
标题: 卢乔·冈萨雷斯访谈(2004.01.19) [打印本页]

作者: Odin    时间: 2004-1-19 21:40
标题: 卢乔·冈萨雷斯访谈(2004.01.19)
" I am not a talented player "  

I fight Gonzalez is considered to be a " hooking of work " and not one of the different ones. " Aimar, D'Alessandro and Tevez, those yes that have magic to play ", was honest.

" We know that with a victory opposite to Brazil we approach more the Games ", he(she) says I fight.

V IÑA OF THE SEA (SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT). It(he,she) sounds stranger than three definitions of the goals of his(her,your) father: Tomás Ezequiel Gonzalez already spent(passed) more than the half of the life without dad Lucho. From the unconsciousness of his(her,your) 42 days and of 3,500 kilograms of love, wait together with mom Pamela the return and the glory of the man who these days does goal everything what touches. Of the man who is correcting the days to achieve the gold preolímpico and to cross the mountain chain that separates it from his(her,your) baby. " I speak more that of custom with my lad. I write. Pub-crawl. They order me the new photos. And even I agree to feel it to cry for the telephone. Another return I saw it for the camarita, it(he,she) could not believe the changed thing that was. It(he,she) is difficult, but the sacrifice costs(suits) in order that tomorrow could give him(her) a well-being ", opens I fight his(her,your) intimacy when he(she) speaks with Olé.

—Por less it(he,she) will know you as the scorer...

—Son chances. Though I like to turn, I do not believe that it could call me that way.

—Pero the chances also are made.

—Es certain. I believe that the position in which I am playing favors me much more to come to the area and this way one has that another opportunity. And also it is necessary to have this quota of luck in order that the ball falls(falls due) you where you are. And that the archers help you a bit, je, since it(he,she) happened(passed) in this tilt.

— to what do you attribute the luck?

—Tal time my kid brought this good moment. Though the happiness of being a dad is slightly incomparable, that is far beyond of the football. It is suffered on not having played nearby, but the consolation stays of knowing that one week stays.

— of the strange goals, did which surprise you more?

—El first opposite to Bolivia I did not even think that it(he,she) could go in. Later, with Ecuador, that of free shot was rare(strange). And that of rebound against Colombia, fell(fell due) his(her) joust.

— the one that you did to him(her) to Colombia did it(he,she) be like of a centrodelantero with smell?

—Es that the technician asks me to come constant and that, when we attack, one tries to put like 9 if it(he,she) is that Carlos is not. Because of it it is possible to give him(you,them) the confusion, but be a scorer still(yet) me lacking.

— at some time had you a squall of this type?

—No, had never been given I. Equal it(she) is welcome.

Mauro Rosales already had to adapt obligadamente to few free spaces that I Fight stopped in his(her,your) room. Between(among) Tomás's photos, the personal computer, more the PlayStation that is never absent in the routines of the amusement, the piece is an almost a room of games. And there Luis demonstrates his(her,your) technological virtues. In the duels(griefs) of tennis it(he,she) does doubles with Javier Mascherano and takes the important unconquered one before the Chori Domínguez and Mariano Gonzalez. And in the football also he is the champion. " There all the goals work out pretty, very pretty for me. One of rebound —se never laughs —. I they win everything ". It is an almost the polyfunctional one like when they order it to the big field.

— polyfunctional Sos?

—No be if to call it of this form.

—Casi that you had not been a hooking up to the Preolímpico.

—Es certain, it is a new position and I like because it(he,she) gives me the opportunity to excel myself. At some time in Hurricane I played of link.

— Tenés some modal in this position?

—Admiro much to the Brujita Verón, which had to play there, but it(he,she) is not that I want to copy anything of his(her,your) game or that I take anyone of his(her,your) characteristics.

— what do you see in your game in order that the technical personnel put you in so different places?

—Yo try to leave everything. I know that I me cannot extract two or three types of above as others, but I must have mobility great and to touch of first to try of that they do not seize me and to find the spaces. My game is based on this mobility.

— then not you considerás the talented one?

—No, for nothing. For they talented me are Paul Aimar, Andrés D " Alessandro, Carlitos Tevez, those that have magic to play.

— and in what player's category would you locate yourself?

—En those who sacrifice themselves. In those who must run for the equipment(team). It might say that I am a hooking work. Though in this equipment(team) this work is entertained because there is a group with many convictions and that it(he,she) is strong.

— Reconocés that sos atypical in this position?

—Seguro. But it(he,she) is as well as the technician asks me to play.

—Tenés that to move, to come to the area, to do goals, does not it(he,she) tire you also to throw yourself to the floor(flat)?

—Y ... I am accustomed to marking, to sacrificing myself, so it exactly goes out for me in more natural form.

— does he(she) fill with enthusiasm you to play against Brazil on Wednesday?

—Sí. We have to classify. And to classify we must gain(earn) three parties(games). That the first one is against Brazil it is a triple motivation. We know that with a victory we approach more the Games.

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