Uruguay and then at PSG he won the French Cup. The midfielder, who possesses good technique, dribbling and powerful shot with his left, is training with the national team for matches against Venezuela and then on June 10 against Peru in the sixth round of the South American qualifying.

After those two matches he will travel to Madrid to undergo medical examination and sign four-year contract with Atletico.


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